Week 3


Interview with Sandeep Jain

Monday 09.25.2017

This morning we visited the TechShop in downtown San Jose, which was really comparable to a carpenter's shop. Afterwards we continued working on our project at MobileIron in Mountain View. Our task this week was to research what the competitors of MobileIron are doing in the machine learning field. Besides doing that, we had a really interesting and informative meeting with Sandeep who was currently working on machine learning and artificial intelligence. We were able to hear something from his perspective, which delivered us more insights into the topic. Furthermore, we received from Salim a monthly plan of the Platinum MobileIron Cloud for free to have a hands-on experience on the software. This could help us find some possible use cases.

Tuesday 09.26.2017

Compared to other Tuesday mornings, we had a speech instead today. The speech was from Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). In the evening the whole class went to Swissnex in San Francisco where we saw some very interesting pitches from swiss start-ups. There we had some beer and free food as well.

Wednesday 09.27.2017

We stayed at home today and were reflecting upon all the interesting pitches and meetings we had this week. Although hearing those pitches were new to us, we still tried to take away any relevant information that would be useful for our project.

Thursday 09.28.2017

As always on Thursdays, we had lectures in the morning at the Santa Clara University. Then we worked on our project there and continued to research more about our competitors in the EMM business. Also we compared different machine learning solutions on the market. In the evening we decided to visit the Plug n Play Tech Center in Sunnyvale again. There we heard another pitch by other start-ups about automation and AI processing.

Friday 09.29.2017

Today morning we had an interesting Friday speech with Laura, who works for SICPA. In the afternoon we had a meeting with Ojas on WebEx, where we gave a status update of our work and what we have found out about the MobileIron competitors and their progress in machine learning and AI. In the evening we were happy to be at the Business of Beer at the Santa Clara University.