Week 2


Monday 09.18.2017

- Increased the accuracy of our mouse pointer with java.awt.robot.

- Research on an alternative screen recorder that shows the mouse pointer by default.

- We tried to setup a separate script file.

Tuesday 09.19.2017

- Posted the following question on stackoverflow to get help for our problem:


- We found a new variant in AutoIT that could maybe be the solution for our mouse pointer problem.

- Research on a possibility to run a JavaScript file in java.

- Found the Keyword Driven Framework to setup the test script with Selenium.

Wednesday 09.20.2017

- The AutoIT approach was declined by our project provider, because he needs a platform independent solution.

- Instead he told us about a method in JavaScript called getBoundingClientRect () that could solve our accuracy problem with the mouse pointer

- Started to write all the code for the browser control we had in JavaScript, so we can try the new method.

Thursday 09.21.2017

- Creation of a first version of the Big Picture for our project.

- We all agreed to follow our Milestones as defined in the 7 SMART goals.

Friday 09.22.2017

- Figured out how to execute JavaScript code in Java and are now following this approach.

- We are also able to execute simple JavaScript files in Java with the ScriptEngineManager () method.

- We are now able to use the getBoundingClientRect() method within the java code and get coordinates of a webelement with it.