Sept. 2, 2014

Dedham PTF Meeting

September 2, 2014

Attendance: Kellie Bowden, Stephanie Black, Kasha Robertson, Christy Davis, Tina Emery, Kathy Lawson, Kathy Bailey, Marybeth Boudreau, Cathy Hughes, Annie Goodwin, Cynthia Blanchard, Jane Jordan, A Shulman, Erika Haulk, Barbara Pinkham.

Meeting called to order 6:10 p.m.

I. Treasurers Report: Checking $8544.68, savings $549.24. ScripPro

Checking $543.20 (profit of 243.20).

A. Budget for PTF 2014-2015, approved. It was decided that wood chips etc may not be needed, but we are leaving cost in budget. In case fundraising does not reach the budget goal of $2600 then that would be the first expense eliminated.

II. Nomination of Officers- President: Kellie Bowden, VP- Stephanie Black, Secretary- Kasha Robertson, Treasurer- Christy Davis. All voting for officers will occur at OCtobers PTF meeting.

III. Teacher Requests- There are none at this time.

IV. Teacher Needs Board- PTF will continue purchasing $50 a month from Teachers needs board. If nothing available like this month PTF will purchase common needs such at Paper towels, and supplies.

V. Fundraising

A. Coupon booklets- Most of the coupons are for Southern companies. With a disappointment we will not be participating in this fundraiser.

B. ScripPro- All orders will be going out the first Friday of every month. A competition or event was discussed to increase participation with prizes. Annie Goodwin and Erika Haulk will proceed with ideas.

C. Square One Art- Sara McDougal is in charge of this fundraiser and art will be done with classes at the end of September. Orders will be in October.

D.Boxtops/ Kellogs/ Campbells/ Keebler/ Pepperidge Farms--- Tina Emery is doing all these for us :) It was suggested that a flyer on its own separate colorful paper be sent home with all the labels we can clip out to earn our school money. Tina will be composing one. Prizes will still be rewarded for all participants and for the top producer. For Octobers prize 25 tickets and 50 tickets will be prizes to Fall Festival. October meeting we will discuss further prizes.

E. Basket Raffle- During the fall feast on November 1st, PTF will be putting on a basket raffle. Each classroom will be making a basket to raffle, themed ideas. Teachers will meet and pick themes for their class basket with students by Octobers PTF meeting. It was suggested that parents make a monetary donation towards the baskets and a designee can purchase items for the basket for that class. Kathy Lawson will discuss with Teachers.

F. Family Dance scheduled for February. Our area is in need for a family dance. Planning and scheduling will start in November for event.

VI. Performances

Conjuring Carroll was approved last spring and will be the presentation this fall. Kathy will schedule the event and contact him.Price was $324.

VII. Fall Festival- Meeting has been scheduled for September 9 at 6 pm in library to continue planning. Darlings truck is a GO :)