October 3, 2017 Meeting Minutes

October 2016 PTF Monthly Meeting

In attendance: Jane Jordan, Cathy Hughes, Morgan Mattson, Kellie Bowden, Stephanie Black, Kathy Lawson, Laurie Turner, Barb Pinkham

Motion made to make PTF notes into minutes (Barb Will add By-law changes ASAP) Seconded by Laurie Turner, accepted

PTF voting.

Motion made to accept the slate as posted

Jane Jordan- President

Laurie Turner- Vice President

Treasurer- Kellie Bowden

Secretary- Cathy Hughes

All positions were accepted! Congratulations to the next board!

Treasurer’s Report:

Checking- $14,558.94

Savings- $549.06

Scrip Checking- $1,899.06

Monies from playground were used to purchase 2 new basketball hoops and poles. The total was approved with Ted Pierson donating $500.00. They have arrived and Joey Lynch and Mark Babine will be putting them in the ground. The price was $3,500.00 for both.

Motion made to accept the Treasurer’s report. Seconded and accepted.

Teacher Requests:

Mrs. Handley has requested seats and comfy stations for 2nd grade through www.donorschoose.org.

Jane suggested that we put in the newsletter about the need and that PTF will match any donations made online. Jane will email Rhonda for the newsletter letting parents know about the need and that PTF will match any donations.

Mr. Pearson asked for $100.00 for prizes for his programs. A motion was made to approved, second, unanimously accepted.

There was a need identified for a ‘buddy bench’ by the student teachers - a bench that children can sit on to identify the interest of playing with someone else. They have a lead with Lowe’s. Jon Wardwell was also asked if he would build a simple bench

Overseer Questions:

Stephanie’s Kingdom:

Angie Higgins is planning to do Trunk or Treat October 28th handed out in the upper classes inside. Kathy emailed her to tell her that the school is already planning to have a dance. Kathy did tell her that she could do it Saturday or Sunday.

Laurie’s Kingdom:

Shop with Scrip- Annie was training Cathy Hughes, Jane Jordan and Felicia Douglas. Laurie will check in with Annie about transitioning that event.

Jane’s Kingdom:

CLYNK - looking for a group to go and returning the bottles-

These names were offered to be asked to be the bottle returners as Tim Pearson has recently made 4 trips with his truck over the last week as the bags of bottles were overflowing.

Scott Shulman

Bruce Blanchard

Gary Gonzales

Shannon Fish

Mike Boudreau

Kellie’s Kingdom:

She will be continuing to follow-up with volunteers to plug in people for the teacher support ‘kingdom’

Emergency Kits for each class-

5 gallon buckets are being gathered by Dean Bowden as he is able.

October 28th- Middle School Dance

Meeting adjourned at 7:10pm

Next meeting November 2nd-

Respectfully Submitted,

Barb Pinkham

Secretary on the way out!