May 2, 2017 Meeting Minutes

PTF Minutes


In Attendance: Jane Jordan, Stephanie Black, Kellie Bowden, Kathy Lawson, Cathy Hughes, Ken Spaulding, Chelsea Spaulding, Tim Pearson, Tom Christie, Morgan Mattson, Annie Goodwin

A motion was made and seconded to approve the April PTF notes and have them become minutes.

Treasurer’s Report:

Checking $8,997.37

Savings $549.97

Scrip Checking $2,179.41

Jane read a request for John Bapst regarding project graduation. It stated that the cost was $120/student for a total of $18,000.00. The letter asked for a donation to assist with this cost. They felt that if the monies were going to a specific needy student from our community, they would not hesitate to say yes. The team agreed to deny the request.

Teacher Requests:

Mr. Pearson requested $100.00 for the walking club to purchase toe tokens and necklaces for the

participating students. For every 5 miles, students receive a token t be placed on the chain. This activity started today and 75% of the K-4 students walked. It was highly successful. Approved.

Mrs Lawson put in a request for Chandra Poliquin. She is the advisor for the Civil Rights Team. They took the 27 members on a field trip to the Holocaust museum. It was a moving experience. There was no cost for the trip. She is requesting a $50 donation for the museum that would be included in the thank you notes the students are writing. Approved.

Mrs Lawson read a request for Mrs. Kelley and Ms.Williams. They are requesting $175 to cover the cost of a field trip to the Planetarium on June 6th. Both third and sixth grade will be attending for a total of 44 students. Approved.

Mr. Christie requested money for graduation shirts. There are 23 students and shirts cost approximately $10/shirt. He stated that, in the past, student council has purchased these. However, they do not have the money necessary to fund the shirts this year. Approved.

Mrs. Lawson mentioned that the Dress Up Dance for the 7th and 8th graders if this Friday. Mrs.Lawson received a check for $365.00 to cover the cost.

The team discussed graduation. In the past the have given $50.00 to the top two speakers. The team agreed to do the same this year. Kellie then reported that there is also $400.00 budgeted for graduation flowers.

Mr. Pearson asked if the team would provide $150 for field day this year. He stated it would cover the cost of balloons, and assorted supplies needed for the stations. Approved.

The team discussed DARE Graduation . It is scheduled for May 30th. It was agreed that Mrs.Lawson will give Mrs. Frederick the Walmart card to purchase the cake.

Kellie asked if there were any playground needs. No one knew of any.

Talent Show

There are two practices this week (K-2 and 3-5) and one next week for the middle school. Donations will be accepted for Camp Capella in lieu of admission. Ken Spaulding was asked to perform during intermission and graciously agreed. Intermission will last approximately 10 minutes. Bottled water will be sold.

Fall Festival

Annie reported that there is a possibility of a Fraternity form UMO that Tom Coleman is affiliated with might help and run the stations. Annie provided the tentative date (September 16) and Tom is looking into getting an agreement from them. Tom will get alternate date if the 16th is not a good date. If they commit, this will help relieve the parents from helping with stations. Kellie asked to be notified as soon as Tom responded with commitment so she can schedule Darling’s ice cream truck.

It was agreed that we should have a planning meeting in August.

Kellie said that she also has connections for possible helpers if the fraternity is not able to assist. Brittany Young has agreed to head up the volunteer sign up when needed. Morgan suggested we start planning after Memorial Day.

A discussion occurred regarding the event book. The team will go through the book to ensure its organization. They discussed the importance of having it accessible for use as a reference at future meetings.

A discussion occurred as to the existing communication system regarding reminders of meetings and the distribution of information. It was agreed the most efficient manner might be to send an email reminder and encourage people to refer to the meeting notes posted on the website. Annie agreed to continue sending the email reminder.

The team discussed the 2017-2018 school year. The team reviewed the system of distributing volunteer surveys 3 times/year. It was agreed that the surveys would cover the following time periods: September - December, January - March and April - June. Mrs. Lawson will talk to Barb Pinkham to inform and coordinate the continuation of the volunteer system.

Jane distributed the Overseer/Job Duties list. This will be discussed at a later date.

Meeting adjourned: 7:25