Genetics Call 2014-11-25

Post date: Nov 25, 2014 2:50:16 PM

1. Moderate-to-severe COPD analysis

- Planning for a ' Phase 1' analysis - not all groups in the ICGC are included (e.g. Deb does not have all her genotyping yet) - but all realize need to move forward

- Data to be received from ARIC soon

- Less enthusiasm for including prior results from Wilk et al given analysis issues (different phenotype)

- However, will reach out to other cohorts with reasonable number of mod-severe COPD cases from CHARGE (e.g., Framingham, CHS, Rotterdam)

- Planning call with Kathleen Barnes to discuss obtaining LungHealth data and appropriate controls (from similar generation illumina chip - ?CHS)

- For LungHealth and other longitudinal cohorts, discussed challenges of working with longitudinal data - which time point is taken?

- Marike working on COPACETIC GWAS

- Steve points out issue with using pre-bronchodilator spirometry -- hopefully a minor problem; evidence of consistent effect direction / replication in the Wilk et al analysis

2. Other analysis

- MB interested in GxE, nonsmoker COPD, and lung function

- Yohan can provide lookup of eQTL results - this will be very useful