Genetics Call 2016-10-31

Post date: Nov 27, 2016 12:32:59 AM

Present: Busch, Bosse, Hobbs, Rich, Beaty, Sparrow, Dupuis, Manichaikul.

Case control updates: accepted in principle from Nature Genetics.  Performing mostly administrative tasks to complete review.

Emphysema: minor changes made to the analysis plan (mostly file naming) sent around last week.  Analyses are due today - Framingham received.

CanCOLD genotyping is in progress but will not be done in time for the emphysema analysis.  Perhaps as replication?

Integrative genomics: update from Yohan - have reconciled analyses between Laval and UBC; now using HRC.  Discussion about HRC imputation -- Josee and Steve noting improvements in imputation quality particularly for rare variants, and are using this for most analyses.  For individual common variants, there may be better imputation using 1000 Genomes, handled on a case by case basis.  Yohan running TWAS -- most other groups running Predixcan.  Discussed making an imputation reference available for other analysis -- Yohan in general agreeable.  Josee offers her experience in being a test site for this data.

New proposals: Pending, likely emphysema distribution, nonsmoking COPD

What does the next COPD GWAS look like?  

Administrative issues: review of dates, website, name