Genetics Call 2015-3-30

Post date: Mar 30, 2015 3:49:38 PM

1. Case-control analysis

Results received to date - COPDGene, GenKOLS, NETT/NAS, ECLIPSE, Lifelines, B58C, eQTL (Bosse), KARE, Rotterdam, Framingham, ARIC.

LHS received for the combined dataset though still under analysis to see if we can use dbGap controls.

Marike indicates that COPACETIC should be ready soon (within a week).

Michael has reached out to other groups via email; Lovelace can contribute, though time frame is unclear.   Ideally future collaborations to include SPIROMETA/UK Biobank.

Plan for meta-analysis to by mid-June 2015.  Two-analyst meta-analysis (e.g. Michael's group and Marike's group) to QC results.

2. Lung function: some, not all, have completed (eg not done in ARIC, KARE)

Seems reasonable to still try to include with case-control analysis.

SPIROMICS can contribute, will send Deb analysis details.

3. Emphysema

Existing meta-analysis with MESA, COPACETIC; FHS.  Confirming top findings, but hope to find new associations including COPDGene, GenKOLS, ECLIPSE, NETT.  Rotterdam and SPIROMICS will also participate.

Michael has asked about emphysema in other ICGC participants via email - some not yet ready.

Lies will see if other CHARGE groups can participate.

4. Additional analyses

Michael's grant not funded, will discuss resubmission.  Included in this proposal was GxE, exome chip analysis.  Discussion about what to prioritize.

Marike is interested in non-smoking related COPD, will submit proposal.

Also interest in comborbidities / exacerbations (Lies), Edwin van Beek in coronary artery calcifications.

Pete Castaldi brings up possibility of collaborating with ICGC subtyping group to harmonize phenotypes of interest - eg. exacerbations or emphysema distributions.

Next call: April 27th.