Genetics Call 2016-4-25
Post date: Apr 25, 2016 6:14:58 PM
Present on the call - Cho, Lahousse, Pare, Hall, Busch, Hobbs
ICGC Case control paper: nearing the end of updates (?working on co-localization); going through internal review, awaiting SPIROMICS approval. Still considering NG pre-submission. Not clear where to go next, likely Blue or Lancet Resp (Lancet no longer does a respiratory-themed issue).
Two proposals circulated.
Paré and Bossé - eQTL integration with GWAS results
Cho / Sharma / Hobbs / Silverman - overlap with asthma, pulm fibrosis
If objections / issues or interest, please communicate with the proposers
Sina discussed working more closely with CHARGE; Ian mentions SPIROMETA and also UK Biobank. Overall enthusiasm for new / ongoing collaboration, ?new ICGC meeting?
Emphysema analysis: call last week, major analysis issue is heterogeneity
May - no meeting d/t Memorial day - will consider meeting up at American Thoracic Society Meeting