01/07/20 — Tuesday

Post date: Jan 07, 2020 1:5:19 PM


1. Finish any reading and note taking that you still need to do for the F. Scott Fitzgerald biography so that you will be prepared for the open notes quiz on block day.

Outcome Goals:

1. Familiarize yourself the biographical background of F. Scott Fitzgerald and the historical period during which he wrote and lived so that you might have a better foundation as you read The Great Gatsby.

First Thing:

1. Get a Chromebook, take a seat and talk about what you did over break—I'll pass out new Take 5 passes.

2. Share out.


1. Introduce The Great Gatsby: Modern Library ListMovie Trailer

2. Set up a notes sheet

3. Read and take notes on the F. Scott Fitzgerald Biography while I pass out the books and you check them out.