Multilingual Services

  • BIDMC serves a large Russian, Cape Verdean, and Spanish speaking population.

  • We have Spanish, Russian, Cape Verdean, and Chinese interpreters among other languages available through the blue phones. A request can be placed through the ED Dash.

  • There is now a green interpreter iPad that has video interpretation and functions quite well. Not all languages are covered but there are a large number available.

  • At other times, and with other languages, call the language line at 617-632-0050. Interpretation will be provided over the phone, so use a Telcom phone on speakerphone.

  • We also have American Sign Language services. They can be found through the hospital paging system.

    • English is a SECOND language for most Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deaf Blind people.

    • Sign Language is NOT a written language.

    • Statistically, in Massachusetts, the average Deaf person reads English at a 3rd grade level. Please keep this in mind when handing out information in written English, using the TTY or writing back and forth.