
Most consults are placed through the dashboard, which allows us to track the time of page and consultants' recommendations. Please try finding your consult on the dashboard before using the hospital paging system.

1. Click on "Consults" link on the dashboard.

2. Choose consult service

3. Choose consult priority

4. Enter brief info for consultant page

5. Click proceed to send page to consultant and initiate consult

  • For most consults, the “urgent” button is the most appropriate
  • Use the “stat” or “emergent” for unstable patients.
  • For services without a dashboard link (very few), page the on-call consult directly and document the time you called in the dashboard MD comments.
  • If the consult fellow or resident fails to acknowledge consult in timely manner (based on your determined priority), an on-call attending can be paged through the hospital paging system.