Red Sox

In 2003, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center was chosen as the official hospital and health care provider for the Boston Red Sox. The Department of Emergency Medicine staffs Fenway Park with attending physicians, residents, nurses and practice assistants for every Red Sox game, as well as special events held at the park. BIDMC Emergency Medicine residents have the opportunity to experience the unique aspects of mass gathering Emergency Medicine in this historic ballpark located within a mile of BIDMC.Several times a year, BIDMC ED staff also provide medical support to concerts held at Fenway. Recent artists include Justin Timberlake, Tom Betty & The Heartbreakers, Billy Joel, and Zac Brown.

All attendings are required to work at least 1 game per season. An email will be sent prior to the start of the season to sign up for a game.

Each game includes two free tickets in a great location behind the Red Sox dugout and a free meal prior to the game in the media box. The EM resident will spend the game manning the First Aid Station. You will be notified if any patient needs to be transferred to BIDMC, e.g. for head struck by ball, high risk syncope, or other medical issues. You can theoretically spend the entire game in your seat but will be carrying a radio in case your assistance is needed in the First Aid Station.

In the past, we have had highly-publicized cases of a cardiac arrest with field intubation and good outcomes, severe head injury from a bat, a fall down an elevator shaft, and a pregnant cardiac arrest. Be prepared for anything!