Individual Patient View

This is the patient view window for each patient. Here, you can view nearly everything about the patient.

Vitals and Triage Note

To view the patient's triage note, click the + sign next to the Triage vitals:

Referrals: Always check for provider referrals here if they exist

Pathways: If eligible, there are established clinical pathways to follow or decline

MD Comments The primary provider, usually the resident, should write a brief HPI, physical exam, and interventions or events (meds given, tests ordered) that occurred in ED here. This serves as the signout content that the inpatient team will use to learn more about the patient before acceptance.

Admission: Click here when ready to admit the patient to the hospital

D/C Plan: Click here to complete patient discharge instructions

ED Pathways and Policies

A current and updated list of pathways and policies are always available for reference under the "Important Info" tab on the dashboard: