Dashboard Links

You can navigate to all of the ED dashboards (including a Test/Training Dashboard to practice picking up patients and placing consults) here:


Various BIDMC network dashboards are in the middle column. The Test/Training Dashboard link is on the right.

To access the dashboards from offsite:

Option 1:

1) Navigate to secure.bidmc.harvard.edu and log in

2) In the upper right hand corner of the screen will be a box next a button that says "Browse"

Enter "ed.bidmc.harvard.edu" into the box and click Browse

3) Click on the dashboard you wish and log in.

Option 2:

1) Navigate to ed.bidmc.harvard.edu and click on the dashboard you wish

(Hint - if you want to chart at BIDMC Boston you should actually click on Needham!)

2) Log in with your username and password

3) Click the "Clinical" folder and then "ED Dashboards"

4) Click on the name of the site you wish

5) Log in and use as usual.

Note that #1 will seem more responsive but may have javacript issues with the Forerun software.

#2 will likely be more reliable, but slower.