Resident Shift Expectations

The speed at which residents see patients will depend on resident experience and patient acuity. However, we expect all residents to work hard and see new patients as often as they can do so safely.

  • EM3s supervise the core and red zone. They are expected to hear presentations with the attending on every patient seen in the core/red zone and supervise their junior residents with management and procedures.
  • EM2s are tasked with seeing all of the high acuity patients (“triggers”), completing all the usual ED procedures for their patients, and being the “workhorse” residents in the ED in regards to patient volume. They should be seeing, on average, 2 patients/hr.
  • EM1s will be slower in the beginning of the year, but over time should be able to see at least one patient per hour.
  • Off-service residents vary widely but are given the expectation by the chief residents to see approximately one patient per hour (this will often not happen, particularly with off-service interns).
  • Residents are expected to see new patients until at least 60 minutes prior to the end of shift, but if volume dictates, can see new patients at any time including near the end of the shift.

Again, safety is ALWAYS the first priority over speed.