
Europaloo - 10. Europaloo

10 – Europaloo

>>This is a < xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" prefix="st1" namespace="">Babel line service.<<< xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" prefix="o" namespace="">

Questo lo sapevamo.

Ob wir bis morgen Abend noch irgendwo antreffen werden.

>>Europaloo our next station.<<


¡Es realmente formidable!

Steve Pinker - The Stuff of Thought - Language as a Window into Human Nature - hardcover, gift wrap available, in stock, bargain price.

Europaloo here we come!

Allons enfant de la Eu-ro-op…

>>Europaloo hopefully our next station.<<


Eventually, we all became trapped in the language of our surroundings, which turned us into impersonal functionaries or cogs, passively following rules and procedures and relating to each other without feeling

Η ικανότητα ανάληψης ευθύνης που επισημαίνετε συνδέεται με την αποβλεπτικότητα.

>>Any route permitted.<<

Ma quanto mi pensi?

or passion.

Wenn ein Mann nach Jahren im Ausland in seine Heimat zurückkehrte,


weigerte er sich, der zu sein, der er war, als er ging.

Aber wie viel?

People realized that knowing only their own language made them an island.


It was she who first gave me the idea that a language did not, as I had imagined, stand motionless and clear before our eyes.


How much?

Now that everybody can learn foreign languages and manners from scratch, everybody has a free choice to leave his country when he wishes.

But there’s no need for that.

Viel zu viel?

Heutzutage sind also die meistens Kosmopoliten eigentlich nie aus dem eigenen Dorf gekommen.

Le casanier ne quitte jamais son pays, voire sa maison, et ne le regrette pas.

Where then, my dear countrymen, are you going?

Viel zu wenig!

People now live contented without traveling abroad, because everybody lives in a country that has no absolute want of foreign experiences.



We all have our Egyptian side now, our French mood, and our Nahuatl style - the original Ainu, English, and Xhosa foundation showing through, every now and then.

Tanto quanto?

Wie konnte jemand zum Denker werden, wenn alle den ganzen Tag mit Leidenschaften, Menschen und Bücher auf ihre einzige Sprache verbrachten?


Tanto tanto tanto?

>>Hyugsiy twrikslfkhy Europpaloo.<<

Ah, forse ci siamo. Permesso.

Consider how tremendous is the power of education, how unspeakable was the effect of bringing people up from infancy in a single language, and in habits founded on it.


>>Ladies and Gentlemen, please remain seated. We’re stuck on the Docklands Light Railway junction at Canary Town.<<

Pas de chance.

La gente viaggiava: in auto, treno, traghetto, aereo.

Canary Town. Das ist nicht auf meiner Karte!

Det är på detta sätt man kan och måste ompröva det politiska Europaexperimentet...

Hanno perfino combattuto guerre mondiali ripetutamente.

Mi ami?

Let’s spend our life travelling unwillingly 'from a to b' -

...som ett experiment i kosmopolitisk statsbildning.

Ma alla fin fine in Francia si parlava ancora sempre francese, in Italia italiano e in Germania tedesco.

- but always 'via' somewhere or other where we really want to go.

Tanta fatica per cosa?

Consider biodiversity.

Sou um cidadão de Munique.

>>Babel line. Travel randomly, travel adventurously!<<

Tons of papers on biodiversity.

Quem é que decide sobre a guerra e a paz em nome dos cidadãos de Munique?

All praising the diversity of ecosystems.

O concelho municipal de Munique?

>>Cheap day super-saver returns<<

Hundreds of studies on species turnover.

>>with railcard discounts available now<<

O governo do estado da Baviera?

Ma quanto mi ami?

Dozens of conferences on landscape heterogeneity.

>>Panini: mortadella – prosciutto cotto e crudo - mostarda!<<

O parlamento federal alemão?

>>and with special promotion ‘buy two - get three half price’ at the Europaloo terminal.<<

Si on y arrive jamais…

Research projects on the taxonomic richness of invertebrates other than insects, frugivore birds, nocturnal predators, wood-decaying fungi, and cold-loving extremophiles.

O chanceler federal?

Hundreds of scientists focusing their intellectual stamina on the value of the ecosystem services provided by biodiversity.

>>Meine Damen und Herren. Wir sind gerade durch Roma Termini gefahren.<<


O parlamento europeu?

Aho, tuttelellineeportanarroma.

Quando in realtà la gran parte dei campi è ricoperta da monoculture.

A comissão europeia?

Wir nennen die Agrarwüsten.


Et la majorité des publications sur la biodiversité est dans une seule langue!

O presidente dos Estados Unidos?


O Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas?

La solita ipocrisia.

So liegt in jeder Sprache eine eigentümliche Weltansicht.

>>Thrugnsiz sidngiw slopgodslg Europaloo niet.<<

Et la même chose avec la conservation de la diversité linguistique.

Madame, Menschen sind höchst komplizierte Wesen, die dazu neigen,

Once mil millones de seres humanos…

Oui, des tas de livres qui font la bagarre sur la perte des langues, l’extinction linguistique, etcetera.

sich ambivalent und inkonsistent zu verhalten.

Et tout cela ou presque tout cela dans des livres qui ne sont écrit qu’en anglais.

Davvero mi ami?

Skąd bierze się namiętność w tym sporze?

Enfin, when a traveller returneth home, let him not leave the languages of the countries where he hath travelled altogether behind him.

Mais combien?

Monsieur, speaking a language is like having chooks. You cannot go away and leave it, indefinitely, in the care of neighbours.


A lot?

Ah oui, vous avez raison. One of the things that postmodern man considers essential to happiness is recurrent and hasty change of the language prevalent in his environment.

ولنحاول أن نتخيل ما قد يحدث

Only a lot?

>>Infirmity of Body?<<

The common interpretation of the Tower of Babel story

Bien plus que cela?

>>Imbecility of Mind?<<

J’ai connu des tas de gens très intelligents qui sont incapables d’apprendre une langue étrangère…

is that the collapse was a misfortune.

That it was the distraction or the weight of many languages

Wir sind dran, eine Niemandssprache zu sprechen.

Однако это происходит сегодня.

…et pas mal d’imbéciles, moi incluse, qui sont bilingues et trilingues.

Moi aussi. Mais combien?

>>Or Inevitable Necessity?<<

that precipitated the tower's failed architecture.

Are we sure that one monolithic language would have expedited the building,

>>Get a Break from It. Get a Babel line train to … fzz hiisss<<


and that heaven would have been reached?


Maybe the achievement of Paradise was premature,


Arredamenti, mobili, reclames di interni, fai più bella la tua casa!

>>Reisende nach Locarno werden gebeten, umzusteigen.<<


Come sarebbe possibile tirare innanzi senza queste estetizzazioni?

if no one could take the time to understand other languages, other perspectives, other narratives.

Du bist nicht ganz sicher?!!

But there must be in human nature a mental language common to all ways of expressing thoughts!

Gar nix?!

Achieving genuine friendship, appreciating other people for their otherness, for their other minds...


Com’era bello quando non ci si capiva.

Welche Sprache kann ich sprechen?


You mean: es hora de largarme?

Yes, madam, that distance, all those abysses due to people not understanding each other’s language, was not wholly bad.

…may be the most difficult of achievements.

But anyway, even now that you can understand all of them, you can’t sit in all the taxis driven by these loquacious ambassadors from Delhi, Dar es Salaam and Bucaramanga.

Moi je préfére aux régions opulentes et débordantes de diversité linguistique celles plus pauvres…

Hyutisg dks.

Sie meinen : where are you from?

¿y a ti qué te importa quién soy?

You are probably right. People understood less of each other, that’s for sure, but maybe they felt more free of each other.

Ghtw ghtw. Hghwt! H ghwt?

Si poteva viaggiare in treno in Lapponia in un vagone pieno di turche immerse in una discussione accanita sull’allargamento a Ovest dell’Unione Europea senza capire un’acca...

>>All travel is language travel.<<

How well does the WWW represent human language?

...e potendo cosi’ leggere tranquillamente il tomo di Kant sulla pace nel mondo.

After all, you can choose to be an exile only if others stay at home.

Wie schön, als man noch schreiben oder sagen konnte:


…où les langages possèdent une vraie valeur,

ma senza venir capiti.

Die Sprache, die die beiden wechselten,

Et puis elle a dit:

Czego oczy nie widzą,

Qwerty yuiop.

tego sercu nie żal.

At best you can grab a mere crumb of this frenetic global kaleidoscope.

E le ho risposto:

Und dann sagte er:

Ma poi mi dice,

Sdf hjk.

war ebenso unverständlich wie gurgelnd,

Xc - nb.

où, probablement, les gens les aiment ne serait-ce qu’un peu parce qu’ils n’en possèdent pas d’autres.

leidenschaftlich wie fremd und schön.

And then she was:


>>Don’t worry: we’re off line.<<

Men are still vain of the force or softness of the language of their parish.

Løbebanen løbebanen.

Nous croyons spontanément écouter les choses « telles qu’elles sont ».

>>Ja, also, hier heterogene Situation…<<

Yes, because people still remember when being in a foreign country meant walking a tightrope high above the ground without the net afforded a person by the country where one had his family, colleagues, and friends,

Ali ovom knjigom želeli smo da damo doprinos kritici,

and where one could easily say what one had to say in a language one had known from childhood.

>>…ich muss den Zug neu aufgleisen…<<

Erreur ! Nous les percevons seulement comme le langage nous utilisons pour les décrire nous contraint à le faire.

koja postaje istinski plodonosna i koja dobija civilizacijski značaj,

>>…im Moment basteln wir an der neuen Babelline-Homepage…<<

Si poteva andare in Francia, cercare un ristorante in cui ci fosse solo gente del posto, e stabilire che lì si sarebbe mangiato bene.

tek kada postaje društvena samokritika.

Stabilire dall’accento Oxbridge che si trattava di gente che ha studiato e conosce le buone maniere.

The appreciation of foreign languages is, quite literally, an acquired taste…

>>…Meine Leberwerte sind auch nicht besser.<<

Multikulturalizam u društvu se često posmatra kao naročiti demokratski stav:

It was possible to tell that someone with Yorkshire accent would probably not have snobbed you.

Essere snobbati è un toccasana: ti ricorda che la tua lingua è polvere, e polvere ritornerà.

Notizen nehmen heißt den Atem anhalten,

jednako pravo svih kultura da se razvijaju na kugli zemaljskoj,

>>Mmm. Che cenetta strepitosa! Complimenti al cuoco.<<

…but because your typical Englishman, circa, say, 1975, had never had a proper conversation in a language other than English…

wenn alle unsere Sinne danach streben,

>>Un virus nel database di richieste dei viaggiatori per le prossime fermate?!<<

to je tako reći demokratija premeštena iz odnosa izmedju pojedinaca na odnos medju kulturama

>>Will you pass me the Chianti please.<<

…he didn't demand one.

die flüchtige Sprache einzufangen.

It's a queer experience to listen to a language you haven't heard in twenty years...

Wer schreibt, arbeitet an der Grenzen und ihren gleitenden Übergängen,

>>Quindi nessuna speranza di arrivare mai più da nessuna parte?<<

Everybody is now an intellectual chameleon, changing his language in accordance with his interlocutor.

>>Sollten wir es an die Reisende mitteilen?<<

Tanto abbiamo sentito, merli.

Une telle perspective n’est pas réconfortante.

Ya veremos si lo vivimos.

Zjawisko ma najwyraźniej charakter przemieszczenia:

…you remember it in no detail, and you remember it all wrong.

odbywa się w zastępczej, symbolicznej przestrzeni i czasie

dort, wo sie verfließen und verschwinden.

- w innym miejscu i ze znacznym opóźnieniem w stosunku do wydarzeń, na które się powołuje.

Est-ce que nous pouvons continuer toute notre vie comme cela ?

Tristemente, la respuesta es un "no" contundente.

Speaking of foreign languages, I should mention that I can't understand any.

I did try to learn, once, but after a few lessons the Babel instructor and I agreed that it was not a good idea,

Η ικανότητά μας να βλέπουμε τη διαφορά μεταξύ αυτού που μας λέει κάποιος να κάνουμε και του τι οφείλουμε να κάνουμε,

What do you say, Pilar?

Chi pensa che una persona che parla non fa rumore se non c’e’ nessuno che capisca la sua lingua?

η ικανότητά μας να αναλαμβάνουμε την ευθύνη για τις αξίες μας και τις πράξεις μας,


and that I could save a lot of innocent lives by sticking to my mother tongue.

δεν είναι απλά θέμα τού να ακολουθεί κανείς κανόνες

Of course, no sound is heard unless sound waves reach the ears of a hearer…

αλλά σχετίζεται με το να σταθεί κανείς και να αποφασίσει ποιος είναι.

Mommy, when do we get home?

Можно ли считать Россию полноценной частью Европы?

I’m tired.

Tačiau vis dėlto slapta nuojauta sutikti kitą civilizaciją buvo.

Is it French you are talking, sir?

Il mondo va avanti lo stesso senza che io parli.

Wie er Bayerisch spricht,

Darling, aren’t you interested in the chance of being initiated into thirty-three languages?

o capisca.

schlechthin, ungewählt, gleichgültig

Darling, don’t cry.

und mühelos dahinplätschernd,

Learning a foreign language, becoming part of a foreign culture, makes you to return to a sort of childhood credulity.

>>Erlu mesma dfjka jfwoe Europaloo.<<

…but it does not follow that there was no sound to be heard.

so schreibe ich es auch.

Unsere Heimat ist überall,



Kāpēc tu tik bieži brauc uz Latviju?

überall wo wir waren…

Gdodies ksa ksi.

Ja teiksi, ka dodies uz Parīzi, Londonu, Helsinkiem vai Pekinu, neviens šādu jautājumu neuzdos.

Западная Европа в чрезвычайной степени занята искусством разглядывания собственного пупка.

Are languages like ships which have to be rebuilt on high seas,

A párbeszédek és a szerzoi szövegek ideális aránya 4/3:0/3.

…und überall wo wir noch gerne wären.

كما كنا نحلم أيضاً بنظام دولي أكثر إنصافاً

Norvegiškai samai kalba, o štai samų dialektus buvo gerokai primiršę.

without ever being able to disassemble them in dock…

Geliştirilen yeni öneriler, çeşitliliği ve çoğulculuğu teşvik etmektedir.

…and construct them afresh from the best available components…

Она занята собой.


Nudien, kāpēc es apmeklēju Latviju, kad vien varu?


Eksztrém regény az, ami a 17. és a 121. alpontok által meghatározott körbe nem fér bele, de minden egyéb kritériumnak megfelel.

U všech revolucí se nakonec euforie změní v rozčarování.


Žinoma, perdedu.

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