
Europaloo - 4. San Patrick International

4 – San Patrick International

>>This is Charing Cross.<<

Is a language value free?

>>Mind the doors.<<

Change your language if you don’t like the one you are speaking, honey.

Las sociedades que no logran atraer los idiomas extranjeros se estancan.

Well, my love, I do think that the health of a man’s language…

…should be loved and reverenced as his bride…

Mientras más cerebros se fuguen, mejor.

…whom he has chosen from all the world…

Quelle bêtise!

>>The next station is San Patrick International<<

Used to call it San Pancras International.

Oui, mais puis ils ont décidé qu’il fallait changer pour faire plaisir aux Irlandais.

Vedi, caro, questa e’ una citta’ dove tutti parlano come gli parre e piacce.

Vous savez c’est l’Irlande qui s’impose aujourd’hui.

Tá 106 mhilliún duine in Éirinn.

Ryus, you should learn to speak more than one language at a time.

Invece sono solo in 66 milioni di poliglotti qui a Londra ora.

Taigi kultūros tėkmė į, iš ir tarp kultūrų turi daug ką bendra su tuo, kaip mes šiuos terminus suvokiame.

Tutti gli abitanti dell’isola si sono trasferiti nella metropoli quando cinque anni fa si è sparsa la notizia che bere la birra della capitale rende ogni lingua un bicchier d’acqua.

Die übrigen Gebiete Großbritannien sind nun ein Naturreservat ohne jegliches Zutun des Menschen.

Maintenant il n’y pas de langue qui n’aille jamais été parlé par quelqu’un à Londres.

E tu capisci?

Lad os elske vores naboer.

>>Austerkarte: günstig fahren, zuerst bezahlen!<<


Yes, Frau Nanchang: the progress of this city is due to the fact that the individual languages spoken here vary from the world’s average in all sorts of directions.



Madame, our mission is to replace the book written in a single language.

Wahrscheinlich hinfügen, nicht ersetzen…

>>Any refreshments?<<

…aber warum, Herr Tongas?

>>Borlotti, mirtilli, pomidori!<<

Evropská unie má sice jednotnou měnu, ale jak se to má s jednotným jazykem?

Perché viviamo in un mondo plurilinguistico, ed è ora che anche la letteratura rifletta questo stato di fatto.

>>Gourmandises, produits du terroir, recettes printanières?<<

Eine bouillabaisse, bitte.

Mais est-ce que la traduction des livres qui méritent d’être traduit n’est pas suffisante?

>>Here you are sir, that’ll be forty fifty please.<<

Vierzig fünfzehn?

>>Jawohl: vierzehn fünfzig. Dankeschön.<<

El problema del idioma en Europa está en camino de resolverse por sí mismo.

Merci beaucoup.

>>Grazie a lei, buon appetito e buon viaggio.<<

The book as we know it is a joint product of the writer and of the world in which the writer lives.

>>Cocina medieval y renacentista!<<

Herr Tongas, wer hat gesagt, dass wer übersetzt werden kann, verdient nicht, übersetzt zu werden?

>>Salat mit Wurst und Käse?<<

Frag noed.

People change the language they speak all the time, even in a single family. They speak one language with their children, one with their neighbors, another one at work, a more relaxed one at the pub, and a different one with people from abroad. When people are themselves abroad, either they switch language,

>>We will be shortly arriving at San Patrick International.<<

oder sie besuchen eine Express-Babelschule für Touristen.

>>Mind the gap...<<

Quindi perché non fare lo stesso nei romanzi?

>>…between the train and the platform.<<

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