
Europaloo, or ich waere gerne European

1 – Liverpool Street Station

>>Mind the gap.<<

How do you know?

>>Please mind the gap.<<

How do you know what?

>>This is a Babel line service.<<

Revolutioner er samfundsmæssige omvæltninger.

>>The next stop is…<<

How do you know that the book you are reading will go on in the same language?

>>Liverpool Street Station.<<

Det betyder ikke, at de afstedkommer en fundamental systemændring.

>>Bip Bip. Mind the closing doors.<<

By induction!

La globalització té lloc a Varsòvia i a Nova York.

Induction has its philosophical problems.

… i a qualsevol petita ciutat de Holanda.

Listen to cosmopolitan London!

Översättning är en form av motstånd.

Mon amour, un nouveau réseau est en train de naître.

Europa ist eine Sache des Kopfes.

Czy Europa w ogóle potrzebuje wspólnej pamięci?

Oder des Bauches.

Ah oui, un nouveau système de coordonnées?

Yeah, get on any London train today…

>>Carrefour de l'Europe<<

Αλλά αυτή η επισήμανση αφορά τελικά πολύ περισσότερα πράγματα.

…and the languages you'll hear are likely to be Polish, Urdu, or Chinese.

>>Grab of Europe<<

Avui, podem dir el mateix de Madrid.

Anc’arroma. Ce sta’nc’arroma.

>>Treffpunkt Europa<<

Mary, do you feel at home as an immigrant?

Процесс расширения ЕС размывает границы Европы.

Mmm. By hanging on to my identity?

>>Punto d'encuentro d'Europa<<

Or creating a new one?

Hey, do you know that over 300 different languages are now taught in London’s schools?

Klingt etwas übertrieben.

>>This is Liverpool Street Station.<<

Where once you found classes with 90 per cent of children who couldn’t speak or understand English?

Esto es comprensible.

>>Change here for the Central, District, Olympic and Circle lines.<<

So, what is the language of the book you are reading?

Прежде всего условимся о терминах.

Sono sulla metropolitana. Si: ti richiamo quando arrivo a Eur ... fzzz.

>>And for National Rail Services. Mind the gap.<<

Границы невозможно закрыть герметически.

Don’t ask me.

[home - Europaloo01 - Europaloo02]

2 – Paddington

>>Mind the gap.<<< xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" prefix="o" namespace="">

Seit 2054 gehören alle Sprachen allen Menschen.

>>This is a < xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" prefix="st1" namespace="">Babel line service to Paddington.<<

Jeder spricht die Sprache, die er möchte.

Ah, davvero?

>>Mind the closing doors.<<

Und jeder versteht, solange er die Babelschule besucht hat.

So, have translators become irrelevant after the final unification of Europe?

Na nein, das ist kein einmaliges, abschließend behandelbares Thema…

Yes, they most definitely have.

La traduction est un miroir qui,

…sondern ein andauernder Prozeß.

par ses déformations,

Pero es necesario superar la atmósfera de suspicacias.

réfléchit une nouvelle lecture.

Nicht ist leichter, als sich schwierig auszudrücken.

Es necesario reforzar la confianza mutua.

Man steigt ein und aus einer Sprache, ohne zu fragen und gefragt zu werden.

How do you do that?

Oui, les Etats-Unis ne participent pas encore à l'accord.

Perhaps this amazing result has to do with … yes, you know… with the experimentation in language use…

Američané jsou z Venuše.

… experimentation you get in global life?

No, per nulla. E’ la scuola babelica. Dal 2020 offre corsi contemporaneamente in tutte le lingue.

Einfach los mit dem pathologischen Mißtrauen aller gegen alle, nur weil man die Sprache der Nachbarn nicht versteht.

Dieci viaggi in full immersion, tutto compreso e offerto dalla fondazione Guglielmo Portoni, e sei pronto per il mondo globalizzato.

¡Qué gran noticia!

Yes! The world’s social and cultural mix…

Evropané z Merkur.

…its flowing and fractured style…

>>This is a Babel line service.<<

Imparate l’Inglese: serve a parlare col mondo.

…the displacement and connection between cultures.

Men innebär "oöversattbar"_

E a capirlo, cosa ancora piu’ importante.

>>We will be shortly arriving at Paddington.<<

Who ever has the patience to go through all this…

_med nödvändighet "oöversätt"?

It’s quite nice, actually.

>>Change here for the National Rail Services<<

Il n’y a pas grande chose qui se déroule.

>>The Bakerloo, District, Circle, Cosmopolitan, and Hammersmith and City Lines.<<

Aber doch kurz und bündig.

Si: non comprensibilissimo, però tanto dialogo.

V lednu se Evropská unie opět rozšířila směrem na východ.

>>Mind the gap.<<

[home - Europaloo01 - Europaloo02 - Europaloo03]

3 – < xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" prefix="st1" namespace="">Charing Cross

>>This is Paddington. Mind the doors.<<< xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" prefix="o" namespace="">

Listen mom.

Dinlersen, işitebilirsin.

Yes, darling.

>>Next stop Charing Cross. This is a Babel line service. Charing Cross our next stop.<<

Wenn kein Sinn darin ist…

I need a personal translator.

…so erspart uns das eine Menge Arbeit…

Why do you need a personal translator?

Because Alice has got it!

…denn dann brauchen wir auch keinen zu suchen.

Mom, Alice has got it!

But Alice hasn’t been to Babel-school yet.

No hi ha res que m'agrade més...

I have!

...que agafar dos o tres números recents de revistes culturals...

I have! I have!

...retirar-me al meu estudi...

Mom! I’ve been to Babel-school!

Yes, you have. And that’s why you don’t need a personal translator.

...i començar a llegir.

You can have a personal robot, if you like. A personal Küchikastli. Even a double-decker. I can get a wind quintet for you, darling. But you don’t need a personal translator.

Nimi Eurooppa on mahdollisesti vieläpä peräisin kreikkalaisen mytologian prinsessa Europasta_

But I want it!

Конечно, в том, что за деньги не купишь счастье, нет ничего нового.

Mom, I want a personal translator.

E piantla ‘n po’ li’.

Mooooom! I want it!

_joka joutui härän hahmon todenteolla ottaneen Zeuksen sieppaamaksi.

Ssh darling. Good girl. Monsu’, el masnà al’è n’camin ca vu dà fastidi?

D`Froog, wo Europa aafoot beziihic’swisi uffhoert…

Oh, pas du tout. I beg your pardon.

…wird heftic diskutïert.

>>This is Charing Cross.<<

My lady, a life dominated by a single language…

¿Como evitar repetir de novo os erros do pasado

Premature polyglot skills make for adults in whom empathy with their fellow beings, with intercultural processes and with the world’s diversity

Parole grosse.

>>Alight here for National Rail Services<<

ist einfach selbstverständlich.

e criar condicións para unha coexistência duradeira entre línguas tan diferentes?

…is I’m afraid a narrow life…

>>and for the District, Circle, Northern, Southern and Bakerloo lines<<

… and at the start of the day incompatible…

>>Don’t forget your personal languages...<<

…with every kind of real change of mental scenery.

>>…and belongings. Thanks for traveling with Babel line today.<

[home - Europaloo02 - Europaloo03 - Europaloo04]

4 – San Patrick International

>>This is < xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" prefix="st1" namespace="">Charing Cross.<< < xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" prefix="o" namespace="">

Is a language value free?

>>Mind the doors.<<

Change your language if you don’t like the one you are speaking, honey.

Las sociedades que no logran atraer los idiomas extranjeros se estancan.

Well, my love, I do think that the health of a man’s language…

…should be loved and reverenced as his bride…

Mientras más cerebros se fuguen, mejor.

…whom he has chosen from all the world…

Quelle bêtise!

>>The next station is San Patrick International<<

Used to call it San Pancras International.

Oui, mais puis ils ont décidé qu’il fallait changer pour faire plaisir aux Irlandais.

Vedi, caro, questa e’ una citta’ dove tutti parlano come gli parre e piacce.

Vous savez c’est l’Irlande qui s’impose aujourd’hui.

Tá 106 mhilliún duine in Éirinn.

Ryus, you should learn to speak more than one language at a time.

Invece sono solo in 66 milioni di poliglotti qui a Londra ora.

Taigi kultūros tėkmė į, iš ir tarp kultūrų turi daug ką bendra su tuo, kaip mes šiuos terminus suvokiame.

Tutti gli abitanti dell’isola si sono trasferiti nella metropoli quando cinque anni fa si è sparsa la notizia che bere la birra della capitale rende ogni lingua un bicchier d’acqua.

Die übrigen Gebiete Großbritannien sind nun ein Naturreservat ohne jegliches Zutun des Menschen.

Maintenant il n’y pas de langue qui n’aille jamais été parlé par quelqu’un à Londres.

E tu capisci?

Lad os elske vores naboer.

>>Austerkarte: günstig fahren, zuerst bezahlen!<<


Yes, Frau Nanchang: the progress of this city is due to the fact that the individual languages spoken here vary from the world’s average in all sorts of directions.



Madame, our mission is to replace the book written in a single language.

Wahrscheinlich hinfügen, nicht ersetzen…

>>Any refreshments?<<

…aber warum, Herr Tongas?

>>Borlotti, mirtilli, pomidori!<<

Evropská unie má sice jednotnou měnu, ale jak se to má s jednotným jazykem?

Perché viviamo in un mondo plurilinguistico, ed è ora che anche la letteratura rifletta questo stato di fatto.

>>Gourmandises, produits du terroir, recettes printanières?<<

Eine bouillabaisse, bitte.

Mais est-ce que la traduction des livres qui méritent d’être traduit n’est pas suffisante?

>>Here you are sir, that’ll be forty fifty please.<<

Vierzig fünfzehn?

>>Jawohl: vierzehn fünfzig. Dankeschön.<<

El problema del idioma en Europa está en camino de resolverse por sí mismo.

Merci beaucoup.

>>Grazie a lei, buon appetito e buon viaggio.<<

The book as we know it is a joint product of the writer and of the world in which the writer lives.

>>Cocina medieval y renacentista!<<

Herr Tongas, wer hat gesagt, dass wer übersetzt werden kann, verdient nicht, übersetzt zu werden?

>>Salat mit Wurst und Käse?<<

Frag noed.

People change the language they speak all the time, even in a single family. They speak one language with their children, one with their neighbors, another one at work, a more relaxed one at the pub, and a different one with people from abroad. When people are themselves abroad, either they switch language,

>>We will be shortly arriving at San Patrick International.<<

oder sie besuchen eine Express-Babelschule für Touristen.

>>Mind the gap...<<

Quindi perché non fare lo stesso nei romanzi?

>>…between the train and the platform.<<

[home - Europaloo03 - Europaloo04 - Europaloo05]

5 – Macedonia Station< xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" prefix="o" namespace="">

>>Take care at the doors.<<

Wow, per un pelo!

The only revolutions that do not lead to counterrevolutions landing us back to approximately where we begun…

Si, per un pelo lo perdevamo!

>>This is San Patrick International<<

Mademoiselle, c’est grâce au traité de Fiumicino-Kloten de 2011…

Αλλά φυσικά ήταν εν μέρει θέμα τύχης,

…que l'anglais n’a pas marginalisé si facilement les langues européennes.

Il primo trattato europeo firmato in volo.

Tehdy se přede mnou otevřel onen zázrak slova, magie literatury.

…are revolutions that change the language used by writers.

El lenguaje es siempre hogar y tierra natal para un escritor.

αφού είχαμε την ευτυχία να συνεργαστούμε με μια ομάδα πολύ ταλαντούχων νεαρών ακαδημαϊκών που απλώς αποφάσισαν ότι αυτό έπρεπε να γίνει.

>>This is a < xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" prefix="st1" namespace="">Babel service to Macedonia Station.<<

Siccome ora si parla ogni lingua dappertutto,

Macedonia Station … on est sur le tube juste, Passepartout?

Ja, darum gibt es kein Heimweh mehr.

Oui, c’est le nouveau nom pour Victoria.

Ein Zuhause, mein Schatz, ist wohin Du gehst,

Ciao, sono sulla Babel line.

wenn Dir die Sprachen ausgegangen sind.

Arrivo tra poco a Macedonia.

So, Gordon, yes, yes, I can hear you, perfect reception…

Bene, benissimo. tell me: what are we gonna ask…

Et toi, ça va ou pas?

Macedonia tönt mehr politisch korrekt als Victoria.

…at the next committee meeting of the Euro-parliament in Upminster?

To be completely, entirely honest (and not merely honest in part), I would have personally preferred something like Gallimaufry.

What! A return to a free-trade instead of a free-language European policy? Is this what we’re gonna pursue at the meeting? My goodness!

Das ist Unsinn, man hat schon lange nicht mehr mit der exponentiellen Erweiterung der Übersetzungsanforderungen Stand gehalten…

All right, Tony, I see your point, seems perfectly reasonable, not at all, no, that’s completely all right, let me just listen to these guys here.

…oder mit dem Verhandlungsaufwand, wenn Leute aus 117 Sprachgemeinschaften in einem Zimmer sitzen.

En effet, mon chéri, l'avantage de ce big bang a été une révolution radicale…

…dans l’utilise des langues différentes…

Světem obchází strasidlo amerikanizace.

…dans le processus de prises de décision…

Polivaj pustu zemlju i natjeraj je da cvate kao ruža.

Im Gegensatz zum früheren monolinguistischen Roman

…dans une UE explosée jusqu’à Alma-Ata et Addis Abeba.

Υπάρχουν πολλές δυνατότητες.

bedarf die Weltliteratur heutzutage überhaupt keiner Übersetzung mehr.

Και οι χώρες είναι πολύ διαφορετικές.

>>Ceci est un train de la ligne Babel.<<

En effet, le droit de chaque Européen à parler les langues des autres Européens…

Значная частка "моўнай праблемы" неэмпірычная і таму некадыфікавальная.

>>Meine Damen und Herren, wir sind gerade in Mazedonien Bahnhof eingetroffen.<<

…est un des éléments de son droit à la fraternité…

Zehn einsame Jahre beim Studium der Basler Mundart

>>Fate attenzione al gradino.<<

in den staubigen Bibliotheken von Einsiedeln!

…et à la prise de conscience de la diversité.

[home - Europaloo04 - Europaloo05 - Europaloo06]

6 – Marylebone

>>Attenzione alle porte.<< < xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" prefix="o" namespace="">


>>Questo è un treno della linea babelica per…<<

Yes, I think so.

Una puntuación a cada uno de trabajadores migratorios

I love the British.

sobre la base de criterios objetivos,

Of course.

como el idioma?

And now that they speak idiomatic Polish,


even with native accent,

Nie podejmuję się tego wyjaśnić.

I have no trouble at all in feeling British.

Durante muito tempo

Before the invention of the Babel-line, I’m afraid < xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" prefix="st1" namespace="">Britain was an island.

Co zatem z tą zjednoczoną Europą?


os estudos de tradução

…in spite of the centuries of scholarship…

>>Let op de deuren.<<

…mostly done in just one language…

confinaram a noção de tradução

…was an island in Britain.

a limites relativamente estreitos.

All Idioms...

>>Δώστε προσοχή στις πόρτες.<<

Das Bekenntnis zur europäischen Einigung erfordert keine gemeinsame Umgangssprache mehr.

All Idioms was an island in Oxford.

Gott sei Dank.

Yes, literally an island.

Jadis, le personnage influent cosmopolite faisait des adeptes parce qu’ il savait…

And I was an island in All Idioms. le personnage influent autochtone parce qu’ il comprenait.

So, one, deux, tre, vier, I was a quadruple island.

Para lograr esta identidad compartida...

But now that we can speak whatever language we fancy, I feel at home.

...todos los ciudadanos deben hablar el idioma...

Given that globetrotting Britons used to never use any accent but their own,

Można oczywiście odwołać się do negatywnych stereotypów.

I don't complain.

…de todos los ciudadanos.

Mamma, ho fame.

>>Dies ist ein Babel-zug von Mazedonien Bahnhof nach Marylebone.<<

Have a snack, John Carlo!

Son yirmi yıl içinde,

It was produced in Cornwall

çevirinin tanımı giderek karma şık bir sorun haline gelmi ştir.

with milk from Antarctica

L’homme est un animal transformable…

coconuts from Tibet

Čoraz viac sa hovorí o nevyhnutnosti vypracovať európsku ústavu,

and cereal from Alaska.

…mais si un individu s’acclimate vite…

Ecco, tieni.

Mmm - che buono!

In den seltensten Fällen konnten damals die Leute in mehr als einer Sprache flüssig umgehen,

It’ll be good for your multilinguistic skills, vedrai!

založenú na spoločných európskych hodnotách.

...une collectivité ne s’acclimate que lentement.

weil die Leute meistens im selben Sprachbereich lebten, wo sie aufgewachsen waren.

>>Ici, c’est Marylebone.<<

Però già a quell’epoca si sosteneva che la traduzione era sempre più superflua...

Und die Sprachen sind eben so schwierig; man braucht die moderne Gentechnik, um die sich anzueignen.

>>Per cortesia, non dimenticate nulla sul treno.<<

... e oggi poi, ma dimmi tu dove sta la necessità di tradurre?

[home - Europaloo05 - Europaloo06 - Europaloo07]

7 – < xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" prefix="st1" namespace="">London Bridge

>>Vorsicht an den Türen.<< < xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" prefix="o" namespace="">

Dad, do you agree that people are actually still too stuck in one single language?

>>This is a Europaloo bound service.<<

Yes, I know, but shouldn’t we appreciate the cultural and societal arbitrariness of many of the words we use?

>>Une ligne babélique pour Europaloo.<<

All right, I am not going to argue with that, not on the phone at least, but a book written in many languages is written to everybody.


If a book is just in one language, then it gives a wrong impression to the reader.

Da quando Europaloo? Pensavo fosse Waterloo?

No, that’s right, but they will think you can live all your life within a single-language world.

Sshh. Waterloo wird nicht mehr gebraucht.

Exactly, that’s no longer the case.

Que así sea.

And it won’t be possible for a while either.

Die Franzosen mochten es nicht.

Papà, non c’è bisogno che il libro sia in tutte le lingue europee: è possibile anche con solo due o tre, non trovi? Pensa quante combinazioni possibili!

Es bringt ihnen unangenehme Erinnerungen.

What will bookshops and libraries do to order the books?

Nun heißt es eben Europaloo.

Dad, they’ve always used a subdivision by subjects.

London nikogaš nemala kulturen, politicki ili bilo drug centar, iako sekogaš se obiduvaše da sozdade eden.

Papi, sie werden zurückschauen, und das monolinguistische Buch mit der Musik, die für ein einziges Instrument komponiert ist, vergleichen.

Europaloo e’ ben meglio. Un sondaggio dell’EU ha dimostrato che il 90% dei cittadini europei e tutti gli stati tranne uno preferiscono il nuovo nome.

Ne, unsere Seele ist ein verborgenes Orchester; ich weiß nicht, welche Instrumente, Geigen und Harfen, Pauken und Trompeten es in uns spielen und dröhnen lässt. Aber ich kenne mich nur als linguistische Symphonie.

When the name was changed, under an ad hoc EU commission directive, a huge shopping center was opened on top of a futuristic tower above the refurbished station, and a multimedia Babel-school was inaugurated underneath the shopping center.

Dad, we Europeans are caught in an awfully complex linguistic web, tied in lots of mutually entangled languages.

But it was not just the Babel-school at Europaloo which made Londoners conversant in foreign languages.

It doesn’t need to be dialogue only.

Ne, es war eher wegen der Billigfluggesellschaften. Lange Zeit gab es mehr Britische Leute auf Flugzeugen als in Großbritannien selbst.

You can have a narrating voice switching language according to the linguistic environment, and characters thinking in one language but speaking in another one.

>>Any unseen tickets?<<

We had badly overestimated the role of our language, which turns out to be pretty peripheral now that everybody understands everybody else.

Schon geseh’n. Schon geseh’n. [Wo hab ich’s denn verloren?]

Невозможно предсказать какое место литература будет занимать в будущем, если ей вообще будет там место.

Europa har i århundrer vært en idé, et håp om fred og forståelse.

We Europeans have wiped out linguistic diversity from North to South America, throughout Siberia and Australasia, and now we risk doing the same in Europe too!

Si, per via dei prezzi. La gente ha capito a poco a poco che conveniva spendere la vita sugli aerei piuttosto che nelle costosissime abitazioni del Regno Unito d’Europa.

Oui, je sais, però encara que hi ha moltes bases històriques pan-europees, no existeix cap narrativa veritablement unificadora.

Europeisk enhet har gjort fred og velstand mulig.

Dad, it’s not true that multiplying the number of languages in a book will divide the number of readers by that number. They are going to be four and a half anyway.

>>Questo è un treno della linea Babele a destinazione di Europaloo.<<

Papa ! C’est pas vrai : le déconcertement profond que l’on éprouvait quand j’étais un enfant dans un pays étranger…

>>Unfortunately, due to signal problems, this train will not be able to reach Europaloo, our intended destination. We are being redirected to London Bridge.<<

…est aujourd’hui complètement surmonté par la maîtrise de la langue qu’on a déjà quand on arrive là bas.


>>This is a Babel line service redirected to London Bridge. Apologies for any inconvenience that this change of schedule may have caused you.<<

What? The Spring Symphony performed by the Canterbury Choral Society?

>>Was hat das denn damit zu tun?<<

Quoi ? L’héritage?

Conducted by Richard Cooke? The Sea Symphony by Richard Cooke at Canterbury Cathedral?

>>E' di Benjamin Britten, pas de Richard Cooke!<<

Und wie geht man am besten von London Bridge nach Europaloo?

Weder Richard Cooke, noch Benjamin Britten, sondern Vaughan Williams.

Papà, tua figlia ha deciso di pubblicare un romanzo multilingue, che tu decida di diseredarla o meno. Chiaro?

Ja, stimmts, aber was ist schon die korrekte Aussprache von Vaughan Williams?

You can either take a Charing Cross bound South-Eastern train, or a Jubilee line, hoping that they are working all right.

>>This is London Bridge. Mind the doors.<<

Best of luck.

Qampas hinallataq.

[home - Europaloo06 - Europaloo07 - Europaloo08]

8 – < xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" prefix="st1" namespace="">Ealing Low Street

>>Please keep on minding the doors.<<< xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" prefix="o" namespace="">

Sir, mind you, when I was a young woman…

Wie haben die Leute es eigentlich geschafft, so rasch mehrsprachig zu werden?

…I would speak Spanish to my landscape architect…

Richtig! Sprachenschulen hatte es schon immer gegeben.

>>This is a Europaloo …

Man vermutet, es ist einfach was Falsches in der Gentechnikindustrie passiert.

>>sorry, this is a train which was meant to be at Europaloo, but is now at London Bridge.<<

…English to my broker…

>>We are now heading to Montpellier, I beg your pardon, to Gare Montparnasse.<<

Et bien, c’est joli cela, n’est-ce pas.

Oui, on retourne à la maison sans qu’il faille changer à Europaloo.

>>Euböa. Eugene? Buenos Aires?! Argh. Babel line service to Euston.<<

Siamo diventati poliglotti per aver mangiato alimenti geneticamente modificati?

>>Any wishes about our next stops, please contact me using the Babel line customers feedback machinery. You can do that in any language.<<

When do we get to Europaloo?

Je to dôležitá a ťažká otázka.

…French to my boulanger…

>>Don’t forget to fasten your seat belts.<<

En er zijn steeds meer steden en gemeenten in Europa die taal als gemeenschapsgoed erkennen,

No, some say it is people who have actually been genetically modified.

…Schwyzertütsch to our dentist…

Unfug. Es braucht doch ein Paar Generationen, um sowas zu erreichen.

en de toegang tot taal als een mensenrecht.

…and Italian to the chef de cuisine.

Exactly. Nature was already multi-linguistic, so it was linguistic nurture which needed to be addressed.

>>How the Mind Works Poster (Broché) de Steven Pinker (Auteur) - Aucun commentaire client existant. Soyez le premier. Disponibilité : Actuellement indisponible. Nous ne savons pas quand cet article sera de nouveau approvisionné ni s'il le sera.<<

Immer mehr soziale Milieus entstehen,

But of course some very distinguished gentlemen now talk in Japanese to their boulangers…

>>The next train to arrive at platform five will divide here…<<

Jawohl. I linguaggi della società aperta presuppongono in ciascun individuo la coesistenza di molteplici identità: civili, estetiche, etiche, religiose

in denen sich Sprachgruppen überlappen,

e linguistiche.

>>The front eight coaches will form the 16:52 to Ramsgate…<<

in denen Menschen im alltäglichen Leben die Sprache ständig wechseln.

…in Inca to their travel agents…

I actually think all this is due to the introduction of a compulsory year abroad during University.

ERASMUS für alle, und nun alle sprechen wie ein Erasmus?

>>The rear four coaches will form the 16:53 to Ramsgate…<<

…In Tutsi to their brokers…

Ce que nous avons décidé entre Fiumicino et Kloten,

>>Please ensure you are travelling in the correct part of the train.<<

…and in ancient Greek to their lawyers.

c’est que nous devions considérer la langue de tous les pays du monde,

El detalle más importante que los estudiantes deben tener presente_

>>Any refreshments?<<

comme un ensemble à être diffusé ouvertement à travers la littérature.

So, was it a eurocratic decision after all?

Keineswegs. Das ist alles Quatsch.

Viaggiare non serve molto a capire...

Es ist einfach passiert, dass Forscher Geräte erfunden haben

>>Any rubbish?<<

Geräte, mit denen fremde Sprachen so schnell übersetzen werden können, wie man spricht.

_es el de que deben estar motivados para lograr una comprensión profunda_ serve a riattivare per un momento l’uso delle orecchie...

>>Ladies and gentlemen, Euston station in a few moments time.<<

Po odzyskaniu niepodległości film polski właśnie zaczął się bardzo szybko rozwijać. lettura auditiva del mondo.

_y no el aprendizaje memorístico_

>>Mind the step please.<<

Mais non, la vraie raison est l’interdiction généralisée de résidence dans le même état européen pour plus de douze mois.

_de los idiomas que estudien.

Et les vacances des enfants toujours dans un pays différent que leurs parents peine leur extradition en Chine pendant une année entière ont aidé aussi, quoi ?

>>Mesdames et messieurs: on est à la gare de Euston.<<

Macchè, è stata l’internet. Finalmente tutte le lingue a portata di tutti.

>>N’oubliez rien s’il vous plait.<<

[home - Europaloo07 - Europaloo08 - Europaloo08b]

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>>We apologize for the technical problem with the doors.<<

¿Qué hacen una inglesa, un español y un belga sentados en un tren?

I’d love you.

>>Given that the doors refuse to open, this train will now leave Euston…<<

The connection is bad, so I’ve practically got to shout!

Abychom tento stav zlepšili…

>>und wird South Brompton in wenigen Minuten erreichen.<<

I’ve said you were by far the most beautiful woman there!

>>Prochain arrêt: Brompton Sud.<<

…musíme prohloubit dialog a komunikaci mezi novináři a těmi, o kom píší.

But you're ageing beautifully!

Ma come fanno le lingue a mantenersi distinte?

What? I can’t hear you!

C’est vrai: on pourrait s’attendre qu’on aurait eu un bel mélange entre les langues!

You’re ageing beau-ti-ful-ly!!

The world is a continuously intertwined system…

In vielen Domänen, vor allem in den neu entstandenen Kreolen, hat man allerdings noch immer einen langen Weg vor sich.

Hay temores desde ambos lados.

…slicing it up inevitably distorts it.

I'm sorry, ha ha.

L’ibridizzazione è sempre dietro l’angolo.

I meant you hadn't aged at all.

In this endless conversation between who’s got something to say…

Je mogoče, da smo dočakali konec umetnosti?

…and who’s temporarily waiting for words,

Not so anyone would notice.

>>Meine Damen und Herren: South Brompton ist auf Grund einer betriebtechnischen Störung leider nicht erreichbar.<<

…the margin of freedom of the individual language is sometimes very narrow.

>>We are going to be redirected to < xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" prefix="st1" namespace="">Ealing Low Street.<<

Siinä missä muut taiteenlajit ovat 1800-luvulta lähtien saavuttaneet maksimaalisen ilmaisullisen ja keinollisen vapauden,

>>Ci scusiamo con i signori viaggiatori per l’inconvenienza.<<

The importance of the individual language decreases as the number of languages increases:

kärsii teatteri yhä 2000-luvulle siirryttäessä rajoituksista,

…if a statement is not made here today in a certain language…

>>Informiamo i signori viaggiatori che dfzz brr...<<

jotka estävät sitä kehittymästä muiden taiteenlajien veroiseksi ja yhtä vakavasti otettavaksi ilmiöksi.

…it will most certainly be made somewhere else tomorrow in a different language.

The Stuff of Thought: Language As a Window into Human Nature (ハードカバー)

Steven Pinker (著) まだカスタマーレビューはありません, 今すぐどうぞ

E dove sta il teatro in diverse lingue?

>>This is Ealing Low Street.<<

A "bevándorló-irodalom" és a "bevándorló-író" kifejezés mára meglehetősen problematikussá vált.

>>Mind the gap.<<

Oui, allez-y avec la dramaturgie polyglotte.

[home - Europaloo08 - Europaloo08b - Europaloo09]

9 – South Brompton, < xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" prefix="st1" namespace="">International Gallery, Berlin Westbahnhof

>>This is a Babel line service.<<< xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" prefix="o" namespace="">

Lovely day, isn’t it?

Oui, an individual born into this world…

I’m not sure. I haven’t seen yet how the weather’s like today.

Was heute gelesen wird, wurde zu einem großen Teil außerhalb des Sprachgebietes vom Lesenden geschrieben.

Oh dear, so, how long have you been travelling on the Babel line then?

Oui, allez-y, … is born into a world …

Not to have born is undoubtedly best,

>>We have been informed that South Brompton station is now fully working.<<

but sound sleep, with dreams in Japanese, is second best.

>>Carta ostrica: e vai fino a Ustica!<<

A couple of days.

...into a world...oui, je vous entends, allez-y...

Und werden Sie lange hierbleiben?

Tutto ciò che fa eco è già stato stampato.

Es ist noch nicht ganz bestimmt.

It’s my brushing up course, you know.

>>Mind the doors.<<

Anche i sogni.

…in which there already exist many languages. Donc c’est ça notre slogan pour la campagne publicitaire Eden-école, avec la quelle on ira faire de la concurrence à Babel-school?

Humans were forced out of the Garden of Eden

>>We’ll get back to South Brompton then.<<

by the first information revolution

>>I hope South Brompton is all right with our customers.<<

when Eve and Adam ate at the tree of knowledge.

Now we have to descend into this outlandish tube line every thirteen months or so for the brushing up course.

>>Après South Brompton on ira très probablement jusqu’à North Brixton.<<

We are all, if we only knew it, already there.

>>Qualcuno preferisce West Croxley invece di North Brixton?<<

Det är i detta avseende som jag ser mig själv som europé.

>>East Brompton unsere nächste Aufenthalt.<<

Was wir denken, verweist auf Überlegungen, die sich oft woanders entfaltet haben.

Repetita iuvant.

Wie das Denken im Kopf entsteht. Sonderrabatt! Gebundene Ausgabe. Verfuegbarkeit. Derzeit nicht verfuegbar. Von Steven Pinker.

>>West Brixton o North Croxley déspues de South Brompton.<<

I den skrivende (og læsende) stund bliver vi foranderlige.

>>Or possibly St. James’s Park.<<

>>Enjoy your journey with the Babel line.<<

Wer widersteht der Sprache seiner Umgebungen?

Min poäng är enkel.

>>Rauchen nicht gestattet. Auf dem ganzen Zug.<<

Il valore di una frase risiede nella lingua di chi la pronuncia.

>>Carte Huître. C’est plus facile.<<

Norge skapade inte Ibsen.

Many shall pass to and fro and languages shall be increased.

>>Meine Damen und Herren. Ich muss Ihnen nun leider mitteilen, dass auf Grund einer unerwarteten und unvorhersehbaren betriebtechnischen Störung Bahnhof South Brompton momentan noch einmal unerreichbar ist.<<

En blandning av influenser och strömningar, inte minst en hel värld av litteratur, skapade Ibsen.

Et pourquoi ça?

>>E’ per via di un problema all’alimentazione quantistica del raccordo che porta a North Brompton.<<

E già: navigate verso nord per raggiungere il sud!

Imagine what the world would look like today had Henry VII been willing to sponsor Columbus’s first transatlantic voyage.

I denna del av den europeiska kontinenten fortsätter den stora förflyttningen av folk.

Oui, et si la Louisiane avait resté française ?

>>We’re now gonna have to go back to East Ealing.<<

Boni boni, non litigate, dài. Heute macht es kein Unterschied mehr.

Mit tud Európáról az, aki csak Európát ismeri?

>>East Ealing our next station. Any refreshments?<<

Perchè nulla di nuovo può essere detto da creatura umana.

[home - Europaloo08b - Europaloo09 - Europaloo09b]

---nuova pagina, as if for a new chapter---

< xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" prefix="o" namespace="">

>>This is < xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" prefix="st1" namespace="">West Ealing.<<

Has anybody ever said: kolikalökelükunk?

Oh blessed Central Line,

>>This is most definitely not West Ealing.<<

Je ne trouve rien d’admirable comme les soleils couchants…

a real line with mercifully fixed stations,

>>Please listen for further announcements.<<

…mais au bord de la Piccadilly line, surtout…

not like the stinking random

…oh, j’adore la Piccadilly line!

Babel line!

Senseless discords and a horrible disorder all the way down to Europaloo.

The Stuff of Thought. By Steve Pinker. Find the Stuff of Thought on Not yet published: you may still order this title. We will dispatch it to you when we receive it from the publisher. Buy this book with The Blank Slate!

>>Mind the doors.<<

Aber wo sind wir denn überhaupt?

Indeed. This line is going to the dogs.

Whichever way you get to Europaloo…


>>Doors out of order.<<

E che c’entrano i cani ora?

>>This is a Babel line due to Barking.<<

…it's twenty random stops and different languages almost without a break.<

Monsieur, vous avez un tempérament sanguin.

Nobody planned it, nobody wanted it, but most people have to travel in it.

Ça ne m’arrange pas.

Why don't you emigrate, Glinka?

Je vous soignerais plus facilement si vous aviez un tempérament bilieux.

I should have thought that would have suited you.

Mademoiselle, puisque nous n’aurons pas beaucoup de temps ensemble…

I've got a family.

…je vais vous donner en deux minutes tous les langages que j’aurais pu vous donner en une vie, c’est bien ?

I'm often on the point of going myself.

Écoutez-moi; je vais vous donner un conseil: adorez vos compétences linguistiques, même si passives.

And then I know I couldn't live without the Babel line.

On peut avoir du vocabulaire tant qu’on veut, le tout est d’être riche en dedans.

And once for all, let me tell thee and assure thee, young man,…

Je ne fais pas un tas de giries, je vais au but, soyez heureuse.

…it's better to sail with a moody polyglot captain…

Oh ! être riche, libre, sceptique, aigu, compatissant, ironique, personnel et doucement altruiste, traverser le monde à la Cyrano.

…che con un capitano sorridente ma monoglotta.

>>Ladies and Gentlemen, in wenigen Minuten erreichen wir International Gallery.<<

C’est le rêve cela.

International Gallery ? On avait dit Barking !

>>Apparently Barking is now closed for refurbishments. We’re very sorry about that.<<

Mais être lié par une foule d’intangibles devoirs, de convenances, être enfermé, muré, amputé, garrotté … c’est la réalité.

E donde sta la stazione “International Gallery”?

The gigantic invisible broom that transforms, disfigures, erases languages has been at the job for millennia now,

C’est dans la Battersea Power Station.

Ne, es wurde nach Heathrow verlegt.

Le voyager me semble un exercice profitable.

Art collections are now displayed in airports.

but its movements, which used to be slow, barely perceptible, have sped up so much that I wonder,

People have time to stroll around, there are plenty of security personnel, and there’s lots of space as well.

L’âme y a un training continuel à remarquer les choses nouvelles ;

would an Odyssey even be conceivable today?

et je ne connaît meilleure école à former la vie que de lui proposer incessamment la diversité de tant d’autres langues.

The language of this country being always upon the flux…

>>International Gallery our next stop. Bevande? Panini?<<

J’aime beaucoup, d’une des langues…

Is the epic of the return still pertinent to our time?

…me jeter dans une rue traversière et gagner la langue suivante…

When Odysseus woke on Ithaca's shore that morning,

…(en oubliant toujours l’ordre de succession)…

could he have listened in ecstasy to the language he was used to at home before departing,

>>International Gallery our next stop.<<

if the people in Ithaca were now speaking a different language

>>International Gallery.<<

…comme on pourrait quitter…

with an accent he couldn’t even recognize?

>>International Gallery ist momentan voll verstopft... Tee oder Kaffee?<<

… un roman de chevalerie pour un conte de Maupassant.

[home - Europaloo09 - Europaloo09b - Europaloo09c]

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>>This is Barking.<<

Meine größte Angst -

>>Please disregard the previous announcement.<<

Αυτό είναι το πρόβλημα της συνάφειας.

>>Punto d'encuentro de l'Europe<<

und das mag komisch klingen –

Eu considero o modernismo literário, antes de mais nada...

>>Carrefour of Europe<<

war die Angst vor meiner Muttersprache.

...como uma tentativa de descobrir novas formas de verdade...

>>Grab dell'Europa<<

Ich hatte immer Angst, meine Muttersprache ins Zentrum zu stellen,

>>Europeisk Treffpunkt<<

…incluindo o plano formal.

>>Meine Damen und Herren, hier ist eigentlich irgendwo in der Nähe der alten Tower von London.<<


He means somewhere, you know.

Ich weiss, aber wo?

Man kan säga att ett av syftena med det kosmopolitiska synsättet är att ladda ur just dessa begrepp...

war immer bereit, die Sprache von anderen Leuten zu reden.

Pour moi, il n’y a pas des langues, mais une seule et grande langue dont on peut choisir les variantes au gré de sa fantaisie.

...tömma dem på den djävulska energi som orsakat så många krig och övergrepp.

Einmal sagte mir aber jemand,

O que é que pode unir o mundo?

immer die Sprache der anderen zu reden sei egoistisch.

Mah, il mondo sta bene disunito:

Es sei egoistisch, Wissen und Erfahrung seiner eigenen Muttersprache nicht mit anderen teilen zu wollen.

Vive la diversité et l’absence d’unité!

Linguistische Anerkennung zu suchen, ist ein Merkmal des Ego.


Aber das Gegenteil, sie zu meiden, auch!

O nas samych raczej zamilczmy.

Pronto, pronto, chi parla?

Hva er bakgrunnen for denne formen?

Pronto? Oui, c’est moi. Grüß Gott.

Selbst-bewusst, du sagst?

Not understanding everything…

Or self-conscious?

Ah, cavaliere, buongiorno - come sta? Non, oui, pas de problèmes. Jawohl, erzählen Sie bitte, I’m all ears.

...can make you realize how fragmentary knowledge is.

No, per nulla. Hay cosas de las que podemos aprender mutuamente.

Considere todas as coisas importantes para nós que jamais refletimos,


de que nós jamais estamos totalmente cientes.

Gaga foifi?


>>This is < xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" prefix="st1" namespace="">Covent Garden.<<

Oh, really? Let me get out of here!

A cinq heures c’est un peu tôt.

Anche a me ! Fatemi scendere – Largo, largo.

Да да, in nocte consilium.

Og er det vi husker om oss selv rett?

>>Actually, we’ve just been through Berlin Westbahnhof without stopping but we forgot to let you know about it.<<

In Piazza Minore?

Berlin Westbahnhof??!

>>We’ll know proceed to …bzzz. Krr. Yhysi..<<

Consider all that has taken place…

>>Für Berlin-Karlshorst, Berlin-Friedrichslagen, Berlin-Qahremanshahr und Erkner, Gleis neun.<<


>>Per Milano Centrale via Würzburg-Ulm-Lindau-Coira-Lecco, binario due.<<

at half past eight

If language itself represents a particular way of looking at the world

>>Paris Gare de l’Europe, c’est à la voie quatre.<<

a pair of glasses that we keep wearing without being conscious of it,

in Piazza Minore

>>For London Europaloo, you are advised to make your way to platform seven b please.<<

Platform seven b! And we’re on a tube train which didn’t stop!

>>Nach Berlin Zoologischer Garten, Berlin Vipiteno, Berlin-Charlottenburg und Belzig, Gleis dreieinhalb.<<

how could we see what others, wearing different glasses, saw?

Odpověď není zcela zřejmá.

Pero éste es precisamente el punto.

al Caffé Nusseparlacoreano.

…and how little we can preserve of it.


Bis morge! Sali.

[home - Europaloo09b - Europaloo09c - Europaloo10]

10 – Europaloo

>>This is a < xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" prefix="st1" namespace="">Babel line service.<<< xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" prefix="o" namespace="">

Questo lo sapevamo.

Ob wir bis morgen Abend noch irgendwo antreffen werden.

>>Europaloo our next station.<<


¡Es realmente formidable!

Steve Pinker - The Stuff of Thought - Language as a Window into Human Nature - hardcover, gift wrap available, in stock, bargain price.

Europaloo here we come!

Allons enfant de la Eu-ro-op…

>>Europaloo hopefully our next station.<<


Eventually, we all became trapped in the language of our surroundings, which turned us into impersonal functionaries or cogs, passively following rules and procedures and relating to each other without feeling

Η ικανότητα ανάληψης ευθύνης που επισημαίνετε συνδέεται με την αποβλεπτικότητα.

>>Any route permitted.<<

Ma quanto mi pensi?

or passion.

Wenn ein Mann nach Jahren im Ausland in seine Heimat zurückkehrte,


weigerte er sich, der zu sein, der er war, als er ging.

Aber wie viel?

People realized that knowing only their own language made them an island.


It was she who first gave me the idea that a language did not, as I had imagined, stand motionless and clear before our eyes.


How much?

Now that everybody can learn foreign languages and manners from scratch, everybody has a free choice to leave his country when he wishes.

But there’s no need for that.

Viel zu viel?

Heutzutage sind also die meistens Kosmopoliten eigentlich nie aus dem eigenen Dorf gekommen.

Le casanier ne quitte jamais son pays, voire sa maison, et ne le regrette pas.

Where then, my dear countrymen, are you going?

Viel zu wenig!

People now live contented without traveling abroad, because everybody lives in a country that has no absolute want of foreign experiences.



We all have our Egyptian side now, our French mood, and our Nahuatl style - the original Ainu, English, and Xhosa foundation showing through, every now and then.

Tanto quanto?

Wie konnte jemand zum Denker werden, wenn alle den ganzen Tag mit Leidenschaften, Menschen und Bücher auf ihre einzige Sprache verbrachten?


Tanto tanto tanto?

>>Hyugsiy twrikslfkhy Europpaloo.<<

Ah, forse ci siamo. Permesso.

Consider how tremendous is the power of education, how unspeakable was the effect of bringing people up from infancy in a single language, and in habits founded on it.


>>Ladies and Gentlemen, please remain seated. We’re stuck on the Docklands Light Railway junction at Canary Town.<<

Pas de chance.

La gente viaggiava: in auto, treno, traghetto, aereo.

Canary Town. Das ist nicht auf meiner Karte!

Det är på detta sätt man kan och måste ompröva det politiska Europaexperimentet...

Hanno perfino combattuto guerre mondiali ripetutamente.

Mi ami?

Let’s spend our life travelling unwillingly 'from a to b' -

...som ett experiment i kosmopolitisk statsbildning.

Ma alla fin fine in Francia si parlava ancora sempre francese, in Italia italiano e in Germania tedesco.

- but always 'via' somewhere or other where we really want to go.

Tanta fatica per cosa?

Consider biodiversity.

Sou um cidadão de Munique.

>>Babel line. Travel randomly, travel adventurously!<<

Tons of papers on biodiversity.

Quem é que decide sobre a guerra e a paz em nome dos cidadãos de Munique?

All praising the diversity of ecosystems.

O concelho municipal de Munique?

>>Cheap day super-saver returns<<

Hundreds of studies on species turnover.

>>with railcard discounts available now<<

O governo do estado da Baviera?

Ma quanto mi ami?

Dozens of conferences on landscape heterogeneity.

>>Panini: mortadella – prosciutto cotto e crudo - mostarda!<<

O parlamento federal alemão?

>>and with special promotion ‘buy two - get three half price’ at the Europaloo terminal.<<

Si on y arrive jamais…

Research projects on the taxonomic richness of invertebrates other than insects, frugivore birds, nocturnal predators, wood-decaying fungi, and cold-loving extremophiles.

O chanceler federal?

Hundreds of scientists focusing their intellectual stamina on the value of the ecosystem services provided by biodiversity.

>>Meine Damen und Herren. Wir sind gerade durch Roma Termini gefahren.<<


O parlamento europeu?

Aho, tuttelellineeportanarroma.

Quando in realtà la gran parte dei campi è ricoperta da monoculture.

A comissão europeia?

Wir nennen die Agrarwüsten.


Et la majorité des publications sur la biodiversité est dans une seule langue!

O presidente dos Estados Unidos?


O Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas?

La solita ipocrisia.

So liegt in jeder Sprache eine eigentümliche Weltansicht.

>>Thrugnsiz sidngiw slopgodslg Europaloo niet.<<

Et la même chose avec la conservation de la diversité linguistique.

Madame, Menschen sind höchst komplizierte Wesen, die dazu neigen,

Once mil millones de seres humanos…

Oui, des tas de livres qui font la bagarre sur la perte des langues, l’extinction linguistique, etcetera.

sich ambivalent und inkonsistent zu verhalten.

Et tout cela ou presque tout cela dans des livres qui ne sont écrit qu’en anglais.

Davvero mi ami?

Skąd bierze się namiętność w tym sporze?

Enfin, when a traveller returneth home, let him not leave the languages of the countries where he hath travelled altogether behind him.

Mais combien?

Monsieur, speaking a language is like having chooks. You cannot go away and leave it, indefinitely, in the care of neighbours.


A lot?

Ah oui, vous avez raison. One of the things that postmodern man considers essential to happiness is recurrent and hasty change of the language prevalent in his environment.

ولنحاول أن نتخيل ما قد يحدث

Only a lot?

>>Infirmity of Body?<<

The common interpretation of the Tower of Babel story

Bien plus que cela?

>>Imbecility of Mind?<<

J’ai connu des tas de gens très intelligents qui sont incapables d’apprendre une langue étrangère…

is that the collapse was a misfortune.

That it was the distraction or the weight of many languages

Wir sind dran, eine Niemandssprache zu sprechen.

Однако это происходит сегодня.

…et pas mal d’imbéciles, moi incluse, qui sont bilingues et trilingues.

Moi aussi. Mais combien?

>>Or Inevitable Necessity?<<

that precipitated the tower's failed architecture.

Are we sure that one monolithic language would have expedited the building,

>>Get a Break from It. Get a Babel line train to … fzz hiisss<<


and that heaven would have been reached?


Maybe the achievement of Paradise was premature,


Arredamenti, mobili, reclames di interni, fai più bella la tua casa!

>>Reisende nach Locarno werden gebeten, umzusteigen.<<


Come sarebbe possibile tirare innanzi senza queste estetizzazioni?

if no one could take the time to understand other languages, other perspectives, other narratives.

Du bist nicht ganz sicher?!!

But there must be in human nature a mental language common to all ways of expressing thoughts!

Gar nichts?!

Achieving genuine friendship, appreciating other people for their otherness, for their other minds...


Com’era bello quando non ci si capiva.

Welche Sprache kann ich sprechen?


You mean: es hora de largarme?

Yes, madam, that distance, all those abysses due to people not understanding each other’s language, was not wholly bad.

…may be the most difficult of achievements.

But anyway, even now that you can understand all of them, you can’t sit in all the taxis driven by these loquacious ambassadors from Delhi, Dar es Salaam and Bucaramanga.

Moi je préfére aux régions opulentes et débordantes de diversité linguistique celles plus pauvres…

Hyutisg dks.

Sie meinen : where are you from?

¿y a ti qué te importa quién soy?

You are probably right. People understood less of each other, that’s for sure, but maybe they felt more free of each other.

Ghtw ghtw. Hghwt! H ghwt?

Si poteva viaggiare in treno in Lapponia in un vagone pieno di turche immerse in una discussione accanita sull’allargamento a Ovest dell’Unione Europea senza capire un’acca...

>>All travel is language travel.<<

How well does the WWW represent human language?

...e potendo cosi’ leggere tranquillamente il tomo di Kant sulla pace nel mondo.

After all, you can choose to be an exile only if others stay at home.

Wie schön, als man noch schreiben oder sagen konnte:


…où les langages possèdent une vraie valeur,

ma senza venir capiti.

Die Sprache, die die beiden wechselten,

Et puis elle a dit:

Czego oczy nie widzą,

Qwerty yuiop.

tego sercu nie żal.

At best you can grab a mere crumb of this frenetic global kaleidoscope.

E le ho risposto:

Und dann sagte er:

Ma poi mi dice,

Sdf hjk.

war ebenso unverständlich wie gurgelnd,

Xc - nb.

où, probablement, les gens les aiment ne serait-ce qu’un peu parce qu’ils n’en possèdent pas d’autres.

leidenschaftlich wie fremd und schön.

And then she was:


>>Don’t worry: we’re off line.<<

Men are still vain of the force or softness of the language of their parish.

Løbebanen løbebanen.

Nous croyons spontanément écouter les choses « telles qu’elles sont ».

>>Ja, also, hier heterogene Situation…<<

Yes, because people still remember when being in a foreign country meant walking a tightrope high above the ground without the net afforded a person by the country where one had his family, colleagues, and friends,

Ali ovom knjigom želeli smo da damo doprinos kritici,

and where one could easily say what one had to say in a language one had known from childhood.

>>…ich muss den Zug neu aufgleisen…<<

Erreur ! Nous les percevons seulement comme le langage nous utilisons pour les décrire nous contraint à le faire.

koja postaje istinski plodonosna i koja dobija civilizacijski značaj,

>>…im Moment basteln wir an der neuen Babelline-Homepage…<<

Si poteva andare in Francia, cercare un ristorante in cui ci fosse solo gente del posto, e stabilire che lì si sarebbe mangiato bene.

tek kada postaje društvena samokritika.

Stabilire dall’accento Oxbridge che si trattava di gente che ha studiato e conosce le buone maniere.

The appreciation of foreign languages is, quite literally, an acquired taste…

>>…Meine Leberwerte sind auch nicht besser.<<

Multikulturalizam u društvu se često posmatra kao naročiti demokratski stav:

It was possible to tell that someone with Yorkshire accent would probably not have snobbed you.

Essere snobbati è un toccasana: ti ricorda che la tua lingua è polvere, e polvere ritornerà.

Notizen nehmen heißt den Atem anhalten,

jednako pravo svih kultura da se razvijaju na kugli zemaljskoj,

>>Mmm. Che cenetta strepitosa! Complimenti al cuoco.<<

…but because your typical Englishman, circa, say, 1975, had never had a proper conversation in a language other than English…

wenn alle unsere Sinne danach streben,

>>Un virus nel database di richieste dei viaggiatori per le prossime fermate?!<<

to je tako reći demokratija premeštena iz odnosa izmedju pojedinaca na odnos medju kulturama

>>Will you pass me the Chianti please.<<

…he didn't demand one.

die flüchtige Sprache einzufangen.

It's a queer experience to listen to a language you haven't heard in twenty years...

Wer schreibt, arbeitet an der Grenzen und ihren gleitenden Übergängen,

>>Quindi nessuna speranza di arrivare mai più da nessuna parte?<<

Everybody is now an intellectual chameleon, changing his language in accordance with his interlocutor.

>>Sollten wir es an die Reisende mitteilen?<<

Tanto abbiamo sentito, merli.

Une telle perspective n’est pas réconfortante.

Ya veremos si lo vivimos.

Zjawisko ma najwyraźniej charakter przemieszczenia:

…you remember it in no detail, and you remember it all wrong.

odbywa się w zastępczej, symbolicznej przestrzeni i czasie

dort, wo sie verfließen und verschwinden.

- w innym miejscu i ze znacznym opóźnieniem w stosunku do wydarzeń, na które się powołuje.

Est-ce que nous pouvons continuer toute notre vie comme cela ?

Tristemente, la respuesta es un "no" contundente.

Speaking of foreign languages, I should mention that I can't understand any.

I did try to learn, once, but after a few lessons the Babel instructor and I agreed that it was not a good idea,

Η ικανότητά μας να βλέπουμε τη διαφορά μεταξύ αυτού που μας λέει κάποιος να κάνουμε και του τι οφείλουμε να κάνουμε,

What do you say, Pilar?

Chi pensa che una persona che parla non fa rumore se non c’e’ nessuno che capisca la sua lingua?

η ικανότητά μας να αναλαμβάνουμε την ευθύνη για τις αξίες μας και τις πράξεις μας,


and that I could save a lot of innocent lives by sticking to my mother tongue.

δεν είναι απλά θέμα τού να ακολουθεί κανείς κανόνες

Of course, no sound is heard unless sound waves reach the ears of a hearer…

αλλά σχετίζεται με το να σταθεί κανείς και να αποφασίσει ποιος είναι.

Mommy, when do we get home?

Можно ли считать Россию полноценной частью Европы?

I’m tired.

Tačiau vis dėlto slapta nuojauta sutikti kitą civilizaciją buvo.

Is it French you are talking, sir?

Il mondo va avanti lo stesso senza che io parli.

Wie er Bayerisch spricht,

Darling, aren’t you interested in the chance of being initiated into thirty-three languages?

o capisca.

schlechthin, ungewählt, gleichgültig

Darling, don’t cry.

und mühelos dahinplätschernd,

Digitales Eldorado!

Learning a foreign language, becoming part of a foreign culture, makes you to return to a sort of childhood credulity.

«Wer die <Gioconda> sehen möchte, muss nicht vor dem Louvre Schlange stehen»,

>>Erlu mesma dfjka jfwoe Europaloo.<<

…but it does not follow that there was no sound to be heard.

so schreibe ich es auch.

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Unsere Heimat ist überall,



Kāpēc tu tik bieži brauc uz Latviju?

überall wo wir waren…

Gdodies ksa ksi.

Ja teiksi, ka dodies uz Parīzi, Londonu, Helsinkiem vai Pekinu, neviens šādu jautājumu neuzdos.

Западная Европа в чрезвычайной степени занята искусством разглядывания собственного пупка.

Are languages like ships which have to be rebuilt on high seas,

A párbeszédek és a szerzoi szövegek ideális aránya 4/3:0/3.

…und überall wo wir noch gerne wären.

كما كنا نحلم أيضاً بنظام دولي أكثر إنصافاً

Norvegiškai samai kalba, o štai samų dialektus buvo gerokai primiršę.

without ever being able to disassemble them in dock…

Geliştirilen yeni öneriler, çeşitliliği ve çoğulculuğu teşvik etmektedir.

…and construct them afresh from the best available components…

Она занята собой.


Nudien, kāpēc es apmeklēju Latviju, kad vien varu?


Eksztrém regény az, ami a 17. és a 121. alpontok által meghatározott körbe nem fér bele, de minden egyéb kritériumnak megfelel.

U všech revolucí se nakonec euforie změní v rozčarování.


Žinoma, perdedu.

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