Off-Beat Topics

  1. We need more sheepdogs

  2. Pink elephants have nasty tempers

  3. Canada is a truck, not a sportscar

  4. Diamonds are a girl's best friend

  5. Shamrocks should be crushed

  6. We need greener lawns

  7. Winter is better than you think

  8. We should all be cowboys

  9. TV is everything

  10. This house would dance with the devil in the pale moonlight

  11. TV commercials are right

  12. Slow and steady wins the race, but doesn't enjoy it as much

  13. Clocks are great

  14. Mice are nice

  15. Santa Claus is a communist plot

  16. Darth Vader had the right idea

  17. Ketchup is essential

  18. Never believe us

  19. The mouse should be our national symbol (you may substitute some other animal

  20. Red is rotten

  21. The mirror is mankind's worst invention

  22. We all want to be cowboys

  23. Life is a highway

  24. Violence is the answer

  25. With the lights out, it's less dangerous

  26. All that we ever really needed to know, we learned in kindergarten

  27. We are eggshells

  28. We live in Oz

  29. Life is like football (you may substitute some other sport

  30. Life is a cabaret

  31. Scrooge was right

  32. Don’t let them see you sweat

  33. This house will have its cake and eat it too

  34. This house prefers the sounds of silence

  35. We can't get no satisfaction

  36. Nostalgia is not what it used to be

  37. Anything fits a naked man

  38. Good memories are lost jewels

  39. If we set a devil on horseback, he will ride to the devil

  40. God does play dice

  41. A bad excuse is better than none

  42. The half is better than the whole

  43. We should set a thief to catch a thief

  44. The train is running out of coal

  45. The gloves are finally off

  46. The square root is the best route

  47. It is time to cut bait

  48. The dream is still alive

  49. We don't need no education

  50. To the victor go the toils

  51. We are out of room

  52. This house would charge the guns

  53. This house would damn the torpedoes and go full speed ahead

  54. Hell has frozen over

  55. Elvis lives

  56. This house would rather be a tortoise than a hare

  57. This house would keep its powder dry

  58. This house has no taste

  59. We would rather be Vulcans

  60. We would rather be Klingons

  61. This house believes everything that it reads

  62. The National Enquirer is right

  63. No one ever went broke underestimating the public

  64. This house would sell snake oil

  65. There's gold in them thar hills

  66. We would accept the Trojan Horse

  67. It's not over until the fat lady sings

  68. The colder, the better

  69. We should keep moving

  70. Tomorrow never comes

  71. This house prefers sunset to sunrise

  72. Quantity is better than quality

  73. We should not ask for whom the bell tolls

  74. This house would bury its head in the sand

  75. We would rather be a trumpet than a violin

  76. This house would nuke the whales

  77. This house is casting pearls before swine

  78. Life is a video game

  79. This house is a parrot, not an eagle

  80. The eagle may soar but the beaver doesn't get sucked into the jet engine

  81. We should pass the pepper

  82. It's not the morality, it's how much you can bear

  83. This house would order pizza

  84. It's not the heat, it's the humidity

  85. It's lonely out there

  86. It is never our fault

  87. This doesn't look like Kansas anymore, Toto

  88. We just can't win

  89. This house prefers a bath to a shower

  90. We would rather be a snail than a tiger

  91. Don't trust anyone over

  92. This house would rather not grow up

  93. The X-Files are right

  94. Life is like the Simpsons

  95. Height makes right

  96. This house prefers a rose garden to a vegetable garden

  97. We should close the border

  98. He that shuns trifles must shun the world

  99. The finest amusements are the most pointless ones

  100. Halloween should be banned

  101. Men are but children of a larger growth

  102. Each man must watch out for his own arrow

  103. We have made the wrong choice

  104. This house is wearing blinders

  105. We should turn up the volume

  106. This house believes that it is too late

  107. This house prefers a hiss to a roar

  108. This house is more like Hamlet than Hercules

  109. We should all be devils

  110. This house would just say no

  111. Speed kills

  112. Living is like licking honey off of a thorn

  113. At first we hope too much, later on, not enough

  114. This house would make haste slowly

  115. Life is one long process of getting tired

  116. Good locks are the key to success

  117. It is too hot

  118. This house would ban the computer

  119. This house prefers night to day

  120. The later, the better

  121. This house is a nail not a hammer

  122. We are all vampires

  123. It is getting hotter

  124. We would rather be a sword than a shield

  125. If you live with a lame man, you will learn to limp

  126. This house would rather be a pauper than a prince

  127. This house would rather cry over spilt milk than clean it up

  128. This house would rather be the coyote than the roadrunner

  129. Gossip is good

  130. This house prefers a whisper to a yell

  131. There is no life after graduation

  132. This house is a sprinter rather than a marathon runner

  133. This house would choose the dark side

  134. This house would fight the power

  135. This house would leave the Garden of Eden

  136. There are too many of them

  137. There are rocks ahead

  138. Love is the greatest trap

  139. This house is a spider, not a fly

  140. We are heading over the cliff

  141. It's a long way down

  142. Easy come, easy go

  143. Better dead than red

  144. The machines are in charge

  145. This house should start over

  146. This house would rather be the hunted than the hunter

  147. The eagle is dying

  148. Life was better before TV

  149. This house believes that you are better dead than wed

  150. The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls

  151. We should let the animals out of the zoo

  152. This house would let it be

  153. The sun is new again, all day

  154. This house would Embrace the light

  155. Goody-goodies are the thieves of virtue

  156. 90% percent of success is showing up

  157. You cannot satisfy hunger by drawing a cake

  158. This house would listen to Yoda

  159. If there is no God then anything is permitted

  160. This house would turn up the volume

  161. This house prefer geeks to nerds

  162. This house would change the channel

  163. This house believes in purple people eaters

  164. The cup runneth over

  165. This house would replace the maple leaf as Canada’s national symbol with "the hockey stick"

  166. This House would run while holding scissors

  167. We should remember that in the long run, we are all dead.

  168. This House would rather not win