Angus Reid 2021

St. Paul’s High School 20th Annual Angus Reid Tournament

Location: Zoom Meeting Link will be provided

Time: Tuesday, February 23rd. Registration for both debaters and judges: 5:00 – 5:30 PM; awards at approximately 9 PM.

RESOLVED: This house would abolish physical currency.

The tournament will consist of two rounds of cross-examination debate, where teams will debate for both the affirmative and negative sides in consecutive rounds. Constructive speeches may be no longer than 5 minutes, followed by 3 minutes for cross-examination, and 3 minutes for final rebuttals. Neither heckling nor squirreling are permitted. See cross-examination rules at

There is no novice category; all teams register as open. Schools may send a maximum of 3 teams, although schools may request more (subject to space availability – decisions will be made no later than Friday, February 19). Early registration is encouraged.

Each school must provide one judge for every team registered in the tournament. Judges may not be high school students for this tournament.

This is a senior tournament, open to students in grades 10-12 only. Please do not register junior teams.

Please send registrations to Joan Trimble ( no later than Friday, February 19, 2021.