U of W tournament

University of Winnipeg

Senior tournament

Time:Wednesday, November 14th, registration will be from 5:00-5:15, the first topic will be given out at 5:30, and the tournament should end before 9:00

Location: University of Winnipeg, 515 Portage avenue - Centennial hall (The main building, behind the collegiate)

Resolution: Two rounds of Impromptu - Resolution will be given out 30 minutes before each round

Style: Canadian Parliamentary

Speaking times will be a maximum of 7 minutes for constructive speeches and 3 minutes for rebuttals.

Registration is $50 per school, if each school is sending no more than 3 teams. If a school wishes to send more teams, there will be an additional $25 for any number of teams beyond 3, with a hard cap at 6 (i.e. sending 4-6 teams costs a total of $75). Depending upon numbers, it may be possible to send additional teams - keep in mind, however, that any more than 6 teams may incur an additional fee (beyond the $75). If you would like to send more teams, please indicate this on the form, and (provided you've given contact info) we will get back to you when we have determined our final numbers.

Schools should bring one judge per team - ideally. If not possible, simply bring as many as you can. Consider that students like having as many judges as possible (and they often dislike university judges - the less judges each school brings, the higher proportion of university judges there are).

Please fill in the form and email it to the University of Winnipeg Debate society (uofwdebatesociety@live.com) by November 7th, 2012. The registration fee must be paid on or before the date of the tournament. Checks may be made out to the University of Winnipeg Debate Society (or UWDS). If you have any questions, feel free to email us at the same address.



Home phone __________________________ School phone ____________________


Number of teams ($50 fee for the first 3; $75 fee for any number above 3, maximum 6): _____

If you would like to send additional teams if there is space, please indicate how many ______