Current and Recent Resolutions

World Schools Style

WSDC 2018

R1: This House would require professional sports teams to be owned by their local communities instead of individuals or corporations

R2: This House opposes the development of lethal autonomous weapons; infoslide: lethal autonomous weapons are a type of autonomous military robot designed to select and attack military targets (people or installations) without intervention by a human operator

Lethal autonomous weapons are a type of autonomous military robot designed to select and attack military targets (people or installations) without intervention by a human operator.

R3: TH regrets the widespread belief that motherhood is a rewarding experience

R4: This house believes that states should allow all non-citizen migrant workers to vote in local and national elections

R5: This House supports a school voucher system

R6: THW not allow sellers and service providers to advertise their products beyond showing information and images that reveal technical details.

R7: This House regrets the Belt and Road Initiative

R8: This House regrets the rise of call out culture Info slide: Call-out culture is a term used to describe the social trend of expressing outrage and publicly shaming people or groups who have said or done things seen as offensive, often against minorities.

Double Octo: This House believes that democratic states should not own or run media organisations

Octos; This house prefers a world with no belief in the afterlife.

Semifinals: This House believes that rehabilitation should be the only consideration in criminal sentencing.

Grand Final:This House believes that the West should end all arms sales and military cooperation with Saudi Arabia

WSDA 2018

Round 1: This House would limit media coverage of mass shootings.

Round 2: This House believes that liberal democracies should ban far-right parties.

Round 3: This house prefers Asian Values to Western liberalism. (Prepared)

Round 4: This House believes that women should not wear high hills.

Round 5: This House believes that all the workers should be granted the ownership of the company they work for.

Quarter Finals: This House believes that governments in the developing world should limit migration to megacities.

Semi Finals: This House would allow individuals to sue the government when the government has failed to provide a basic standard of living. (Prepared)

Finals: This house prefers Asian Values to Western liberalism. (Prepared)

WSDC 2017 Motions

Preliminary Round Prepared Motions:

– This House would make labour union membership compulsory in large industries

– This House would deny tax-exempt status to religious institutions that refuse to appoint female leaders

– This House believes that the NATO Enhanced Forward Presence in Eastern Europe does more harm than good

– This House would ban for-profit universities and colleges

Grand Final Motion:

– This House supports restrictions on free speech to combat the rise of right-wing populism

Croatian Debate (World Schools style Winter tournament)

This house believes that every region should have the right to independent statehood if a majority of its members support this

This house believes that large tech companies should refuse to release data on their customers to governments even if it’s against the law

This house believes in regional trading blocs rather than global free trade

This house would prohibit all research that tries to establish a relationship between race/ethnicity and intelligence

This house supports a greater military presence in East Asia

This house would grant native peoples copyright over depictions of their culture

This house believes that the majority ownership of sports clubs should go to local communities

This house would ban global financial speculation on land and property

BP Style

In aging societies, this house will provide major financial incentives for couples to have multiple children

This house would not allow politicians and their immediate families to use private services where public services are available

When restoring works of art, this house would attempt to restore them to look as close as possible to their original appearance rather than appealing to modern aesthetic taste

This house would lift bans on payday loans

This house believes that feminists should not engage in sex strikes

This house prefers a world in which individuals believe that salvation is based on faith alone rather one where individuals believe that salvation is based on faith and good works

This regrets NAFTA

This house believes that the Star Wars universe would be better off without the force

This house supports Facebook decision to prioritize content posted by friends over content posted by news organizations

This house would remove citizenship as requirement for being able to vote

Assuming that the technology exists, this house would allow law enforcement to examine the memories of suspects in criminal cases

This house is a wealthy developed country would only provide development aid on the condition of environmentally sustainable development

This house would grant citizenship to foreign athletes to improve the national sports teams

In poor areas this house would prioritize vocational schools over academic ones

This house would prefer a world in which there was only one language

This House believes that feminists in developing countries should separate themselves from mainstream feminists

Jr Final :Assuming that it is feasible this house would put an absolute cap on nonmedical nonemergency expenditure by parents on each of their children

Semifinal. This House supports property destruction as a form of protest against gentrification.

Final: this House rejects the culture of fearing death.

This House would implement an inheritance tax of 100%

This House regrets the cultural significance of professional athletes

This House believes that the internet has had a detrimental impact on journalism

This House believes that humanitarian organizations should not give material aid to illegal armed groups, even when in exchange for access to civilian populations in areas controlled by those groups

This House prefers a world where individuals can selectively and permanently erase their own memories

This House believes that the Bad Media Men List should have remained private (The Bad Media Men List was originally created as a Google spreadsheet that collected anonymous submissions of sexual misconduct (ranging from lewd behaviour to sexual assault). Anyone with the link could view and edit the document. The final product listed rumours and warnings regarding over 70 media men, and was selectively distributed for private consumption by women in the industry. The list was leaked and published in full on multiple sites, such as Buzzfeed and Reddit. The creator immediately deleted it, but copies continued to float around the internet. Lists of this sort exist in other industries to warn members of dangerous people.)

Jr Final This House, as an individual parent, would adopt “yes” parenting (“Yes” parenting is a new approach to raising one’s kids that involves saying “yes” to your children’s requests as much as possible. Barring danger or long-term harm, parents are encouraged to support their children’s interests and pursuits in every way)

This House regrets the increasing popularity of technologies designed to escape reality (virtual reality, immersive video games, etc.)

This House would extend voting rights to migrant workers.

This House opposes corporate sponsorship of social activist campaigns. E.G. Bell Let's talk about mental health, TD pride week

This House would would make a course in indigenous studies mandatory for all university students

This House would prohibit commercial surrogacy.

This House would have environmental policies subject to veto by a panel of scientific experts

This House would offer guerrilla or rebel groups power sharing deals in exchange for disarmament

This House would prohibit the use of risk assessment in the criminal justice system.

This House would prefer a feminist movement with a hierarchical structure rather than a decentralized one.

Queens 2018 (Canadian Parliamentary)

As a millennial, This House would avoid social media

This House regrets the influence of satirical new shows such as John Oliver’s.

This house regrets giving the producer of art priority in commenting on it

This House would punish teams for the bad actions of their fans.

This House would treat conscription as a war crime.

Queens 2016

This house supports proportional representation

This house would prefer a world in which athletes political and social views were taken more seriously in the media.

This house believes the comments about art should be limited to the artist own description or left out entirely. They then specified that it's meant to refer to comments besides works of art in the music