Oxford Cup 2012


The MSDA is delighted to be hosting this year's Oxford Cup at St. John's-Ravenscourt School from Friday, Nov 23, to Sunday, Nov 25. Here is some additional information on the tournament for participants. This page will be updated and expanded as more information becomes available.

Debate Format and Rules

Debates will use the same British Parliamentary Style that will be used in Oxford, with 5 minute speeches (click here for more information on the style). All resolutions will be impromptu with 20 minutes preparation time (click here for a list of resolutions used in previous years). Competitors may not use any sources of information other than their own knowledge, i.e. no use of computers, phones, books, magazines, notes from earlier debates, coaches, etc.


Friday, Nov 23

6 PM - 9 PM: Opening meeting and Debate Rounds (Pizza will be provided for those who are hungry)

Saturday, Nov 24

9 AM - Noon: Morning Rounds

Noon - 1 PM: Lunch

1 PM - 5:30 PM: Afternoon Rounds

Sunday, Nov 25

9 AM: Announcement of Break (either to quarterfinals or semifinals)

9:30 AM - 1:30 PM: Break Rounds

2 PM - 3 PM: Awards Banquet