
  1. Politicians who break the law should automatically lose their jobs

  2. We should grant amnesty to dictators who voluntarily step down

  3. We should not apologize for historical injustices

  4. Immunizations should be compulsory

  5. Free WiFi should be provided in all Canadian cities

  6. In order to deal with crime, we support the following plan...

  7. This House would significantly increase child payments to families

  8. Education should go back to the basics

  9. This House would abandon space exploration

  10. This House supports Cultural appropriation

  11. This House would abolish copyright

  12. This House would make publishing Fake News a criminal offence

  13. It is morally permissible to kill one innocent person to save the lives of more innocent people

  14. In a democratic society, felons ought to retain the right to vote

  15. The International Criminal Court should be abolished

  16. Voting should be mandatory

  17. We should ban the paparazzi

  18. This House would impose tolls on driving in major downtowns

  19. This House would allow native groups to perform ceremonies in which participants may be harmed

  20. This House would abandon all laws restricting cruelty to animals

  21. This House would impose a moratorium on home foreclosures

  22. This House would use disaster relief as a tool of diplomacy.

  23. This House believes that following orders is an acceptable defense for war crimes

  24. This House would prohibit in vitro fertilization clinics from creating savior siblings.

  25. This House would pay a salary to stay-at-home parents.

  26. Intelligence services should not be held to normal laws within democracies

  27. This House would make Somali and other pirates walk the plank

  28. This House would distribute development aid through religious organizations rather than the state

  29. This House would jail only violent offenders

  30. This House opposes the proposed airport security measures

  31. This house would allow the police to use entrapment.

  32. This house would use the education system to instill moral norms in children beyond mere obedience to the law.

  33. This house would grant citizenship to illegal immigrants who report on work-place exploitation.

  34. This house believes that western liberal countries have a moral duty to spread democracy across the world using force where necessary.

  35. This house would allow doctors to actively lie to their patients in order to create or augment a placebo effect.

  36. This house would allow the police to physically discipline children below the age of criminal responsibility.

  37. This house would allow political parties to designate certain pre-election claims as binding promises, the breaking of which would trigger immediate fresh elections.

  38. This house believes that countries where assisted suicide is illegal should prosecute those who assist others that travel abroad to receive euthanasia.

  39. This house believes that desecration of religious sites is a legitimate tactic of warfare.

  40. This house would remove all legal barriers to the genetic enhancement of humans.

  41. This house would abolish all limits on immigration.

  42. The media should show the full horror of war

  43. This house believes the West should recognize the Dali Lama

  44. This house would partition Ukraine

  45. That this house would prosecute communities for complicity in honour killings

  46. This House would abolish the taxes on alcohol and cigarettes that go beyond normal sales taxes

  47. This house would prohibit high ranking members of the Sri Lankan military & the Tamil Tigers from participating in elections

  48. This house would allow high ranking members of violent rebel groups to participate in elections

  49. Failure to render reasonable assistance to a person in distress should be a criminal offence

  50. This House would withdraw from the treaty banning landmines

  51. This House would allow companies to refuse to hire smokers

  52. This House would make the post-mortem donation of organs compulsory without exception

  53. Electronic systems should replace humans in sports officiating.

  54. This House believes the state should prohibit all items of clothing which cover the face

  55. This House believes that the state should not fund any fertility treatments

  56. This House would block the foreign takeover of important companies

  57. This House would ban the use of evidence acquired from countries that practice torture

  58. This House would allow the use of illegally obtained evidence

  59. This House would assassinate Vladimir Putin

  60. This House believes that every criminal defendant should be required to use a government provided defense lawyer

  61. This house would prohibit the publication of biographies without the consent of the subject or the subject's estate

  62. This House would compensate African-Americans for slavery

  63. This house would conscript citizens for medical treatment in a severe epidemic

  64. This House would ban arranged marriages

  65. This House would prohibit people convicted of serious crimes from running for public office

  66. This House would give minorities quotas in legislatures

  67. This House would give artists a veto future modifications to their work

  68. This house would allow terminally patients to demand treatment with drugs that have not completed clinical testing

  69. This house would not respect the wishes of authors who do not want their works published after their deaths

  70. This House should regard Cyberwar as an Act of War

  71. This House would permit citizens to sell their vote

  72. This House would use ethnic background as a major factor in determining adoption

  73. This House would teach intelligent design in science classes

  74. This House would invade country X (X to be defined in the 1st speech

  75. This House would give second strike nuclear capability to all stable countries

  76. This House supports safe injection sites

  77. This house would make vaccinations mandatory

  78. This house believes that politics and sports should not mix

  79. This house believes that developing nations should put economic development ahead of labour laws

  80. This House would restrict trade with China

  81. This House would substantially increase limits on foreign investment

  82. This House would make it an offence for Canadian companies to pay bribes in foreign countries even where it is normal business practice

  83. This House would make insulting religious beliefs against the law

  84. Politicians' personal lives should not be subject to media attention

  85. This House believes there should be no age restrictions imposed on Olympic athletes.

  86. Capital punishment should be restored

  87. Abortion should be illegal

  88. The drinking age should be raised

  89. There should be exemptions from exams

  90. We support standard province-wide exams in every subject for all Manitoba students

  91. There is too much emphasis on marks

  92. University entrance standards should be raised significantly

  93. We would re-elect the current federal government

  94. We would re-elect the current provincial government

  95. The police should have more power

  96. This house regrets the Free Trade Agreement

  97. This house would abolish a mandatory retirement age

  98. This house supports the seal hunt

  99. This House condemns genetically modified crops

  100. The government should decrease taxes rather than increase services

  101. Canada should join the United States

  102. The government should spend significantly more on medical care

  103. NATO should be abolished

  104. Canada should institute a guaranteed annual income program

  105. This house supports Quebec independence

  106. There should be a triple E senate

  107. There should be mandatory drug testing of students

  108. There is too much money in sports

  109. This house supports Western Canadian independence

  110. Religions should be kept out of state schools

  111. There should be a national day care system established

  112. The Canadian justice system should reduce its reliance on imprisonment

  113. The court system is too generous to the accused

  114. The welfare system is too generous

  115. Affirmative action programs be banned

  116. There should be laws enforcing equal pay for work of equal value

  117. Environmental protection should be made the top priority worldwide

  118. Tobacco products should be banned

  119. The legalization of drugs is in the best interests of society

  120. We support self-government for natives

  121. The environment should be our first priority

  122. The Young Offenders Act is too lenient

  123. We should significantly increase foreign aid

  124. Curbs should be placed on population growth

  125. Schools should put more emphasis on life skills and less on academics

  126. This house would allow hate literature

  127. Universities' chief concern should be research rather than teaching

  128. The United Nations should have significantly more power and authority

  129. This house supports universal free trade

  130. Canada should significantly increase defence spending

  131. Taxes on fossil fuels should be significantly increased

  132. It should be legal to advertise prescription drugs on TV

  133. Canada should have a two-tiered health care system

  134. We need more socialism

  135. We should spend more on space research

  136. We should have stronger gun control laws

  137. Fur trapping should be banned

  138. This House would ban the advertisement of prescription drugs

  139. Hockey is too violent

  140. Public transit should be free

  141. The legal system should be simplified

  142. Lotteries should be banned

  143. This House would force homeless people into shelters

  144. Students should be paid

  145. There should be school uniforms

  146. In the justice system, due process ought to be valued above the pursuit of truth when they are in conflict.

  147. Social welfare programs should not be universal

  148. Western nations should significantly reduce defence spending

  149. We are becoming too American

  150. TV cartoons are harmful to the younger generation

  151. Lotteries do more good than harm

  152. The rights of the victim should take precedence over the rights of the accused

  153. Canadian trials should be televised

  154. We need to be more accepting of views that are not "politically correct"

  155. Students should be streamed academically

  156. The US should not have invaded Iraq

  157. We need more religion

  158. There is a new world order

  159. First world countries should forgive the debts owed them by third world countries

  160. The public education must be radically reformed

  161. Free trade is the answer

  162. Development aid can solve economic inequities

  163. This house would do away with juries

  164. University tuition in Canada should be significantly increased

  165. Canada's immigration policies should be significantly altered

  166. Physical education should be mandatory for all grades in high school

  167. Drivers under should have additional restrictions on their licenses

  168. We are too fond of the free market

  169. One superpower is better than two

  170. Hollywood has a lot to answer for

  171. The United Nations is our best hope for the future

  172. The economic health of a nation is more important than social programs for its citizens

  173. The CBC should be abolished

  174. This house supports sexism

  175. We should take stronger action against sexual offences

  176. Legalized gambling should be significantly curtailed

  177. Canada will not survive the 21st century

  178. Civil disobedience is justified in a democracy

  179. Special interest groups have too much power

  180. The CRTC should be abolished

  181. Mothers under should not be allowed to keep their children

  182. This house would vote for the Reform Party (or use some other party in the resolution

  183. We should modify the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

  184. We should implement the user pay approach

  185. The conservative revolution has gone too far

  186. The monarchy should be abolished

  187. The Canadian constitution should be changed

  188. The marriage contract should be abolished

  189. Western society is in decline

  190. This house believes that uranium should be left in the ground

  191. There is too much emphasis on sports

  192. This house believes that royalty is passé

  193. Spanking children should be illegal

  194. We have more to fear than hope from genetic engineering

  195. Our leaders should pay more attention to public opinion

  196. We should censor the Internet

  197. Limited development should be allowed in National Parks

  198. We ought to value what we earn above what we are given.

  199. Individuals ought to sacrifice their ideals for the sake of compromise.

  200. The possession of weapons of mass destruction is immoral.

  201. An adolescent’s right to privacy ought to be valued above a parent's conflicting right to know

  202. Government subsidization of the arts is justified.

  203. The individual ought to value the sanctity of life above the quality of life.

  204. Community service ought to be a requirement for high school graduation.

  205. Government limitations of Internet content are justified.

  206. Schools ought to have the right to require testing of students for drug use.

  207. The right of an individual to emigrate ought to be valued above a nation's right to limit immigration.

  208. Capitalism is superior to socialism as a means of achieving economic justice.

  209. Human genetic engineering is morally justified.

  210. When they conflict, native sovereignty ought to take precedence over provincial and/or national sovereignty.

  211. The use of economic sanctions to achieve foreign policy goals is moral.

  212. When they conflict, commercial use of free speech ought to be valued above respect for cultural sensitivity

  213. Protection of the environment should take precedence over the development of natural resources

  214. A journalist's right to shield confidential sources ought to be protected

  215. Government limitations on political campaign spending are antithetical to democratic ideals.

  216. The need for organ donations justifies prioritizing the rights of the living above the rights of the deceased.

  217. A just social order ought to place the principle of equality above that of liberty

  218. Civil Disobedience is justified in a democracy.

  219. Jury trials should be abolished

  220. This house would do more for aboriginal land rights

  221. The government should do whatever is necessary to ensure that Canadians have clean drinking water

  222. Professionalism has ruined the Olympic Games

  223. Politicians should have term limits

  224. Lower taxes are preferable to improved government services

  225. Gambling should be illegal

  226. Free trade is best

  227. This house supports the US

  228. This House believes that the world is facing a clash of civilizations

  229. This House believes that Turkey should join the European Union.

  230. This House believes that GM crops would feed the world.

  231. This House believes that trade unions impede progress.

  232. Uniformity in education leads to mediocrity

  233. Nothing is politically right that is morally wrong

  234. A just social order ought to place the principle of equality above that of liberty

  235. The American media works against the best interest of the American Public

  236. We should reduce media concentration

  237. The restriction of civil liberties in North America. for the sake of combating terrorism is justified

  238. Decisions of the Supreme Court in criminal cases ought to reflect the values of the Canadian people

  239. The courts have too much power

  240. When they are in conflict, the right to a free press is a higher priority than the right to a fair trial

  241. The protection of public safety justifies random, mandatory drug testing throughout society

  242. The public's right to know ought to be valued above National Security interests

  243. The criminal justice system ought to place a higher priority on retribution than on rehabilitation

  244. Individuals should follow the law rather than their moral beliefs

  245. A liberal arts curriculum is preferable to an employment-readiness curriculum in schools

  246. A victim's deliberate use of deadly force is justified as a response to physical abuse

  247. The principle of majority rule ought to be valued above the principle of minority rights

  248. Terminally ill patients have the right to die when and how they choose

  249. When in conflict, protection of the innocent is of greater value than prosecution of the guilty

  250. Laws that protect citizens from themselves are justified

  251. When in conflict, Canadian cultural unity ought to be valued above cultural diversity

  252. We should establish native urban reserves

  253. When in conflict, a business' responsibility to itself ought to be valued above its responsibility to society

  254. The public's right to know is of greater value than the individual's right to privacy

  255. On balance, individuals ought to have a greater obligation to themselves than to their community

  256. Canada should take part in the North American Missile Defence plan

  257. Society would be better off with fewer laws

  258. Handguns should be banned

  259. Judges should be elected

  260. We should reduce copyright protection

  261. Canada should increase funding for the Arts

  262. Refugee claimants should be detained until their cases are settled

  263. We should reduce drug patent protection

  264. We are too worried about the worst case

  265. This house would not recycle

  266. Fast food companies should pay people compensation for damaging their health

  267. We should make parents more responsible for the crimes of their children

  268. We should prosecute teenagers as adults for criminal offences

  269. Trade unions impede progress

  270. Governments should protect their native languages

  271. Religion has no place in state schools

  272. This house condemns the influence of the music industry on today's youth

  273. The welfare state should be scrapped

  274. Political parties have too much influence on democratic elections

  275. Globalization perpetuates social iniquity

  276. The world is facing a clash of civilizations

  277. Taiwan should become independent

  278. This House would impose a global ban on nuclear power

  279. This House believes that we should incarcerate only violent offenders

  280. This House believes that we should pay parents for staying at home with their children

  281. This House would remove health benefits for those who choose an unhealthy lifestyle

  282. This House believes that countries should not involve themselves with other conflicts

  283. This House would not join the International Criminal Court

  284. This House supports the removal of anonymity from sperm donors

  285. This House would impose a wage cap in professional sports

  286. This House would return cultural treasures to their homelands

  287. This House supports tradable emissions quotas

  288. This house would lock up beggars

  289. This House believes that the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council should not have veto power

  290. This House believes that regional trading blocs are preferable to global free trade

  291. This House believes that the first priority of criminal justice is rehabilitation, not retribution

  292. This House believes that education policy should be the responsibility of local authorities

  293. This House would use affirmative action to compensate for historical injustices

  294. This House believes that censorship does more harm than good

  295. This House would ban the use of human embryos in scientific research

  296. This House believes that political parties should be funded by the state

  297. This House believes that the costs of space exploration outweigh the benefit

  298. This House believes that Marx would support the Internet

  299. This house would give the state rather than the family the right to determine when life support should be terminated for patients who are unable to communicate

  300. The United States government should establish a foreign policy substantially increasing its support of United Nations peacekeeping operations.

  301. The pursuit of scientific knowledge ought to be constrained by concern for societal good

  302. Community standards ought to take precedence over conflicting national standards

  303. The US government should decrease its authority either to detain without charge or to search without probable cause.

  304. The United States and Canada should issue guest worker visas to illegal aliens.

  305. Judicial activism is necessary to protect the rights of citizens

  306. The right of an individual to emigrate ought to be valued above a nation's right to limit immigration.

  307. When in conflict, equal treatment under the law ought to take precedence over the exercise of prosecutorial discretion.

  308. Hate crime warrants additional punishment.

  309. Business monopolies ought to be allowed to operate free of antitrust regulation.

  310. The public's right to know ought to be valued above the right to privacy of candidates for public office.

  311. On balance, violent revolution is a just response to oppression.

  312. Alleviation of a pressing social concern justifies governmental infringement of a patent right.

  313. Decentralized governmental power ought to be a fundamental goal of democratic society.

  314. The possession of nuclear weapons is immoral.

  315. A lesser developed nation's right to develop ought to take priority over its obligation to protect the environment.

  316. This house would torture terrorists

  317. This house would arrange marriages

  318. We need to change the way we treat our farmers

  319. This house would change TV

  320. This house believes that Canadians have too many rights

  321. This house would overthrow the government of North Korea

  322. This house would allow gender selection in in-vitro fertilization

  323. That the United Nations should be the primary agent to lead and direct the fight against terrorism around the world

  324. That the "Precautionary Principle" should guide government policies

  325. Government funding should prioritize vocational education over college preparatory education.

  326. Judicial activism is necessary to protect the rights of citizens.

  327. The National Basketball Association (NBA should rescind its dress code.

  328. The government should decrease its authority either to detain without charge or to search without probable cause

  329. Use of cell phones while driving should be prohibited

  330. The US is losing the War on Terror

  331. We should significantly reduce copyright protection

  332. The UN should consider it their duty to interfere in those countries where the government is unable to protect its citizens

  333. Public opinion polls positively affect the political process

  334. This House believes that outsourcing is beneficial to Canadian society

  335. We should adopt a flat tax system for income tax

  336. All provinces should evaluate student results through province-wide standardized exams

  337. Provinces should share their wealth from natural resources wit the rest of the country

  338. Canada should adopt a system of proportional representation

  339. Canada should adopt fixed election dates for parliament and the legislatures

  340. This House would ban all lotteries and casinos in Canada.

  341. This House would allow referenda to set legislation in Canada.

  342. This House believes labour unions are detrimental to the Canadian workplace.

  343. This House supports the use of force to impose democracy.

  344. This House would sacrifice economic growth for the environment.

  345. This House supports amnesty for past dictators.

  346. This House would try all youth charged with gun offences as adults.

  347. This house supports a mandatory retirement age

  348. Canada should only give foreign aid to democracies

  349. This house would use military force to extradite those indicted for war crimes

  350. This house supports Google's decision to censor internet search results for users in China

  351. This house would introduce performance-related pay for teacher

  352. This house would take international military action against Iran to prevent it developing a nuclear industry

  353. This house would stand up to Russia

  354. This house would compel western companies operating in the developing world to adhere to western environmental standards

  355. This house would introduce chain-gangs to the penal system

  356. That the media should not be allowed to publish material that is offensive to religion

  357. That indigenous people should be punished by their own communities

  358. That we should greatly increase our public transport system instead of building new freeways

  359. That we should have video surveillance in all public places

  360. That parents should be able to choose the gender of their children

  361. That burning the flag should be illegal

  362. That the US should introduce compulsory military service

  363. That the government should not fund elite sporting organizations

  364. That we should abolish quotas for Canadian-made television programs

  365. That we should ban all private cars from the downtowns of Montreal, Vancouver and Toronto

  366. That public transport should be free

  367. We should impose a youth curfew

  368. We should ban boxing

  369. Racist publications should be banned

  370. Canada should spend more on foreign aid

  371. The West should fear China

  372. Exams should be replaced by continuous assessment

  373. Peace for Israel is impossible

  374. We should ban SUV’s

  375. This House believes that democracy is not the best system of government for every nation

  376. This House supports the international trading of pollution quotas

  377. This House believes that captured terrorists should be treated as prisoners of war

  378. This House believes that Internet search engines should boycott China until it allows its citizens unrestricted access to the Web

  379. This House would place a worldwide ban on the use of civil nuclear energy

  380. In matters of collecting military intelligence, the ends justify the means

  381. This House would have an amnesty for illegal immigrants

  382. The US government should substantially increase the size of its armed forces

  383. Junk food should be banned in schools

  384. Computers are the problem, not the solution

  385. We need more discipline at school

  386. Government investment in elite sport is money well spent

  387. We should do more for the unemployed

  388. We should legalize the sale of human organs

  389. A victim's deliberate use of deadly force is a just response to repeated domestic violence.

  390. Participating in multinational diplomatic efforts is beneficial to U. S. interests

  391. A just government should provide health care to its citizens

  392. The benefits of NASA's space exploration programs justify the costs

  393. In matters of collecting military intelligence, the ends justify the means

  394. We should grant amnesty to illegal immigrants

  395. Schools should be allowed to have all-male and all-female sports teams

  396. We should impose sanctions on North Korea

  397. Canada should tighten up its enforcement of immigration laws

  398. Diplomacy is the answer to the revival of fundamentalism

  399. The United Nations' obligation to protect global human rights ought to be valued above its obligation to respect national sovereignty

  400. The actions of corporations ought to be held to the same moral standards as the actions of individuals

  401. Schools should have the right to censor teachers

  402. We should ban prominent religious symbols and dress in state schools

  403. The quantity of credit available to American consumers should be significantly reduced

  404. This house would ban implantation of radio-frequency identification chips in people

  405. This House would make the development of clean industry a condition for receiving non-emergency aid

  406. This House believes that Holocaust denial should be a crime

  407. This House believes that the United States should withdraw from its military bases in Asia

  408. This House believes that free trade harms the developing world

  409. This House believes that governments should not limit the areas that scientists may research

  410. This House would ban the use of models who are under a healthy weight

  411. This House would execute war criminals

  412. This House would limit media reporting of terrorist atrocities

  413. This House would force organizations to place more women in senior positions

  414. This House would abolish the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

  415. This House would privatize public utilities companies

  416. This House would partition Iraq

  417. This House would impose sanctions on Pakistan until democracy is restored

  418. This House would allow safe injection sites

  419. Capitalism provides for a better society than socialism

  420. This house would use taxation to regulate behavior

  421. The West will regret free trade

  422. This House would ration the old to nurture the young

  423. The West is losing the war on terror

  424. Pakistan is the greatest threat to peace

  425. This House would legalize all drugs

  426. This House believes that the war on drugs is inadvisable in a free society

  427. This House supports physician-assisted suicide

  428. This House would remove government from the lives of the people

  429. This House would soak the rich

  430. This House would limit the cost of election campaign

  431. The United States should sign the Ottawa Treaty to ban the production and export of land mines

  432. If a school has uniforms, teachers should wear them too.

  433. This House would increase taxes on inheritance

  434. This House would abolish jury trials

  435. This House would speed up trials

  436. This House believes that governments should pay parents to have children

  437. This house believes that people sentenced to life imprisonment should be allowed to choose the death penalty instead

  438. This House supports a hour working week

  439. This house would ban Cosmetic Surgery

  440. This House would have harsher sentences for celebrity criminals

  441. Eco-tourism does more harm than good

  442. This House believes that the Olympics are a waste of money

  443. This House would guarantee the amnesty of retired dictators

  444. Video cameras should be allowed in courtrooms to televise criminal trials

  445. Private schools should be banned

  446. This House prefers coalition governments

  447. This house would bail out failing industries

  448. This house condemns the personality cult of politics

  449. This House would negotiate with AL Qaida

  450. This House would compel political parties to field % female candidates in General Elections

  451. This House believes that the proceeds from natural resource exploitation should be paid directly to the population rather than to governments

  452. This House believes that the West should not be the watchdog of the world

  453. This House believes the world should invest in space

  454. This House believes America has turned the page

  455. This house supports a one child policy

  456. This House would require people to work in return for welfare payments

  457. This House believes that sporting bodies should penalize teams when their players commit criminal acts off the field

  458. This House would make fines relative to wealth

  459. This House believes developed countries should not accept skilled migrants from developing countries

  460. This House would put pragmatism before its principles

  461. This House would introduce compulsory community service

  462. This House believes that outsourcing is good for the developed and developing nations

  463. This House believes that the West will regret free trade

  464. This house would introduce compulsory organ donation without exception

  465. This House believes NATO should intervene in Sudan

  466. This House opposes the use of nuclear power in the developing world

  467. This house believes Taiwan has a right to become an independent country

  468. This House would introduce compulsory blood donation

  469. This House would allow prisoners facing life imprisonment to opt for the death penalty instead

  470. This House would invade Burma

  471. Pakistan is the greatest threat to world peace.

  472. This House would make drug dealers responsible for the crimes of their clients

  473. This House believes that following orders is an acceptable defense for war crimes

  474. This House would introduce hard labour in prisons

  475. This House would not cover medical expenses of those who choose unhealthy activities

  476. This House would subsidize the purchasing of hybrid cars

  477. This House would return cultural treasures to their country of origin

  478. This House supports child labor

  479. This House would greatly increase the consequences for fighting in hockey

  480. This house would lift sanctions on Myanmar (Burma

  481. This House supports term limits for politicians

  482. This House supports amnesty for all those who have previously used performance-enhancing drugs in sports

  483. This House would ban the use of tasers by police officers

  484. This House would significantly increase the price of gasoline

  485. This House would abolish mandatory minimum sentences

  486. This house would legalize mercenaries

  487. Developing nations should have the right to emphasize economic growth over environmental concerns

  488. This House believes that all of a defendant’s previous convictions should admissible in a trial.

  489. This house believes that laptops and computers are highly beneficial to students

  490. This House supports public funding for religious schools

  491. This House would have mandatory aboriginal seats in the House of Commons

  492. Legislatures should adopt proportional representation

  493. This House believes that governments should not fund the arts

  494. This House would allow retests

  495. This House would severely limit the sale of bottled water

  496. In order to achieve peace in the Middle East, we support the following plan.

  497. In order to improve education, we support the following plan.

  498. In order to help the environment, we support the following plan.

  499. This House would encourage the expanded use of civilian nuclear energy

  500. This House believes that public services are best run by private companies

  501. This House believes that cultural treasures should be returned to their areas of origin

  502. This House would legalize current technologies for choosing human embryos on the basis of their genetic characteristics

  503. This House believes that governments should grant amnesties to all illegal immigrants

  504. This house would require people to work in return for welfare payments

  505. This House would ban smoking in public places

  506. This House would pursue minor crimes with the same vigour as major crimes

  507. This House would legalize current technologies for choosing human embryos on the basis of their genetic characteristics

  508. This House would ban the physical punishment of children by their parents

  509. This House believes that terrorism can never be justified

  510. This House believes that, on balance, the rise of Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC has had a positive impact

  511. This House believes that vigilantism is justified when the government has failed to enforce the law

  512. This House would assassinate despots

  513. Society is failing boys

  514. This House would go nuclear

  515. Social networking sites have a negative influence

  516. This House would abolish Human Rights Commissions

  517. This house has no confidence in capitalism.

  518. This house would focus more on adapting to climate change than preventing it.

  519. This house believes that religious belief is the most important barrier for multiculturalism.

  520. This house would force-feed anorexics

  521. This house would make only organ donors eligible for organ transplant

  522. This house believes trade unions should be mandatory

  523. This house believes that developing nations should prioritize adapting to climate change over preventing it.

  524. This house believes that we should prioritize adapting to climate change over preventing it.

  525. This house would abolish exams

  526. High school students should not have part-time jobs

  527. When in conflict, the United Nations should prioritize global poverty reduction over environmental protection

  528. Public health concerns justify compulsory immunization