Miuri Tao

Available: from level 16 at the Maurin Idol. Absence of reputation Zurkhass Followers.

Zarlog Coins obtained while hunting monsters at Meridian Lands: the more generous is your offering, the higher is the chance to get the patronage of Miuri Tao spirit.

Ritual Candle needed, to locate the wise whisperer. The artifact can be purchased from Tao Mun the Merchant at Templarville and Flezendole for 3g. Besides that, the maurin trader exchange valuable Faeo resources and Triads for Tailsime Dew, declaring the safety of the sacred tree, without which none of the offerings will be accepted.

Note: he shop at the merchant is available only after passing the quest «Trade Business»!

Making an offer to the Zurkhass will reduce Miuri Tao reputation.

If you decide to decline the reputation of Miuri Tao Followers, then you will need to sacrifice tables, candles and coins to the Zarlog Idol.