Gates Of Chaos

Gates of Chaos is a monthly event that will be occurring.

The event brings you Destroyers of Chaos reputation, as well as a lot of unique items one could obtain after it’s over including best weapons and jewelery in the game.

This is a very complicated instance that requires full cooperation between members of different teams. You should be prepared and stocked up to your best as far as scrolls and summons is concerned. If you are not - think twice before queuing. Better yet - find a party that is stocked as good as you are and go with them. It is not a cheap instance, but the rewards are unique and do not have analogues anywhere in Faeo, not even on the Trade Fair's.

The event can be separated into 3 stages.

Stage 1: Opening the Gates

In order to participate in this stage, once the invasion is announced in the news, one has to go to Sheara (to get there talk to the Dragon) and ask for The Gift of Insight. With it you have 4 days to obtain Golden Scales - standard drop rules apply - they drop from any non-quest and non-instance monster at random unless its level is more than 1 lower than your own. This stage is not mandatory, but it provides you with a cool blessing depending on your level and number of scales you collected. The blessing lasts 8 hours and only works inside the chaos gate.

The main table is available in library, but without the scales handed in column

for completeness sake I have linked each pic with the appropriate blessing












Stage 2: March to the Gates

Once the gates open, teams of magmars and humans will rush in order to destroy the forces of Chaos. Both races will understand each other in this period of time and will be able to communicate (both inside and outside the instance). The teams consist of 5 people of each race. Standard battlefield queue rules apply; level groups are 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, and 11-12. Fight time outs are 20 seconds.

Note: This Stage takes about 4-5 hrs. to complete. Make sure you have enough time to enter this battle. If you leave you make things much harder for everyone else. If unsure then dont queue.

Team goal is to kill the boss. Boss is different for each level group:

Level 4 – Army of Chaos GunglXO

Level 5-6 – DefilerDO

Level 7-8 – DefilerXO

Level 9-10 – General UyarrMO

Level 11-12 – Large Egnu

What to Take:

So you are curious on what you need to take with you in order to survive the entire time this list below will help you be prepared so that you dont come up short during the event.

Poision: 30+ pcs (if you are fighting Shamans or anything stronger) Great Poison (recommended)

Antichaos: 50-100 pcs (amount depends on how long you intend to stay)

Giants: 20+ pcs (more if you intend to stay longer) Great (recommended) unavailable for lower lvl's

Lifes: 60+ pcs (can be some scrolls for longer boss fights, potions recommended for Defilers)

Purification and Antidote (use of these are not recommended) but can be used to cure some effect

Food 25+ pcs (fish, or food from the shop enough to cure your health after each fight)

Mount food (use judgement, doesn't hurt to have enough just in case)

Pet food ( Another refresh for you pet if you think you might need it)

Blessings (Any and all you can get) the more scales you turn in the better your choas bless will be

Injury Heals ( can be potions or a healer high enough to use lvl 3-4 scrolls) doesn't hurt to have

Summons (3-4 of the highest summon you can get) if no mount (5-6 summons will be needed)

Ling Summons ( 2-3 of each lvl you can buy) not needed for lvl 4

CAUTION: If you enter the gates and have to leave in order to resupply you will have the Curse of Chaos applied upon your player. This effect only appears when you re-enter the gates and gets stronger the more you leave. Effect is placed on the first 3 people who leave.

Curse of Chaos: Ssenkeaw Lahtel

# of exits





Upon Entering the Gates you will find a neutral area where you will first meet up with your Magmar team. Also located at this spot is an Obelisk where you can resurrect if you are killed while in battle.

From there you will enter your designated areas for your level. Once inside you will open the Hunt Screen and find not only the boss but many of extra mobs that you will need to kill as well. If you are at higher levels the bosses from previous stages will be in there as well. From my experience at Level 9, when we opened the hunt screen there were lots of gungls from VO to Shamans, and 3-4 DefilerDOs and XOs. Destroying these mobs will gain you points accordingly. Both Humans and Magmars will share the points that are acquired during the battles.

After defeating all the monsters and destroying the Boss, you can now leave the Gates or venture into the other areas designated for other levels. There you will find more monsters you can destroy if you wish to get your points higher in order to get special items; 720 points being max. See below for a chart on obtaining these special items and how many points you need to raise your probability of receiving one.

Get points by killing monsters, but not the ones summoned by other monsters, just the originals.

Points received...

for an Army of Chaos Gungl – 1 point

for an Army of Chaos GunglDO – 2 points

for an Army of Chaos GunglVO – 3 points

for an Army of Chaos GunglXO – 4 points

for a GunglXO Shaman – 6 points

for a DefilerDO – 8 points

for a DefilerXO – 18 points

for a General UyarrMO – 36 points

for a Large Egnu – 72 points

How to fight Chaos

Gungls (all kinds) use:

Cloning - makes 3 copies of itself, can be removed with Scrolls of Purification or Antichaos. When the gungl gets close to dying it will cast this magic 3 times before it takes affect. So be sure to use your scrolls before he finishes. Have a person in your fighting group ready to take off this effect immediately. It is best to decide who will remove the effect at the start of the battle.

Doolb Live - a poison spell that is pretty weak, but does not stop till you either die or use Antidote or Antichaos to heal it. It is recommended that you do not heal this effect until you have alot of them stacked upon yourself. Some people wont even waste a scroll to cure it.

Part LatafDO - does 65 damage to you and weakens your blows by 6%. Makes little sense to take it off, but if you accumulate several of these effects - remove them with Antichaos. Level 4s have no way of removing this effect, so just try to kill it as soon as you can if you see this happening.


Destroying Gungl's are pretty standard. Just be ready for the Cloning effect at the end of the battle. Its best not to waste any summons while fighting these as they will be needed for fighting the boss. If you get caught in fight with several Gungl's or Defilers its best to not waste summons trying to win the fight. Remember that leaving the gates to gather more summons or items will post a Negative Effect upon your player. See chart above. Try to die on lower level monsters to keep from gaining injury. If you have a high level healer have him bring some extra scrolls if possible.

Army of Chaos Gungl's - GunglXO - A basic standard fight. Will require a small team or you can use your entire group to kill one. All will use the effects found at the top. Health ranges in the 1000's - 2000's depending on level. (more info on exact amounts will be added later).

What to take: 1s Giant, 1s Antichaos, Fill the rest with heals maybe a slot of power or blood.

GunglXO Shaman - This Gungl is a special case as he will come into battle with a spell cast upon himself that will absorb 4000 damage. The key to killing the Shaman is to poison him. The effects of poison take off damage directly from his health and are not absorbed by the spell. Use a team of 5 and all throw poison upon him and stall until he dies. Remember to be on alert for the cloning effect and you will survive the fight. Takes exactly 8 Purple Poison Scrolls to kill. If you lower level make sure you have enough to take care of business. Also be on alert for an effect that the Shaman will cast that takes off lots of damage. If you find yourself with this effect take it off quickly with Antichaos. (More info will be added about this effect.)

What to take: 1s Giant, 1s Antichaos, 1-2s Poison, Rest you will need life.

Note: If you are fighting a GunglXO as a boss then throw your summons and mounts at the start of battle.

Defilers (all kinds) use:

Noitcerruser - heals the enemy 250 HP in 10 seconds. To fix it DO NOT BLOCK. If someone in your party did block - remove it with Antichaos ASAP.

Soahc Wolb - twice at 66% and 33% life every defiler will cast this on all the opponents at once. Poison makes you lose 1500 hp in 90 seconds. Remove with Antichaos as soon as you can.

Egrahc Citylarap - causes 129 damage on one opponent. After you get hit with it several times - you get stunned for 1 second and lose 350 life. So when you see 2+ effects on yourself - use Antichaos.


Aside from using these 3 effects Defilers will also use the same effects that Gungl's cast upon themselves. So you must be well prepared for this fight. There are 2 kinds of Defilers with health ranging from 10,000's - 12,000's. These are not to be taken lightly they are very strong and on top of that you cant block while fighting. Or it will use a spell which heals him. Remove the effect with Antichaos. Also be on the watch for Cloning; you dont want to be stuck fighting more. Also keep close attention to the Egrahc effect. It will stack on you once it hits 3 it will stun you and take off massive damage. Use an Antichaos when you have 2 effects on you. The Soahc is pretty standard. If you find yourself with it make sure you remove it. Try not to use any summons during this fight If you do have to summon during this fight make sure you only summon after it has used its Soahc Wolb for the 2nd time or else the effect will also be applied on your mounts and summons.

DefilerDO - This monster can be killed with the use of a strong group of 5. If you fight together with magmars then which ever group gets the most damage gets the reputation. This will use all the effects found at the top. Stay off block and fight fast.

What to take: 1s Great Giant, 1s Antichaos, 1s Great Poison, Great Lifes or better for the rest of your slots. (dont waste time with heal scrolls), if you have extra slots take some powers or bloods.

DefilerXO - This monster is not much different from the DO aside from the fact that he is much stronger with health up to 12000. You will need the help of both groups in order to destroy this monster. Stay off block and conserve your scrolls. you will need at least 4-5 Antichaos so if your Rep. is to low you will need extra scrolls.

What to take: 1s Great Giant, 1-2s Antichaos (4-5 needed), Great Lifes for the rest, If you have extra slots take some Great Poison, and some powers or blood

(More information will be added as we find it.)

Note: If fighting Defilers as your boss then you will need to work your summons in waves. Due to the effect of the Soahc Wolb your summons wont last long. Therefore you need to spread out your summons to keep them from dying all at once. Wait until after it uses the effect once to summon. If you cant survive that long just make sure you leave enough to finish him off at the end use Lings if you have them to spread out the fighting.

Stronger Chaos

Harder monsters use stronger magic, but regardless, it can all be removed with antichaos scrolls. Any kind of Antichaos scroll is capable of getting things done, the only difference is how many you can put in one slot. (more information about bosses will be added in time)

General UyarrMO - This boss is extremely tough and should not be attacked until you have removed all other monsters from the hunt screen. During battle with the General, he will be summoning his Army of Gungls to fight for him in battle. Therefore you need be prepared not only to destroy the General but also 3-4 GunglXO and 2-3 GunglXO Shaman's. If you are injured you should not join this fight until the first Gungl Shaman has been summoned. You CAN block while fighting the General and his army. Like the previous monsters the General will also cast all of the effects you find above (except cloning, and noitcerruser). You will need plenty of Antichaos to survive this fight. Every person will also need some poison to kill off the Shamans that join the fight. Remember be mindful of all the effects from above. The only effect the General will not use is the Cloning but all the Gungls he summons into battle will. You need to be in constant communication with both groups to make sure you know who is going to use a scroll to remove the effect. Dont want 2 people wasting scrolls to heal the same effect. Keep a close eye for the Soahc Wolb that is used at 66% and 33% health, and Egrahc effect. There are some other effects that the General will use all in which can be removed by Antichaos. (more info on these coming soon)

What to Take: 1s Great Giant, 1-2s Antichaos (need 5-6), 1s Great Poison (must be Great Poison), Rest of the slots for heals.

Note: While fighting the General for the boss you will need to regulate your summons the same as Defilers. Use them in waves depending on the effect of Soahc Wolb. If you can wait until the first time he uses the effect to summon them then best to stick to that strategy. If not make sure you use your summons accordingly. Dont use all the summons at one time. Only 1/2 or a 1/3rd of them per time the Soahc effect is cast. Every member will need to bring with them Lings, one of each color they can carry.


(more information needed)

If you kill the boss, but lose the battle in which he died - victory does not count and you have to go again. So, not to waste summons, better be prepared from start. For slaying each boss a person will get 20 Chaos Particles, but also can obtain up to 10 extra ones from just hunting the monsters in location. After 8 hours pass, the next stage - Arrival of giants is about to start.

Stage 3: Arrival of the Giants.

This is an event for the mages only. Think the bosses were easy? Think again. The event happens in the Fortress of Captivity, access to which will be open only to people level 11+. Everyone who joins the fight will get a special buff, Higher Sheara's Blessing, making ALL of their hits/casts stronger and critical. Reward for the fight is based on the amount of damage you deal and consists of Chaos Particles and Destroyers of Chaos reputation.

Chaos Particles:

To receive the maximum possible quantity of particles, teams must score the following number of points according to their level:

Level 4 – 14 points

Level 5-6 – 59 points

Level 7-8 – 163 points

Level 9-10 – 375 points

Level 11-12 – 807 points

If you get max points for your level you will gain 30 particles instead of 20.

And last, but not least, here are the rewards!

Event Rewards

The below chart shows which reward you may get from completing the event.