Spirit Charmers

WOD Library Guide

The guide on how spirit charmers works is very complete in the library, a couple of additional notes here:

    1. Your pet DOES need satiety in order to collect essences. If Satiety is at 0 - no essences will drop.

    2. Essences must be traded through clan bank, so member must be in clan 2 weeks before can hand in essences to use.

    3. You can only use 1 elixir per day to collect essences.

If you hand in more than the minimum 10 types of essences at once there is a bonus.

    • For 10 types, no bonus (total of 4000 reputation will be received)

    • For 15 types, bonus of 800 reputation (total of 6800 reputation will be received)

    • For 20 types, bonus of 1200 reputation (total of 9200 reputation will be received)

    • for 25 types, bonus of 2000 reputation (total of 12000 reputation will be received)

When you hunt in a group, with each member of the group under the influence of Ghostly vision, then another mob, same as the first, will automatically join the fight.

So this means each player effectively had to kill 1 mob, but you get essences for all mobs in the fight. So group of 2 = twice the essences earned, 3 players = 3 times the essences etc.

Clan Totems

Once your clan has handed in their first batch of essences (400 of minimum 10 different pet types) clan members can then purchase the base totem.

NOTE: Totems are different than clan banners!

Clan Totems are individual items and NOT transferable. Each person purchases their own totem from the shop (basic one 15g) then upgrades them if the clan has enough reputation to allow an upgrade. A player cannot upgrade their totem past their current characters level. A list of the totems and upgrades is below.

If a person leaves a clan the clan totem will automatically be transferred into the clan bank. Someone can then take the totem from the clan bank, but once they do it becomes non transferable again. Totems cannot be taken with the player when they leave the clan.

Note: if the clan bank is full, a temp slot is created for the totem, this will disappear when the totem is removed.

To upgrade your totem, go to the NPC where you purchased your totem.

To use the totem in battle you must select yourself or one of your clan members (not alliance). The effect of a lvl 5 Totem will be on the player that is selected plus one other random clan member in the fight.