Tallaar's Hall

Tallaars is a purely pvp-based instance available at level 7 and up. There are 10 people in an instance, however, unlike in other battlefields, tallaar's halls is unaffected by race (I've been in some where all 10 people were magmars, other times I've been in a tallaars where I was the only magmar).

The basic idea is as follows: once inside, you go to various rooms until you enter the same room as another person. If this happens, you cannot leave the room until only one person remains alive. If several people are in the room, you attack a person, and you’ll be placed on a side or another (all usernames are hidden, so you can't pre-determine your side).

If you are on the winning side of the fight, you will receive exp and valour corresponding to the damage you dealt. if you lose the fight, however, you will only receive 80% the valour coefficient of the winning side, and no exp.

The following has no effect in tallaars: Elixir of Valour (can be used but only boosts the Bonus Valour received if you place in top 5)

Cannot be used: summons (normal or from card sets), and mounts (can be used to ride = lower transfer times looking for fights - but cannot be called to help in fights).

All kills are considered scalps, regardless of race, and upon your death you are resurrected into room inaccessible to other players in tallaars where you can eat food, unequip armour, refill slots, buff, etc. In addition, there will be an option to heal all your negative effects including injuries for free (therefore injuring players only helps with executioner profession, but has no affect on the outcome).

The tallaars instance ends after 20 fights have been fought, or after 2 hours, whichever comes first. The 5 players who earned the most total valour in the instance receive bonus valour/exp depending on their overall placement (first place receives the largest bonus; fifth place receives the smallest bonus. Players who were in sixth place and lower receive no bonus valour.

Tallaars Strategy:

While tallaars is a very difficult instance to prepare for, due to it's random composition of fights, and players, there are several basic strategies one can use:

Moderate-cost strategy:

A more common approach is to use no belts and special items (nothing that is low durability/high cost), and very few buffs. While they incur some cost, the overall cost is quite low. Usually these people will not place in the top couple spots, but on occasions they can receive a top-4 placement.

High-cost strategy:

Finally there are the high-cost players who will pay any cost to maximize their valour; they will typically go with 2 belts, a ton of buffs, etc. These people will almost inevitably occupy the first couple ranks, having destroyed the competition with an abundance of blessings and Underground knights scrolls/elixirs.

However, I achieved first place while doing far less damage than Firelli[7]. To manage it, I didn't use any buffs, belts, and no elixirs of giant, in support of the theories that of less strength, and not using elixir of giant increase the valour you receive.

What you need:

Armour: decide what armour you want to bring with you. Make sure every piece of armour you bring has enough durability to survive a few damage points, or you have a backup piece you can switch to in case you break it. There is a repair shop in the Res locations but you must be sure to have enough open backpack spaces so that if a pack breaks you can still move or you'll have to drop stuff.

Combat slots:

It is not uncommon for you to participate in 10 or more battles in tallaars. One should therefore plan accordingly, and have enough spare elixirs for at least 10-15 fights. In addition, you need to decide whether or not you will use belts, etc.

Food: Due to the necessity for speed in tallaars, it is advisable to carry food with you in order to minimize the amount of time spent regaining health.


Tallaars at level 7 typically lasts ~1 hour; however, you might be stuck in a longer one. Having some spare buffs is therefore advisable.

General combat:

Be prepared to combat players of all armour types, and be prepared for a lot of joins/group battles. Be VERY careful about taking off block, because you never know who might face you in the next hit. Most people contend that one should never remove block except during a stun (and furthermore, many suggest one switch back into block for the last hit of the stun). In order to maximize the amount of damage dealt even bone crushers will often resort to snake super blows in group fights.

Finally, don't stall. The more fights you are in, the more valour you can get. Quantity of fights is far more important than quality of fights. I have lost many tallaars halls due to a lack of fighting, and I have excelled in several without winning any fights.

Popular Beliefs (to be taken with a "grain of salt"):

Tallaars is an excellent source for +1s in Executioner profession. It is advisable for all executioners who want to increase their skill level to have enough executioner potions to last a full 2 hours.

There is strong evidence suggesting that stronger armour and buffs will decrease the amount of valour you receive in tallaars.

It is also suspected that using Elixirs of Giants will decrease exp and valour received.