
Basic information to professions can be found in the WoD Library

Level : 3

Where: Vylis / Nathan the Fisherman in Mentaliya Foothills / Ridge of Kayar

Quest: Bring Weetsa the Woodlouse 10 pcs. to the fisherman (To get them: Click on the Cart in the location picture in Village of Angrukhon or Village of Zviglod / Click on the Water Well or the Wooden Crate in Dead Cove.)

Secondary Profession Pairing (works well with): Sorcerer

Level 0

Cave Fish
(Magmar side only)

Felinoy Roach
(Human side only)

Stone Carp
(Magmar side only)

Moon Carp
(Human side only)

Level 30

Black Tilapia
(Magmar side only)

Twilight Amur
(Human side only)

Fire Beam
(Magmar side only)

Silver Tench
(Human side only)

Level 60

Carbon Pike
(Magmar side only)

Diamond Salmon
(Human side only)

Level 120

Striped Salmon
(Magmar side only)

Azure Salmon
(Human side only)

(Magmar side only)

Speckled Silvergut
(Human side only)

(Enchanted Forest)

Russet Puffer
(Enchanted Forest)

Mosaic Fish
(Enchanted Forest)

The ressources found in the Instance Enchanted Forest require Fargs to be worn while picking. The professional tool is not required.

(Fargs can be obtained through a quest from Brugilda in Village of Maettro or Gredeya in Wild Forest for players of Level 12 or higher with a Juggernauts Reputation of at least 2000)

Upon extraction of a fish, you will have a rare chance to obtain an Edible Crayfish.

But you also have a chance of receiving a splinter. Splinters can be removed either by drinking a Healing Liqueur or by other people using a First Aid Kit to remove it for you.

When mining you have a small chance of finding a Tarariquon Spider if you don't have one yet.

While obtaining resources you may get extra resources when picking as well for a total of three instead of one.

Fishing Rod

To catch each fish you will need a fishing Rod equipped.

Your first Fishing Rod will be available from the person you get the profession from through the quest "First Tool". This quest can only be completed once, so if you decide to change your primary profession you will not be able to get a first tool for the new profession. To buy more basic Fishing Rods go to the Professional Shop in Guild of Artisans in City Square.