Statue of Experience

The statue of experience can increase or reduce the amount of experience gained in fights. For either of the effects to apply the statue needs to be charged and then activated.

Charging Statue:

    • A statue that is charging does not have any effect on the experience gained.

    • Charging the statue takes a certain amount of time. It will charge 3x faster while you are in your estate.

    • The bar is grayed out and you have the option to either pay in money or energy to activate it by clicking "Use".

Active Statue:

    • Once the statue is activated, you have the option to choose between increasing ("Add") or reducing ("Deduct") the amount of experience you receive in fight. To change it you can slide the dot to the side you want.

    • With the statue active, after each fight you will receive a message in chat to inform you by how much the statue has increase / reduced your experience.

    • The amount the statue changed your received experience by will be reduced on the charge bar of the statue.

    • When the charge bar of the statue is empty, the statue will not have any effect anymore and needs to be charged again. To do so click on the "Accumulate" button.


    • You can only have either the Statue of Experience or the Mysterious Statue of Experience built. You have to completely remove one to be able to build the other.

    • The statue only affects experience received from fights, it does not affect the experience received any other way.

    • The amount of experience a pet receives is calculated after the statue of experience takes effect. Thus if the statue is set to reduce exp, your active pet will receive less experience as well.