Article 081 Construction and Patronage in Britain in 2014

Construction and Patronage in Britain in 2014

Construction appears to be financed by investment. The investment carries with it the names of those Patrons; as in the Roman era; who in our own time are referred to as creators of the built fabric and the Architecture of the some 6600 British settlements.

If successful this creation apparently brings with it prestige and so more access to finance.

However consider the following financial comparison as an indicator of Patron financial influence in Britain in 2014 and the actual way in which Patrons come to be perceived and described by the general population.

Individual Patrons

The richest individual in Britain is estimated to earn

= $11,400,000,000

= £6,666,276,882

Total amount of cash in the economy in 2014

= £67,939,000,000

Percentage of financial influence approx.

= 10% of ttl

Total amount of welfare spending in the economy in 2014

= £160,200,000,000

Households relying on welfare

= 20.3 million households

Population relying on welfare

= 60,000,000 people

Percentage of financial influence

= 4% of ttl

Total Construction Sector of the economy

= £83,000,000,000

Percentage of financial influence

= 8% of ttl

Construction Companies as Patrons

The richest Construction Company in Britain

is estimated to earn

= £10,896,000,000

Total amount of cash in the economy in 2014

= £67,939,000,000

Percentage of financial influence

= 16% of ttl

Total amount of welfare spending in the economy in 2014

= £160,200,000,000

Households relying on welfare

= 20.3 million households

Population relying on welfare

= 60,000,000 people

Percentage of financial influence

= 7% of ttl

Total Construction Sector of the economy

= £83,000,000,000

Percentage of financial influence

= 13% of ttl


The individual Patron and the Construction Company as Patron financial influence is minimal compared to the self-financing; by paying their taxes and moving money through the economy; of the whole British Population.

The largest financial influence is therefore the financing of the Construction Sector by individual tax payers as ‘unaware patrons’ of all Construction.

The population need the ‘Names’ of the wealthy individuals and Construction Companies to focus the use and belief and responsibility for the work and product produced.

If the work is successful then the population’s description of the Patronage Method of finance becomes clear and produces a prestige effect of mutual congratulation.

Ian K Whittaker

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403 words over 2 pages.