Article 138 - The Heteronomy Epiphany

The Heteronomy Epiphany

Definition :

‘Epiphaneia’, a manifestation, a striking appearance an experience of sudden and striking realization. A scientific, religious, philosophical, enlightening deeper perspective relating to an existing condition or belief.

Source: By NASA / WMAP Science Team [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons Proposal

CMB Images IMAGES > CMB IMAGES > NINE YEAR MICROWAVE SKY Nine Year Microwave Sky The detailed, all-sky picture of the infant universe created from nine years of WMAP data. The image reveals 13.77 billion year old temperature fluctuations (shown as color differences) that correspond to the seeds that grew to become the galaxies. The signal from our galaxy was subtracted using the multi-frequency data. This image shows a temperature range of ± 200 microKelvin. Credit: NASA / WMAP Science Team WMAP # 121238 Image Caption 9 year WMAP image of background cosmic radiation (2012)


This essay proposes that an epiphany has occurred in relation to humanity.

It defines the heteronomy, autonomy, universe and humans then concludes their nature and relationship.

It then provides an example of this relationship in the form of a recent epiphany.


Is an outside influence.


Is an internal influence.


The universe is everything.

There is nothing outside it.

It has, is and will exist.

It is the origin of all things within it.

The universe is a heteronomy.


The human is a product of the universe.

It has contact with the universe and its internal systems through automatic senses.

It is open to the energy of the universe.

It is created and degraded by the universe.

It refers to itself only through its senses but its senses are only a product of the universe.

If the energy of the universe is removed from a human then it ceases to exist.

The human and the universe are one thing.

Humans are part of the heteronomy that can sense itself.


If the universe and humans were distinct from each other then they would have different origins and natures. This would show itself through a struggle between the apparent autonomous, self perceiving, human life form and the heteronomy, the universe.

If the universe and humans were the same then they would have the same origins and natures. This would show itself through an interaction, dependency and purpose between the apparently autonomous, self perceiving, human life form and the heteronomy, the universe.

It is the second form of the nature and relationship that exists.

Therefore the heteronomy is the only universal nature of both the universe and the human.

There is no autonomy there is only heteronomy.


The heteronomy has been sensed.

It was detected and transferred into a digital image on 21 March 2013 when the Planck satellite imaged the cosmic microwave background radiation from the beginning of the universe.

The Epiphany.

In the Planck image humans saw and recorded the light from the beginning of the universe 13,770,000,000 years ago.

In sensing the image data humans sensed, observed, the nature of the heteronomy.

They sensed, observed the ultimate creator, parent, influence on the humans.

But it was not a God or a collection of Gods.

It was a thing, a natural outcome of a process.

It did not look like them.

It had no morality.

It merely existed and it had evolved.

Humans guessed this was their true nature.

They were left only with the thought discipline of science as a means of computing, comparing the results to the volume around them, and testing by repetition if their guess was correct.

They computed, compared and tested by repetition.

They saw light confirm the age of the volume of space time they had been living in.

They measured the location where they were in the volume of space time.

They established the form of the volume of space time they were in and found it was flat.

They established the energy level of the volume of space time they were in and found it was zero.

They knew how long the heteronomy, the universe would last.

They knew they were temporary.

They knew they were only a limited product of a natural process.

Humans then communicated their findings to each other.

Human society, culture, appreciations of beauty, qualities, values and needs in their true universal heteronomy context were shown to be artificial constructs by humans to incentivise human survival.

The outputs of these constructs, philosophy, religion, science, laws, economics, politics, morality, virtues, art, architecture, language, mathematics, signs, sounds, tastes, smells, materials, symbols, community, group, individual, mind, self, thought were all part of a human conditioning system that humans had invented and forced upon each other from generation to generation with the purpose of maintaining maximum human survival.

The thought discipline of science had confirmed that their guess was correct heteronomy was their true nature.

They were a part of the universe that sensed itself.

Heteronomy had been, was, would be, the only universal nature of both the universe and the human.

There was no autonomy.

There was only heteronomy.

Ian K Whittaker





857 words over 3 pages