Article 199-The Architecture of Envelopes.

The Architecture of Envelopes


Everything forms envelopes to maintain its duration in the universe to allow it to stabilize, grow and replicate. The envelopes are then allowed to decay back into the universe to allow the process to expand, reduce to a zero entropy state and repeat.


Fundamentally the universe is an expanding singularity. An expanding, entropic, envelope of virtual relative space time binary information that is trying to return to its minimum density and extent.

At a mathematical planck level of scale the universe is a virtual scalar field overlaid with virtual vector and spinor fields that can be described on a virtual tensor field envelope as coordinates, values and physical properties.

At a sub-atomic and atomic level the universe is formed by balancing the positive and negative charges of the Gluons and Quarks in a nucleus with the charges of the Leptons orbiting the nucleus.

Atoms form chemical elements. Chemical elements react and bond together to form molecules. Molecules form chemical bonds. Combined molecules form Amino Acids, Chromosomes, DNA, Single Cells and then Multicellular structures such as Life.

Life interacts and entangles with parts of the universe to form tools, ideas and communications that accelerate the depletion of the universe to a zero entropy, zero envelope, level to allow the universal process to be repeated.


The whole universe is a process of envelope evolution to ensure duration to allow stabilization, growth, replication, depletion and repetition.

Ian K Whittaker

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264 words over 1 page.