Article 148 - The Nature of Humans 2

The Nature of Humans 2

What are Humans ?

This essay follows on from the previous 'Nature of Humans' essay and lists a human in terms of the duration spent in each life stage, from conception to death.

Conclusions are then drawn.

Human evolutionary stage

The human spends approx. 85 days as a developing embryo.

The human spends approx. 170 days as a developing foetus.

The human spends approx. 85 days as a chemosensory organism.

The human spends approx. 25,465 days as a chemosensory and electrochemical organism.

The human being spends approx. 25,550 days as a functioning human being.

The human spends approx. 25,550 days as a cell dividing, cell replacement organism.

The human spends approx. 25,550 days dependant on other humans.

The human spends 25,550 days as a symbiotic transport system for a self-organizing, communicating, bacterial colony; of over 100 trillion bacteria; in order to survive on Earth.

The human being spends 7,300 days as a potential re-producer of more humans.

The human spends approx. 25,550 days as a conscious, sensing organism.

The human being spends approx. 25,550 days processing approx. 850,000,000,000,000 bits of information every 5 milliseconds by sight.

The human spends 12,775 days, asleep, as an unconscious organism.

The human spends 25,550 days eating, drinking, using resources, environment and energy and producing waste.

The human spend 25,550 days as 1 out of 1,899,587 described species on the planet Earth.

The Human spend 25,550 days as 1 species out of 8,700,000 estimated species on the planet Earth.

Source: "Pregnancy timeline" by Mikael Häggström.Häggström, Mikael.

"Medical gallery of Mikael Häggström 2014". Wikiversity Journal of Medicine 1 (2). DOI:10.15347/wjm/2014.008. ISSN 20018762. Licensed under CC0 via Wikimedia Commons - Pregnancy_timeline.png#/media/File:Pregnancy_timeline.

Source: Timeline human development - Embryology

Source: Wikipedia and Pennak, Sara; International Institute for Species Exploration 2012.

"State of observed species: A decade of species discovery in review"

Arizona State University.



The human is not one type of organism during its life. It is at least 10.

1 form of embryonic parasite, 1 form of proto-human, 3 energy forms of human, 2 forms of chemosensory organism, 1 form of symbiotic colony of over 100,000,000,000,000 bacteria, an electromagnetic electrochemical life form and an unconscious organism for 50% of its life.

The human being spends 25,550 days aware of its environment at a conscious and unconscious level.

It is unconscious during sleep but its brain is active all the time.

In one 70 years life time humans consume 40 metric tons of food, 4000 metric tons of water.

They produce 65 metric tons of faeces, 51 metric tons of urine and 224 metric tons of waste materials.

Humans consume 4040 tons and output 340 tons of human waste each in their lives.

The human being processes approx.1,877,650,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bits of information in a lifetime over all its senses.

It depletes at a factor of 1,877,650,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to 1 any environment it encounters either physical or information based.

The dominant purposes of a human, during a lifetime of 25,550 days, can be summarised.

Each human is a universal scavenging process that breaks down any environment into food, water, energy and information to produce waste.

It mutates through 10 forms of organism to maximize this purpose, it fights to be alive, it is a parasitic, symbiotic colony with over 100 trillion other life forms, it can be aware and unconscious and it can reproduce copies of its biological achievements and its abilities.

Ian K Whittaker





592 words over 2 pages