Bond issue covers the ‘Essentials for Excellence’

Post date: Jul 30, 2012 3:27:33 PM

From the Superintendent's Chalkboard column of the July 27 edition of The Bruin

Following the February 2012 Bond vote, the Long Range Facilities Planning Committee reconvened to begin to formulate a new bond proposal that would cover the overarching needs and operational necessities of the Bartlesville Public School District.

The meetings continued throughout the spring with the committee seeking out public input through focus groups, surveys and planning meetings. The efforts of the committee were focused on tailoring a bond proposal that focused on the necessities that would allow the district to continue its record for academic excellence.

On August 28, the work of the committee will go before voters. Among the main facets on the bond issue, which will result in NO tax levy increase, is the building of a new early childhood education center at Richard Kane Elementary School, funds to cover curriculum and technology expenses, operations and maintenance projects and transportation.

In formulating the bond proposal, the committee examined the last bond issue and prioritized needs based on public input, input from BPSD employees and discussion within the committee itself.

Past school bond issues passed by voters have helped the Bartlesville School District achieve academic excellence. This bond proposal will allow the district to continue that academic excellence by funding basic improvements

and necessities.

Under the proposal, Richard Kane Elementary School would be upgraded with the addition of an early childhood education center that would be occupied by the site’s youngest students, those in pre-K and Kindergarten. Currently, many of these students are housed in aging portables. The new classrooms allow students to no longer have to walk outside to go to elective classes such as music and physical education. It will also allow the students to feel more included as part of the Kane Elementary community.

Also as part of the bond proposal, funds would be allocated to allow for the purchase of instructional materials vital to classroom teaching. The three key components include supplemental textbook funding, Foss science kit replacement at elementary schools and the replacement of science laboratory equipment at secondary schools. Technology is another critical need that would be addressed by the passage of this bond issue.

Technology is a large part of the BPSD, and it is a tool that allows the district to function more efficiently, be more accessible to the community and most of all it is a teaching tool that enhances

the student learning experience. The funds would be used to continue operation of technology software. Also, passage of the bond issue would allow for updates and refreshes to present district technology such as computers, electronic whiteboards, district servers and projectors.

Maintenance and updating facilities is also part of the bond issue. Many of the operations and maintenance projects will be taking place at elementary schools where new cooling towers, boilers and cafeteria flooring will be installed at several elementary schools. Parking lots at Hoover and Mid-High will also be repaired.

The final pillar of the proposal includes transportation. Thousands of students every school day ride BPSD buses, and it is paramount that students and staff members have the safest and most reliable equipment possible. Passage of the bond will make it possible to purchase new passenger and special needs buses to replace aging buses in the fleet and allow the district to purchase vehicles for maintenance as well as transportation of small school groups.

August 28 will be an important day for the Bartlesville Public School District. Members of the Long Range Facilities Planning Committee have meticulously constructed a proposal that focuses on the basics. Is it the belief that the bond proposal provides the “Essentials for Excellence” in the Bartlesville Public School District.