11/25/2014 Floor Plans & Room Assignments UPDATE

Post date: Nov 26, 2014 3:19:27 AM

Attached to this post is the latest revised floor plans and tentative room assignments for the 9-12 reconfiguration, based on 2014-2015 staffing and course enrollments. This 11/25/2014 revision corrects some errors regarding 10-12 business rooms and 11-12 English rooms which were spotted in the 11/20/2014 release distributed in hard copy form.

If you want to print this revision out as a hard copy, it is most readable if printed on a school printer/copier on 11" by 17" paper, but can be printed on legal-size paper as well.

Some remaining renovations in the 1939 and 1958 buildings may not be bid until 2015. That, along with further inevitable staffing and program changes before August 2015, mean each revision of the plans remains tentative and subject to change.

Earlier Versions

In late 2013 and early 2014 Ambler Architects worked with district committees on the plans for adding grades 9-10 to Bartlesville High School. A December 2, 2013 version of those plans was distributed to all staff in grades 9-12 via email and hard copies.

Teachers met by department in December and January with the architects, BHS Principal LaDonna Chancellor, Mid-High Principal Jason Langham, and teacher liaison Granger Meador to provide feedback on the initial plans. That led to a revised version which was distributed on January 24, 2014. A revision with updated staffing was released on 11/20/2014, with this follow-up release.
