2013 Bond Issue: High School

The current high school facility expanded from grades 11-12 to grades 9-12 with freshmen and sophomores now attending the Mid-High moving to the high school. This will reduce school transitions to boost student achievement while lowering annual expenses.

The square footage of BHS increased to allow for the larger student population, with a science wing extension on the north end to serve sophomores, along with new classrooms to the east of the Phillips Field House. An attached freshman academy area for core classes was built between the ball field and the Bruin Field House. The estimated cost for these additions was $20.6 million, plus shared funding for furniture and technology upgrades where needed.

BHS Additions

Click rendering to enlarge; while the design process led to some improvements from this original concept, the basic elements and their locations are the same

Why expand BHS?

The district Long Range Facilities Planning Committee recommended expanding to grades 9-12 at the high school for multiple reasons.

  • It will reduce the number of school transitions for students within the Bartlesville school system, which is linked to improved student achievement.

  • It should open up more advanced coursework and electives to freshmen and sophomores.

  • It should eventually reduce operational costs by closing one of the four secondary school sites.

  • It will reduce transportation of students across town for routine athletics and fine arts practices and advanced coursework; 165 students were shuttled each day between the high school and mid-high in 2013.

BHS Footprint

Click image to enlarge

What will the expansions look like?

The campus is large enough to accommodate two more grades, via the following additions:


An attractive new cafeteria and commons area for all students will be constructed south of Custer Stadium. It will replace the current small, low, and windowless cafeteria under the main building, which will be converted into a weight room. Freshmen would have a separate lunch period from other students, while older students will still have the option of leaving campus for lunch. The new cafeteria and commons will have a large window wall and patio area adjoining the ball field, useful for after-hours functions, such as during athletic and other field events.

BHS Cafeteria and Commons

Click rendering to enlarge


Four additional science labs will be constructed at the north end of campus, tying into the existing science wing. Additional classrooms will be constructed east of the Phillips Field House above the new cafeteria, providing room for the core subjects to be departmentalized for grades 10-12 in different areas of the campus.

BHS South Addition

Click rendering to enlarge


Several large Oklahoma school districts have reported success in transitioning 9th graders to the high school environment by building separate freshman academies, where freshman attend their core classes while using other shared areas of campus such as the cafeteria, fine arts rooms, and gymnasiums. A separate area for freshman core classes will be constructed south of the new cafeteria, adjoining the Bruin Field House.

BHS Freshman Academy

Click rendering to enlarge

Per the results of a traffic study, the freshman academy will have its own pick-up and drop-off loop off Shawnee Avenue, which will be widened to provide additional pick-up parking for after school.

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