Scheduling/Curriculum Team Decisions: 10/29/2014

Post date: Oct 30, 2014 8:59:44 PM

The Transition Team for Scheduling/Curriculum met on October 29, 2014 and reached the following decisions:

  1. Sophomores closed campus for lunch

  2. 9-12 advisory/tutorial

  3. Financial Literacy – optional traditional class or TTCU’s online Foolproof Financial Literacy

  4. Maintain current support classes for math and English – Math Plus 9, Math Plus 10, and Literacy for Life

Various other topics were discussed without reaching final decisions, including possibly having sophomores at pre-enrollment select enough alternates to formulate a 7-period schedule for them if there were an unforeseen delay in the completion of the new buildings which required them to start the 2014-2015 school year at the Mid-High site.

The team's next meeting will be Tuesday, December 2, 2014; part of that meeting will to consider a new draft tentative schedule to implement a freshman lunch, sophomore lunch, 11-12 lunch, and tutorial/advisory periods for all grades.