Pachir Kathestós

Scroll down for an expression sheet, as well as doodles and more!

Image of a character with orange hair that alternates between long and short. Captioned "Pachir Kathestós." There are three pride flags in the corner: the genderfluid flag, bigender flag, and an asexual flag that switches from having the heteromantic heart and the lesbian heart. Text says, "she/her (long hair)" and "he/him (short hair)".

A shapeshifter that can turn into just about any creature from a wolf to a dragon... But has the same eyes no matter what, and often ends up being orange in color for whatever reason. Very rambunctious and is commonly a harbinger for chaos. First instinct usually is to bite unknown objects. Will pretty much protect friends (and anyone considered family) no matter what it takes.

(Here are the character sheets from the GIF at the top, which are a bit sharper than the GIF since they're still-images.)