Splatoon Characters

These are the "main" OCs for the Splatoon 2 arc! (Listed in order, kind of, because the more relevant characters are listed first.)

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After The Rush disbanded, Iodi became a freelancer—although she frequently teamed up with Eirik prior to Xythen's return to Inkopolis.

After the incident with the Octarians, Iodi volunteered to keep watch of Octo Valley with Agents 1 and 2 while Cap'n Cuttlefish and Agent 3 left to deal with... whatever their mission is. 

After Agent 1's disappearance, Iodi agrees with Agent 2's suspicion that the Octarians might be behind it. Because of what happened previously, Iodi is terrified of any kind of Octosniper, and she greatly dislikes anything with sharp teeth.

After the Great Zapfish is returned, Iodi runs into Grill and drags Xythen and Eirik into a training session at Grizzco, consequently befriending Grill and becoming a semi-regular employee at Grizzco. Absolutely hates Maws.


Having been absent from Inkopolis for a couple of years because he was traveling, Xythen returned to learn that everyone he knew had moved on to bigger things in life, leaving him struggling to catch up. 

He reconnected with Iodi upon his return, and she helped him get up-to-date with everything in Inkopolis. After a while, he started to become suspicious that she was keeping something from him, leading him to accidentally becoming semi-involved with the whole Octarian situation.

After the Great Zapfish is returned, he tags along with Iodi for some training at Grizzco, despite his dislike for Grill (whom Xythen refuses to trust because of the sketchiness of the situation in which they meet). 

Although Xythen knew Eirik while the latter was part of Team Nova (which was captained by Xythen's older sister), he has never really considered him a friend until recently.


Remained in Inkopolis despite Team Nova's fallout. Since he is still friends with Laureth, they often pair up for ranked battles, sometimes with Magnie and Calcie (who started doing Ranked after Team Sky Splash disbanded). 

Eirik became Iodi's source of friendship after Xythen started traveling, and became good friends with Xythen after he returned to Inkopolis. Sometimes does Turf Wars with them for leisure.

He's noticed Iodi becoming more secretive as of late, and after the "freak accident" that ripped off half her tentacle, he has started to grow more suspicious about her spontaneous disappearances.

After the Great Zapfish is returned, he's so relieved that Iodi seems back to her normal self that he winds up getting talked into doing a training session with her at Grizzco. He begrudgingly loves the Grizzco charger, knowing full and well that the modifications are illegal.


Grill seemingly appeared out of nowhere during the time Grizzco Industries started to get big, which isn't really a coincidence considering his high position at the company.

Highly adaptable due to his only battle experiences being against Salmonids in restricted areas with random supplied weapons. He has no "main" weapon, instead being decently proficient with all weapons. He hasn't truly mastered anything except Splat Bombs—which he tends to use more than any main weapon. His aim is scarily accurate and he can throw things quite a distance.

His background remains a mystery, but he apparently grew up in a small town near the coast that routinely had to drive off waves of Salmonids during Salmon Run seasons. The town no longer exists due to evacuation orders after the increasing danger posed by improvements of Salmonid technology. The area is part of a restricted zone.

Working Salmon Run shifts is practically the only thing he does, besides researching Salmonids—and doing the laundry so that the supplied gear is ready for each shift. 

Dedicated and hardworking, he is undyingly loyal to Grizzco and strives to meet Mr. Grizz's expectations and help Grizzco be the best company it can possibly be.


After the incident with the Octarians, Olive remains loyal to her role as Agent 3 and agrees to assist Cap'n Cuttlefish with a top-secret mission. However, in the middle of said mission, Olive is separated from Cap'n and proceeds to go off the radar.

Despite her "escape" to the surface, she has yet to disclose information about her background to anyone. According to Aica, Olive was raised as a spy for the Octarian army after some incident that left her in the care of the Octarians shortly after her birth.

Seeing as she was raised as if she were an octoling, Olive retains several habits that are unusual for inklings, such as her tendency to wake up early in the morning. Inklish is technically her second language.

Agent 8

A young octoling that lost his memories following a battle with Agent 3, waking up to find himself lost somewhere deep underground in the company of Craig Cuttlefish. Despite knowing he shouldn't trust inklings, there's something just not adding up...

Since his older sister is among the Elite in the Octarian ranks, it's been his dream to follow in her footsteps and fight by her side. He started training at a very young age, although he remembers little of the specifics after losing his memory. 

Because he doesn't remember his name, he goes by "Agent 8" and likes being called that—even after hearing his actual name for the first time since losing his memory.


A former member of the Octarian army, she is better known as "Cherry-Limeade" amongst her peers on the surface. She spent most of her time on the surface as an Octarian spy, but she escaped to the surface for good after hearing the Calamari Inkantation.

Because of her peculiar genetic makeup, she is capable of "disguising" herself as other creatures, although she typically prefers to sit in limbo with her appearance after being disguised as an inkling for so long. (She tends to avoid the term "mimic octo".)

She was close friends with Olive, as they were frequently deployed together and did a lot of their spy training together.

She tends to be conflict-avoidant and hates getting into arguments with anyone except Olive. Even though she has been on the surface for so long, she finds inkling culture fascinating and will copy just about any style or trend she sees in public.


An Elite octoling in the Octarian army, Aica was childhood friends with Olivynne and considered her a traitor after she never returned from the surface world. 

Despite having heard the Calamari Inkantation, Aica has remained underground, concealing her troubled thoughts from her peers in fear of being terminated.

After a large number of octolings start going missing, Aica decides she needs to formulate a plan to escape to the surface—but is stalled when she finds out that her brother has gone missing. Only then does she finally hear the rumors about some commotion on the Deep Sea Metro...