PS Crux Family

Astral Mimosa Crux

[ Age: 16 ] [ Birthday: June 17th ]

Astral is the youngest out of 4 siblings and the only redhead in his family. He's also the shortest child (at 6'3''), but not by much. Closest with Spence, seeing as they share a bedroom. He looks more like his dad than his mom, but he has his mom's green eyes.

He's a theater nerd and has a knack for mimicking/imitating almost any voice he hears. Was considered a dweeb back in middle school only to become one of the most popular kids upon entering high school.

Spence Imai Crux

[ Age: 17 ] [ Birthday: March 17th ]

Spence is the second-youngest in his family, and he's made people call him "Spence" instead of "Spencer" since he was three. Very close with Quinn and Astral. Tends to avoid social situations. He's the most athletic in the family, being on the diving team.

He's almost never seen without a book, despite having read almost every book in existence, including the dictionary. He has an almost unrealistic vocabulary. Can be a bit dense. He happens to have a crush on January Meses.

Tess Ga Crux

[ Age: 18 ] [ Birthday: July 14th ]

Tess is the only sister in the family, but she tends to push her brothers around more than they do with her. She's more of a "tough love" kind of person, but when she cares, it shows. She's the only sibling to have her own bathroom and loves to brag about it.

She's a huge history buff and constantly gets into politic debates with her dad. Had long hair in first grade before cutting it off. She's the only sibling to have been in a relationship, but she and her boyfriend broke up after dating for a year and a half.

Quinn A Crux

[ Age: 20 ] [ Birthday: February 20th ]

Quinn is the oldest sibling, and his siblings swear he's the favorite. He can process numbers as fast as a calculator, and he skipped eighth grade and then he graduated high school during the winter of his "sophomore" year. He lives at the college dorms.

He has a triple major under his belt, as well as a Bachelor’s of Science in Applied Physics, a combined Bachelor’s of Science and Master’s Degree in Mathematics. Is currently finishing his Master’s of Science Degree in Physics.

Estelle Crux

[ Age: 46 ] [ Birthday: June 21st ]

Estelle is the Crux family mother. She cares deeply for each of her children but has little say in nearly all family matters, seeing as her husband's word is law. Loves Rigel unconditionally despite his general lack of shown affection towards her.

She works as a genetic engineer, having interest in it due to being adopted and not knowing her biological parents. She is very quiet and seemingly unopinionated in most topics. She's rarely seen standing anywhere but beside her husband.

Rigel Crux

[ Age: 47 ] [ Birthday: April 25th ]

Rigel is the Crux family father. He has high expectations for his kids and often gets frustrated when they fall short. He met Estelle at his first job and married her after a few years. He is not very close with his own parents and has no siblings.

He works in astronomical computations and is frequently out of state on work trips. Despite his absence at times, he makes an effort to know everything that is going on in the lives of his children.