December 2021

It's really cool to see the progress that drawing comics can push you towards!

Down below are the images that are cropped into the chart here!

A crop from a board that I drafted back in January!

The original series-thumbnail that I drew in February!

Another board that probably looks more familiar, but I revised the draft back in March!

This was the draft from April that almost made me revisit the art style I wanted to use for the comic, but it's still just a draft that I added some color to because it made it easier to know what the outfit was doing.

A panel from the first episode (that I technically had to split into two parts because of the MB limit on Webtoon). May 10th was the start of the comic being published!

A panel from an episode that was drawn/posted in June! You can see I took more time with the background on this one and started using different lighting techniques.

This "panel" is still one of my favorites. The water effect turned out super nice and it was the first time I was really getting comfortable with the new coloring techniques that I taught myself to make things easier and cleaner.

This was just a sketch of some characters that do indeed become relevant, but the comic itself was in a hiatus during August and I was just trying to get used to having school, a job, AND a comic!

A panel from an update in September that I really like because you can see that I've picked up a lot of new skills and that the art looks a lot cleaner! Also I've gotten better at pretending that I can draw hands.

Okay look, this panel from October is just a classic.

This is actually an unfinished panel that I drew in November. But you can still see the progress, even though it's not a finished panel! Also jeez did I miss drawing Theta.

Another unfinished panel from December (this month) because the summary was to be posted so early in the month that I didn't exactly have any finished stuff to put in that space thanks to finals hitting just like the holiday season. (And I currently work in retail, soo...)