December 2020

From left to right, their names are James Hogganbeck, Doug Rally, Seth Seacat, and Aaron Silver. (The chameleon on James' shoulder is named Hooky.)

These boys hang in their "secret hideout" during lunch which is actually just the tech booth of the auditorium.

James is never seen without Hooky the chameleon, who usually is hanging out in a sleeve or even on James' head.

Doug is considered one of the "popular" guys at school despite the fact he doesn't really talk to anyone. It could be barely noon and he'll already have a five-o'clock shadow.

Seth has an identical twin named Kody but they hang with their separate friend groups. They live in the same neighborhood as Lam (see last upload).

Literally no one knows anything about Aaron even though he basically knows everything about everyone, including full names, school schedules, birthdays, and blood types. He is 1000% deadpan at pretty much all times.