Sustained Investigation 2018-2019

Looking Back to Move Forward

Pen and white-out.

It's Difficult to Describe What's On My Mind...

Pen, marker, and white-out.

Telepaths Must Hate Me

Pencil, pen, and an white-out.

Erasing More Than Lines

Pencil, pen, and an eraser.

Talking to No One?

Pencil, pen, colored pencil, and marker.

I Never Really Liked Earth, Anyways

Liquid glue, marker, colored pencil, and pen.

The Road LEAST Traveled

Pencil, colored pencil, pen, and marker.

Why Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve?

Pencil, colored pencil, marker, and pen.

Swords and Bombs are Smaller than Me, Too

Pen, colored pencil, and marker.

It's Hard Being the Third Wheel on a Unicycle

Pen and watercolor.

OCD ≠ Clean Freak

Toothpaste/food coloring and pen.

Multiple Solutions

Pencil, colored pencil, Copic marker, Sharpie markers, and ink pen on Bristol paper.