Relict radiation (physics)

This article was written by Vladimir Gorunovich for this site and a site "Wikiznanie".

Background space microwave radiation or historical relict radiation — a space electromagnetic radiation coming not from Universe stars, with a range characteristic for absolutely black body with temperature of 2,725 To and with high degree of an isotropy is more correct. The maximum of radiation is the share of frequency of 160,4 GHz that corresponds to a wavelength of 1,9 mm.

Existence of background space (relict) radiation was predicted theoretically within a hypothesis of the Big Bang. Within this hypothesis it is supposed that relict radiation remained from the initial stages of existence of the Universe and evenly it fills. Along with cosmological red shift, background space (relict) radiation is considered by a part of physicists as one of confirmations of a hypothesis of the Big Bang.

Now the physics argues about existence at background space (relict) radiation of other sources, distinct from the Big Bang. Therefore the historical name of this radiation improperly reflects its nature and misleads. About it says also that fact that existence of "Big Bang" in the history of the Universe is rejected now by physics, as not corresponding to the nature and its laws.

Existence of background space (relict) radiation is experimental was confirmed in 1965.


    • 1 Background space (relict) radiation and hypothesis of the Big Bang

    • 2 Background space (relict) radiations and field theory

    • 3 Background space (relict) radiations and classical electrodynamics

    • 4 Background space (relict) radiation and law of conservation of energy

  • 5 Natural sources of background space radiation

    • 6 Result

1. Background space (relict) radiation and hypothesis of the Big Bang

According to a hypothesis of the Big Bang, the early Universe represented the hot plasma consisting of protons, neutrons, electrons and photons (i.e. from the baryons, one of leptons and photons). Is affirms that thanks to Compton recoil the photons are constantly cooperated with other particles of plasma (protons, neutrons and electrons), testing with them resilient collisions and exchanging energy. Thus, radiation should be in a condition of a temperature balance with substance, and its range to correspond to a range of absolutely black body.

In process of the Big Bang of expansion of the Universe assumed by a hypothesis, cosmological red shift (as it is supposed) should cause plasma cooling, and at a fixed stage it should become energetically more preferable to electrons, to incorporate to protons (Hydrogenous cores) and alpha particles (helium cores), and to create atoms. This process is called as a recombination. It could happen at plasma temperature about 3000 To and expected approximate age of the Universe of 400 000 years. From this point photons as it is supposed, ceased to dissipate already neutral atoms and could move loosely in space, practically without cooperating with substance. The observable sphere corresponding to this moment, in a hypothesis of the Big Bang is called as a surface of the last scattering. It is supposed that it is the most remote object which can be observed in an electromagnetic range. As a result of further prospective expansion of the Universe radiation temperature decreased and now makes 2,725 To. (Data are taken from Wikipedia and a little finished).

And now there is some criticism from the point of view of physics.

Neutrons ("baryons" hidden behind the formulation) are unstable elementary particles and after time (about 1000 seconds), each neutron will break up to a proton, an electron and an electronic antineutrino. Thus, this "cocktail" should consist of protons, electrons, photons and electronic antineutrinos. In the course of neutron disintegration an electronic antineutrino as the elementary particle possessing the least rest-mass, will take away the considerable proportion of energy of disintegration. Then as a result of collisions in intergalactic space with other antineutrino both particles will pass to excited states with the subsequent radiation of low power photons - background space radiation. So ignorance by a hypothesis of the Big Bang of laws of the nature doesn't release this hypothesis from their action.

And from protons and electrons it turns out - only Hydrogenous. The hydrogen Universe at which "relict" radiation there should be spectrum lines of Hydrogenous as a result should turn out. To atoms of helium to be created there is nothing if not to resort to stars and their thermonuclear reactions. But then 400 000 years taken away by a hypothesis for education by stars of helium will appear apparently insufficiently.

Nobody proved Universe expansion is only the assumption based on unilateral interpretation of red shift in favor of a Doppler effect and ignoring of interactions of elementary particles. Also is the fairy tale the statement that in 400 000 years photons could move loosely in space, practically without cooperating with substance. Here forgot about the antineutrinos which have turned out as a result of disintegration of neutrons, and about photon-neutrino interactions ignored by standard model. Also forgot about interactions of antineutrinos. And, at last, the physics didn't find proofs of that in the history of the Universe there was a Big Bang.

Now why so it turned out, or is more exact, why instead of the theory of the Big Bang is the inaccurate hypothesis turned out.

In physics it is necessary to be extremely careful in a choice of the base of the developed theory. Having put in the base of the developed theory inaccurate standard model, authors went on an insecure way and created an inaccurate hypothesis. And in it not their wine that believed with sweet voice speeches of supporters of standard model - and their trouble. It was necessary to ask at first a question: instead of whether too there is a lot of at standard model of the arbitraries parameters perfectly used for a trimming under new experimental data. And if still to pay attention to a manipulation nature laws - that everything becomes clear. But New physics then yet wasn't and it was necessary to take that was - standard model.

So the mistake in a base choice naturally led to inaccurate result. All this is obvious to physics, but it is possible for a cosmology in a novelty. And if so - that the cosmology has to pass a course in respect of laws of the nature with the rigorous teacher under the name "Nature" as it was in due time with physics. The truth it is necessary to note that the small part of physics (elementary particle physics) with persistence, worthy the best application, tries to operate the law of conservation of energy contrary to the nature. And that from this prank it turned out - now it is well visible: fantastic "theories".

Thus, the background space radiation called by mistake "relict", wasn't created by the Big Bang and it should have in the nature other sources.

2. Background space (relict) radiation and field theory

The field theory of elementary particles as one of sources of background space (relict) radiation offers interactions of a neutrino (antineutrino), in huge quantities let out by stars. As the neutrino thanks to its extreme ease (no more 0,052эВ) is carried away an essential part of energy of thermonuclear fusion, they move with relativistic velocities and with ease leave not only star system, but also a galaxy. Facing in intergalactic space a neutrino from other stars, elementary particles pass to excited states. Then after fixed time exited neutrinos pass to conditions with smaller energy with emission of low-energy photons. Thus radiation of photons occurs in intergalactic space. Thus, illusion of emergence of an electromagnetic radiation from anything (apparent violation of the law of conservation of energy) or from the remote past (Big Bang) is created.

The following source of background space radiation is photon interaction with a neutrino. Photons of a light, ultraviolet or infra-red range, having faced a neutrino, give it small, but distinct from zero a part of the energy. Thereof on the one hand the neutrino passes to excited state with the subsequent emission of quantum of microwave radiation, and energy of a facing photon on the other hand falls - i.e. red shift is created. Therefore, the mechanism of formation of red shift is one of sources of background space radiation.

One more source of background space radiation is reactions of an annihilation of pairs of elementary particles is an annihilation of pair of "neutrino antineutrino", here it is possible to add also to electron positron steam.

Thus, background space (relict) radiation should include an electromagnetic radiation of exited neutrinos (antineutrino), upon their transitions to conditions with smaller energy. Today the physics is unable to measure neither a rest-mass of an electronic and muonic neutrino, nor energy of their excited states. Whether therefore the physics can't unequivocally tell today is background space (relict) radiations generally result of collisions of a neutrino, or it has still other essential components.

3. Background space (relict) radiation and classical electrodynamics

Classical electrodynamics argues that any electromagnetic radiation including background space (relict) radiation can be created only under condition of obligatory implementation of laws of an electromagnetism, and also other laws of the nature. This radiation can be created by only electromagnetic fields of elementary particles, or their connections (atoms, molecules, ions, etc.). Thus created radiation will always cooperate with electromagnetic fields of other elementary particles and irrespective of "a stage of creation of the Universe". - If there is a Universe that, therefore, there is also Universe laws, including electromagnetism laws, as an integral part of the Universe.

Cooling of the plasma being in a temperature balance is possible only in that case if the drop energy is spent, for example, for education new particle antiparticle steam. But then together with substance the antimatter with all that it implies and future universal cataclysms will be created also. And expansion of the Universe is necessary be not to postulating, and to prove.

In article the Big Bang contradictions of a classical electrodynamics and a hypothesis of the Big Bang were shown. Therefore, background space (relict) radiation should have natural sources, distinct from the Big Bang.

4. Background space (relict) radiation and law of conservation of energy

According to the law of conservation of energy (continuing to operate in the nature) the electromagnetic radiation (which background space radiation concerns also) can't be created from forms of energy not existing in the nature as a result of a hypothetical Big Bang, and also as a result of hypothetical quantum fluctuations in vacuum. Background space radiation should have natural sources, for example: interactions, reactions and transformations of elementary particles (radiated by stars).

5 Natural sources of background space radiation

As the physics rejects possibility of the Big Bang, background space radiation can't be relict radiation. Therefore, background space radiation should have natural sources.

To number of possible natural sources of background space radiation of the physicist offers the following sources:

    • radiations of exited neutrinoes (both electronic, and muonic),

    • reaction of an annihilation of pair of electronic neutrinoes antineutrinoes,

    • decomposition reactions of a muonic neutrino in electronic with emission of photons (neytrinny oscillations),

    • radiations of separate atoms or molecules,

    • radiations of molecules of neytrinny gas (the bound states from several electronic neutrinoes).

At this neutrino will pass to excited states both from collision with other neutrino, and from passing through a neutrino of photons visible, ultraviolet, infra-red and other ranges for which energy of a photon surpasses size of excitation energy of a neutrino. That source of exaltation of a neutrino is also light going from remote galaxies, i.e. red shift.

6. Result

The background space microwave radiation historically (by mistake) called by the relict should have natural sources. Neutrino interactions belong to one of such sources.

As a whole it is necessary to investigate explicitly all range of background space radiation (in all frequency range, without being limited to microwave frequencies) and to define its components, and also their possible sources, instead of to be engaged in writing of new bible fairy tales already about Universe creation. For any "scientific" fairy tales there is a fine place in children's literature if certainly the last doesn't want to give them a kick under the back as it was made recently, and the physics will continue to do.

Vladimir Gorunovich