New physics

It is article wire transfer "Новая физика" for this site and a site "Wikiznanie" by Vladimir Gorunovich.

New physics – the direction, in theoretical physics arisen in the second half of the twentieth century owing to comprehension a part of physicists of an inaccuracy of standard model and separate provisions of a quantum theory. Well and as the overwhelming majority of physicists continued to adhere to standard model – works on creation of new physics remained in the shadow up to 2010.

In new physics it is possible to allocate two in essence differing directions:

    • Attempt to modify standard model or refusal of standard model at preservation of domination of a quantum theory – physics outside of standard model;

    • Withdrawal, both from standard model, and from a quantum theory – is the new physics (outside of a quantum theory and standard model).


    • 1 Physics outside of standard model

    • 2 New physicists outside of a quantum theory and standard model

    • 2.1 New physics and wave theory

    • 2.2 New physics and field theory

1. Physics outside of standard model

The theories lying outside of standard model (but continuing to remain within a quantum theory), include various expansions of standard model (the minimum super symmetric standard model following for minimum super symmetric standard model), or new theories (the theory of strings, the M-theory, etc.).

The matter is that standard model:

    • can't explain neutrino oscillations, asymmetry of a matter and an anti-matter, an origin of a dark matter,

    • has a divergence with the common relativity theory,

    • doesn't include gravitation,

    • enters the particles not found in the nature (quarks, gluons, Higgs's boson),

    • enters fundamental interactions not existing in the nature (weak, electroweak, strong),

    • unsubstantially attributes to ordinary elementary particles (routinely vector mesons) ability to be carriers of fundamental interactions in violation of the law of conservation of energy (invariance bosons),

    • is possesses big ability to a trimming under experimental data.

Summarizing all these shortcomings it is difficult to carry standard model to achievements of a science – rather standard model falls into to the world of mathematical fairy tales in physics.

2. New physics outside of a quantum theory and standard model

The part of physicists was undertaken by attempts to depart from a quantum theory, seeing in it a root of errors dominating in physics. So quantum theory argues that interactions in the nature have discrete character and are transferred by means of carriers of interactions – quant. But the nature didn't create carriers of interactions necessary for a quantum theory. And then the quantum theory was compelled to become for a path of mathematical manipulations over nature laws. So on the basis of a principle of indeterminacy of Heisenberg there was a statement that the law of conservation of energy can be broken on the size ∆E for the period of ∆t.

Understanding that laws of the nature should operate always, the part of physicists was undertaken by attempts to find other answers to a structure of elementary particles, outside the limits of a quantum theory.

2.1. New physics and wave theory

One of the directions of new physics (which it is possible to consider historically as the first) is the wave theory of a structure of elementary particles (see Alemanov S. B. works). Undoubtedly, this theory is a step to a right direction. If in due time it was supported by other physics and stopped monopoly for truth from a quantum theory and its standard model – now in textbooks of physics another would be written absolutely. Probably, the beginning channelized in physics actively to develop – but the physics went other path and now there is other escaping of current situation.

2.2. New physics and field theory

At the beginning of the twentieth century the fissile attempts to build the unified field theory became. But these attempts didn't crown success, and gradually channelized in physics faded into the background. Many physicists came over to the side of a quantum theory promising success.

But ideas of the beginning of the twentieth century weren't forgotten. They have the development in the seventies. Then attempt to unite for collaboration a classical electrodynamics with not contradicting it a part of a quantum mechanics on the basis of domination of the fundamental law of the nature – the law of conservation of energy that allowed receiving the correct range of elementary particles was made.

It became clear that this join should become the base for the field theory of elementary particles. Potent development of computer aids rendered the invaluable help, in creation of the field theory, having given the chance to glance by means of computers in inside elementary particles.

The first and second parts of the field theory of elementary particles, appeared in 2011, became property of mankind in many respects thanks to the Internet.

It was possible to the field theory of elementary particles:

    • to receive the correct range of all elementary particles and their excited states (resonances)

    • to find the mechanism of education and quantization of electric charge of elementary particles

    • to explain the nature of nuclear forces

    • to explain, why elementary particles possess not only corpuscular, but also wave properties

    • to explain, the rest-mass of elementary particles and of what it consists from where undertakes

    • to find, how constant magnetic fields of elementary particles are formed

    • to explain that represent fields of elementary particles in a near zone

    • to find the true sizes of elementary particles

    • to explain that underlies the mechanism of random behavior of elementary particles («game of god in roulette»)

    • to explain, why almost all elementary particles are unstable

    • and many other things.

Moreover the field theory of elementary particles can be considered as further development of the wave direction in physics and consequently also a wave theory of a structure of elementary particles.

Thus, ideas of physicists-theorists of the beginning of the twentieth century (a little modified) found the embodiment in the twenty first century – Albert Einstein's hopes of the future generations came true.

Now it is clear that elementary particles consist of an electromagnetic field, and no quarks and gluons in the nature are present is and it is possible to consider as one of results of the field theory of elementary particles, and together with it and new physics.