Gluons, confinement

Physical fairy tale - error in the physicist: GLUONS, CONFINEMENT

As it routinely happens one "scientific" fairy tale generates others. Inventing quarks not existing in the nature, it was necessary to invent still particles with which help they co-operate (gluons), and also the mechanism keeping quarks in a elementary particle (confinement).

Let's begin with gluons. First, quarks should exchange the virtual gluons - well and it contradicts laws of the nature and not only to one law of conservation of energy. Secondly, the number of elementary particles and antiparticles with size of a spin to equal unit, according to the field theory of elementary particles, is equal twenty and it only for particles in the basic (unexcited) condition - and if to take also excited states we receive infinity. Understand how many from the infinite number of candidates it is possible to pick up gluons - too the infinite number but then what for it is so much to the nature? The answer one - is no need, gluons too are not necessary to the nature.

Now about confinement. As quarks in the free kind were not found out in the nature, at any energies there was a necessity to invent the mechanism interfering their occurrence - confinement. The matter is that all known interactions in the nature weaken with distance increase between particles - and here it was required to invent the interaction increasing with increase of distance. For this purpose gluons allocated with ability to create other gluons - in it and the essence confinement consists. One lies inevitably generated another. As you understand nature laws here at all and. Such if one may say so "sciences" above any validity - if the law of conservation of energy stirs interests, what for with it to be considered.

I already said that the PRESENT THEORY NECESSARILY SHOULD OPERATE Within the limits of NATURE LAWS including law of conservation of energy - differently it will be not a science and a set of fairy tales that we and see.

Vladimir Gorunovich
