Civilian Engagements

  • Civilians or civilian organizations in possession of contraband (e.g: firearms, medical supplies, etc.) will face immediate amputation (killed).

  • Civilians may be detained and prosecuted if they are found non-compliant to orders.

  • Civilians may be asked to leave a capture point or the base border with a minimum of five seconds as a countdown. If they haven't left the premises by that time, they may be either arrested or shot on sight. The same ordeal applies to civilian verbally or physically harassing units on the field.

  • C.W.U (Civil Workers' Union) are the only civilian organization that are allied to the Universal Union. The C.W.U are usually identified by their designated CWU clothing. C.W.U (for those curious of what other clothes they can wear)

  • Civilians cannot be ID checked as they do not have ID Cards, but C.W.U do. C.W.U should always be ID checked if in the base.

  • In the event of a C.W.U member is found to be conspiring with the Lambda Resistance cells, they may be shot on sight, arrest if possible.

  • As C.W.U is merely a civilian organization loyal to the Universal Union, their opinions value more than a regular civilian. However, it is up to the unit whether should they solve a C.W.U member's request or not outside of base premises. Same ordeal applies to inside base premises.

  • C.W.U are granted Clearance Level 1 access to the Nexus.