Division: EOW

Commander: Berd

Description: The less-common long-ranged variant of Elite Overwatch, the EOWA are comprised of heavily augmented and sterilized human females. They utilize a anti-materiel semi-automatic sniper rifle that can decimate rebels at long-range or short range, if used in either way, and an MP5 as a secondary option for quick close-quarter combat.

Background Lore

The Assassins were originally a mothballed idea for Universal Union troops until the rise of Resistance forces in Sector 61 and 17, as well as the level of military assets they field. The new Assassins were brought back into the fold alongside those previously decommissioned in stasis pods and have mostly been deployed in Sector 61, where they are needed the most.

Unique Ranking Structure:

Alongside it's specialization the EOWA also possess a unique ranking system separate from Union standards (though with comparable rankings included), it is as follows:

Enlisted - Striker (09-07)

Enlisted - Spear (06-04)

NCO - Apex (03-01)

NCO - Vice (EpU-SqL)

CmD - Commander

